Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 332 The standard of the state banquet

Chapter 332 The standard of the state banquet

After listening to Lao Zhao's words, Yang Jun knew the whole story.

He is not the kind of unreasonable person, and naturally he will not do anything that makes things difficult for others.

According to Lao Zhao's character, he will never compromise.

If it weren't for his son, he wouldn't have cooked in that place for three years.

He knew everything about that yard and what kind of place it was, but he had no choice. If it weren't for repaying his kindness, he wouldn't want to stay there for a day.

"Master Zhao, I'm sorry, I took the liberty."

Yang Jun bowed to him.

This gift was not a tribute to his cooking skills or his character, but to a father's heavy paternal love for his son.

This gift is a tribute to all parents in the world who care about their children.

"Young man, don't worry about this. If you want to blame us, just blame us for not having this fate."

Lao Zhao waved his hands, looking calm and calm.

"Yes, Master Zhao."

While the two were talking, Master Zhao started cooking.

The first dish he cooked was boiled cabbage.

Yang Jun had heard of this dish a long time ago, but had never tasted it. Today, he finally opened his eyes to it.

The 'boiling water' in boiled cabbage is not real boiling water, but chicken soup that has been carefully cooked through multiple complex processes. It is simmered until the soup is thick in flavor and clear in color, and then the tenderest cabbage heart is selected for cooking.

This dish looks ordinary at first glance, but when you eat it, it is fresh, delicious and delicious.

Just eight cabbage hearts were used to make this dish. Looking at the cabbage gangs scattered on the ground next to him, Yang Jun felt that it was worth it.

Lao Zhao is responsible for cooking. Whenever a dish is prepared, Yang Jun will bring it to the restaurant.

In fact, he didn't bring it to the restaurant at all, but directly put it into the space. While the food was still hot, he put it in the space for copying. In the future, whenever he wanted to eat, he could have hot meals at any time.

"Master Zhao, your craftsmanship is good."

Yang Jun came back from the restaurant and gave him a thumbs up.

He took a bite just now, and it tasted like the legendary delicacy. The chefs at the state banquet were extraordinary. In this comparison, the cooking skills of Shazhu and Nanyi were comparable to those of Lao Zhao. One was in the sky and the other was in the earth.

"It's not worth mentioning. I have made this dish countless times. I can make it with my eyes closed."

Lao Zhao said lightly.

The next step is to cook the next dish in another pot.

The second course was braised lion head.

The lion's head was prepared in the morning. Now we only need to fry it in hot oil, remove it to control the oil, add various ingredients and stir-fry, and finally pour the soup on it.

There are a few lettuce leaves spread under the plate, four red lion heads are placed on top, and some chopped green onions are sprinkled on top. It makes people salivate just looking at it.

Lion head is also called Sixi meatballs and is usually used to entertain distinguished guests at the main banquet.


Following Master Zhao's shout, Yang Jun quickly went over and took the lion's head away.

The next dish is called squirrel mandarin fish.

First, cut the mandarin fish into a flower shape, which looks like a squirrel. Deep-fry it in a pan until it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Use starch and tomato paste and other seasonings to thicken the soup into a thick and sweet and sour soup, and then add minced garlic cloves.Stir-fry diced mushrooms, shrimps, etc. together, add the sauce and thicken over high heat, then pour it on the fried fish. This dish is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It is sweet and sour, full of fragrance and very delicious.

Every time Master Zhao makes a dish, Yang Jun always takes a bite and then puts it into the space.


Master Zhao also made Kung Pao Chicken, Wensi Tofu, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Dongpo Pork, White-cut Chicken, Fish-flavored Shredded Pork, Jade Shrimp, Four Treasures of Abalone Sauce, Mushroom Stewed Chicken, Couple's Lung Slices, Pepper Chicken, and Pumpkin. Jelly, saliva chicken, spicy local chicken, cold stir-fried crucian carp...

As the last beef balls with sauce came out of the pot, Yang Jun quickly helped Master Zhao to sit down on a chair when he looked at Master Zhao who was shaking from exhaustion.

"Master Zhao, you are tired. Have a cup of tea and rest."

Yang Jun poured a cup of cold dishes and handed it over.

"Hey, old man, if I had left it alone, let alone these 24 dishes, I would even cook all [-] dishes for the state banquet without feeling tired."

Lao Zhao beat his swollen legs as he stood.

"You are getting stronger as time goes by, and your cooking skills remain as good as before."

"It's no longer possible. I'm an old man. My hands and eyes can no longer keep up with the heat. I can't cook many dishes to the original level." Old Zhao shook his head.

Yang Jun knew in his heart that Lao Zhao was right.

If he were ten years younger, his cooking skills would be even better. But now that his hands and feet are not very good, his speed of cooking and cooking are not as fast as before, and the quality of the dishes he cooks is definitely not as good as when he was at his peak.

However, even so, Yang Jun felt that his cooking skills were amazing.

Seeing Lao Zhao beating his legs and rubbing his wrists for a while, Yang Jun couldn't bear it. He couldn't bear to see him still cooking at such an old age, so he said,
"Master Zhao, how about... I help you talk about terminating this three-year agreement. Don't worry, they will definitely give me this face."

"No no no, please don't."

