Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 320 I think you are the most suitable

Chapter 320 I think you are the most suitable

A group of people set out to propose marriage.

On the way, Yang Jun took out eggs from his pocket.

Peel the skin off and take a bite.

Well, it was quite choking, Yang Jun almost couldn't breathe.

The eggs were overcooked.

The eggs should be boiled under cold water, and the best time is twelve minutes. If you want to eat sweet eggs, ten to ten to eleven minutes is best. If you want to eat them dry, like now, the best time is 1 minutes.

Obviously, Zhou Miaomiao is not as good as Ma Xiangxiu in cooking.

Although Ma Xiangxiu's cooking skills are not as good as those of a chef, they are at least palatable. Zhou Miaomiao's cooking is no different from that of ordinary housewives. They are all budget-conscious and pay attention to not wasting food.

In the past few days, Yang Jun ate the food she cooked until he vomited. Fortunately, he usually took out meals from the space to reward himself.

"Lao Yang, do you still have eggs to eat?"

Wang Erwa said in surprise.

"You didn't eat in the morning?" Yang Jun asked.

"What a waste. It was so busy in the morning, and none of us in the security department went to eat."

"Come on, stop complaining, don't you just want to eat eggs?"

Yang Jun took out three eggs from his pocket and handed them to him with a smile.

He only packed four in total, ate one himself, and gave the rest to him.

This kind of eggs is too choking. He can't get used to it and would rather go hungry than eat it.

"You drive."

Regardless of whether Yang Juntong agreed or not, Wang Erwa parked the car directly on the side of the road and the two exchanged positions.

Yang Jun shook his head speechlessly. He originally wanted to squint for a while, but now it seems he can't.

The car soon arrived at Xiaoli Village.

Since Li Sanjiang was coming to propose marriage today, Li Lixin notified Li Mingliang in advance to ask his sister and brother to wait at home.

As soon as the car entered the village, a large group of people gathered around Li Mingliang's house.

These people are old and young, male and female, but most of them have smiles on their faces.

Yang Jun and his party saw this group of people far away, and everyone's hearts suddenly sank.

It was originally a simple marriage proposal, but so many people gathered at once, and it was obvious at first glance that something was going on.

Several people were worried about changes in Li Sanjiang's marriage, and their hearts were in their throats.

After the car stopped, a group of people gathered around.

The leader was an old man in his 50s. He held a pipe in his hand and bent over the cars to look inside.

Until he saw Li Sanjiang who was missing one leg, he quickly stretched out his hand and said with a smile,
"You are Li Sanjiang, right?"

Li Sanjiang shook hands with him and asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, my name is Li Dongsheng, and I am Li Caijuan's second uncle. Didn't you come to propose marriage today? As an elder, I have to come out to receive you."

Li Dongsheng put the cigarette in his waist, personally helped Li Sanjiang open the door, and tried to support him.

Seeing Li Dongsheng's attitude, everyone felt relieved.

They were really scared.

I'm afraid that something will happen to Li Sanjiang's marriage again. If something happens again, let alone them, Li Sanjiang may not even think about going on a blind date in the future.

"Hello, second uncle. I came in a hurry today and didn't bring any expensive gifts. Please accept this kindness."

Li Sanjiang quickly handed over the gift Cui Hongying pushed to him.

"Oh, we're going to be a family soon, why are you so polite?"

Li Dongsheng looked at the bag of snacks and fruits, his eyelids twitching.

He has been a farmer all his life and has never seen such a rich gift. He sighed that city people are very particular.

Li Dongsheng held something in his hand, turned around and said to Li Mingliang behind him,
"Mingliang, don't be stunned, hurry up and carry your brother-in-law home."

"Okay, second uncle."

Li Mingliang ran over happily, bent down and called out: "Brother-in-law, I will carry you."

"You...are you Mingliang? No need to carry it, I can do it myself."

Li Sanjiang blushed and took out his crutches from the car.

In fact, the two of them were quite embarrassed.
It used to be a love rival relationship, but now it's a brother-in-law and brother-in-law relationship.

It's just fate that makes people fall apart. The two of them can only put aside their past grudges and recognize their current relationship.