Old Zhao took Yang Jun and patted his hand and said: "I know you have this ability, but don't do this. I, Old Zhao, have been a cook all my life. I am a person just like cooking. I will never cheat. The important thing is to be clean and honest, and not to go back on your promises to others halfway."

"Thank you, young man. You don't have to worry about me. The agreed time will be up in three months, and I will be able to retire completely by then."

"Okay, Master Zhao, I respect your choice. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to me at any time."

Yang Jun did not persuade him any more. He knew that people like Lao Zhao must have their own principles of life. If he continued to persuade him, it would be an insult to his dignity.

"Okay, I, Lao Zhao, would like to thank you in advance."

When Lao Zhao heard this, his eyes turned red, as if he felt Yang Jun's sincerity.

Lao Zhao rested for a while, looked at it was getting late, and was ready to go back.

Before leaving, Yang Jun wanted to bring him the remaining ingredients, but when he thought of Lao Zhao's temper, he finally gave up.

He went back to the house, and when he came out, he had an extra bag of tea in his hand.

"Master Zhao, I have nothing to thank you. You can take this good tea back and try it." "This... I'll accept it then. Thank you."

Lao Zhao originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Yang Jun's sincere face, he was afraid of letting him down, so he finally accepted it.

Seeing that he accepted it, Yang Jun felt relieved.

That bag of tea contained not only a pound of tea, but also 20 yuan.

Although Lao Zhao was sent by Wang Guozheng to help him cook, he still had to express himself.

He dared not give money in person for fear of being rejected.

"Young man, I think you are a nice person."

After walking a few steps, Lao Zhao turned around and said, "If you still want to eat my cooking next time, how about I ask my son to come over and cook it for you?"

"Okay, Master Zhao, then... then I thank you."

When Yang Jun heard this, he was overwhelmed with joy.

I was worried about how I would get a meal from the state banquet chef in the future, but I didn’t expect that Lao Zhao personally proposed it.

Since Lao Zhao recommended his son to him, he must have inherited his son's cooking skills.

"My son is also a cook in the State Guesthouse. When he takes a break, I will ask him to come over and cook for you."

When Yang Jun heard this, he grinned happily behind his ears.

Lao Tzu is a hero and a hero.

Anyone who can work as a cook in a state hotel must have good skills.

"Thank you. Please notify me in advance so that I can send a car to pick up your son."

"Okay, that's it."

After Lao Zhao finished speaking, he waved and left.

Looking at Lao Zhao's hunched back, Yang Jun was filled with emotions.

I was originally at the age when I had a grandchild to care for, but in order to repay my kindness, I am still running around and working hard.

However, to be able to taste Lao Zhao's cooking skills, Yang Jun felt that today was worth it. Thinking about the 24 dishes in the space, he couldn't help but take them out and try them now.

In the end, he held back.

Just as he was about to turn around and go back, he saw his second uncle Yang Dong and Ma Sanpao coming back from outside.

Looking at their tired appearance, they probably went shopping again.

Since the two of them came to Sijiu City, they would go out for a walk every day after having a good meal and not come back until dinner time.

This is Yang Dong's second visit to Sijiucheng. Compared with Ma Sanpao, he has more bragging rights.

"Junzi, I'm sorry, you've already got off work, and I haven't cooked yet." Ma Sanpao looked guilty.

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ran home.

"Uncle Ma, don't worry, there's still a while until you get off work."

Ma Sanpao didn't know that Yang Jun didn't go to work today, thinking that he came back late and missed cooking time.

"Hey, Junzi, what's going on?"

As soon as he entered the kitchen, Ma Sanpao saw the ingredients on the chopping board and various soup stocks in the pot.

"Oh, Uncle Ma, it's like this. I treated guests to dinner at noon and found a cook to help make a meal."

"Look at you, what are you saying? You're going to treat me to dinner. Tell your uncle in advance. If I had known this, I wouldn't have gone out and wandered around."

"It's okay, Uncle Ma, the guest brought his own cook."

Yang Jun had to lie.

He was afraid that Ma Sanpao would think too much and think that he had fired Ma Xiangxiu and hired another cook.

Ma Sanpao didn't want to lose this job because his daughter had a baby, otherwise, he wouldn't be busy for her these days.

"Oh, that's right."

Ma Sanpao nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought Yang Jun was going to change the cook, which shocked him.

"I'll cook right away. You guys can rest outside first."

Ma Sanpao put on his apron and started cooking.

There are many unused ingredients on the chopping board that Lao Zhao has not used up. These ingredients have been processed and he only needs to process them.

Ma Sanpao smelled the soup in the pot and said with his tongue: "Junzi, this cook is quite good. It's not easy for the soup to boil to this point."

"Yes, this cook's skills are not bad."

Yang Jun simply responded with a few words.

In fact, he was so happy that a wild man actually commented on the chef of someone else's state hotel, and he was not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue. Needless to say, someone else's cooking skills.


Ma Sanpao took a sip of the broth with a spoon, and his expression changed: "This cook is definitely an expert. Without 30 years of skills, he would never be able to make such a broth."

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that Ma Sanpao was also a master and could guess the chef's skills.

I really underestimated him before, thinking he was just a half-baked cook in the countryside, but I didn't expect he had such insight.

"It's not bad, the cook is only about seventy years old."

When Ma Sanpao heard this, he rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

Is it okay for you to call a cook who is over 70 years old?
Forget it, don't make yourself uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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