Fortunately, all the embarrassment was resolved, Li Sanjiang immediately became Li Mingliang's brother-in-law, and all the previous grudges were wiped out. From then on, they were a family.

Li Sanjiang is most afraid that others will treat him as a special group of people. He always feels that they look down on him. Even Yang Jun and Ji Demin do not dare to help rashly.

Fortunately, Li Mingliang didn't know his rules, and he didn't care about them. If it had happened to others, he would probably have driven them away with a cane.

Li Sanjiang put the crutches on the ground, slowly moved his buttocks down, and then stood up.

In order to prove to Li Mingliang's family that he was not a waste, he deliberately took two steps forward.

"Everyone, stop standing around and go home to rest."

Li Dongsheng saw that everyone was focusing on Li Sanjiang, and in order to resolve the embarrassment, he quickly moved everyone home.

"Yes, please come inside. Herbal tea has been prepared for a long time." Li Mingliang agreed.

Everyone then went home one after another.

Yang Jun deliberately walked behind and looked around.

He hadn't seen Li Caijuan in the noisy half-day just now, and he felt a faint worry in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly found Li Caijuan hiding behind the door of his house, looking at Li Sanjiang with a pair of pretty eyes.

It's no wonder, after all, the two of them will live together in the future, so she naturally wants to see what Li Sanjiang looks like, whether his leg is severely disabled, and whether he can take care of himself in life.

When she saw Li Sanjiang getting out of the car, although she didn't dare to say that his gait was vigorous, it didn't affect his walking at all, and he was not the kind of person who couldn't take care of himself.

At this moment, her hanging heart was relieved.

Seeing Li Sanjiang and his party coming this way, she hurriedly ran back to the house.

There is a table in the yard, and on the table are more than a dozen teas that have been dried.

The tea is high in foam. Looking at it, I don’t know where it came from.

The table was too small to accommodate so many people. Except for Li Sanjiang and Ji Demin, Yang Jun and others could only stand on the edge.

"Silly woman, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and move the stool for the distinguished guest."

At this time, Li Dongsheng yelled at the woman on the side who grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh...oh, here it comes."

The woman was stunned for a moment after being yelled at. After she came to her senses, she immediately went to move a stool into the house.

If the guess is correct, that woman should be Li Dongsheng's wife, Li Mingliang's second aunt.

However, she ran out not long after entering the house.

"Master, we don't have any more stools." "You won't go to your neighbor's house to borrow one?"

Li Dongsheng was so angry with his mother-in-law that he almost took off his shoes and slapped her a few times.

Silly woman, a real tiger.

If she asked him about such a trivial matter, if there were no distinguished guests, he would beat her with seven wolves to let her know what conquest means.

"Oh...I'll go right away."

Aunt Li Mingliang responded and ran out in a panic.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, everyone laughed.

The gate and earthen walls of Li Mingliang's home were crowded with onlookers.

Li Caijuan got married to the leading cadres in the city. They were very curious and came to watch the fun.

Li Dongsheng seemed not surprised by this situation, and even wished that people would watch.

As everyone knows, at this moment, his heart is already blooming with joy.

Although his niece-in-law is not a leading cadre, his comrades are all high-ranking officials. In the future, building relationships with them will inevitably take care of his own family.

After a while, Aunt Li Caijuan moved a few small horses with the help of neighbors.

Yang Jun and the others quickly took it over and found a suitable place to sit down.

After everyone sits down.

Li Dongsheng carefully looked at those who followed Li Sanjiang, and then fixed his eyes on Ji Demin.

" are Director Yang, right?"

Li Dongsheng vaguely felt that Ji Demin was the leader of this group, so he rashly mistaken Ji Demin for Yang Jun.

Ji Demin was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand what Li Dongsheng meant. He stood up directly and kicked Yang Jun.

Yang Jun smiled and changed seats with him.

He guessed that Ji Demin must be very angry.

It's not that he was angry with Li Dongsheng, but that he took it out on Yang Jun.

Who makes this kid have a higher status than him in other people's minds?

"Hello, I am Yang Jun."

Yang Jun stretched out his hand to shake his hand.

"You...are you Factory Director Yang?"

Li Dongcheng was so shocked that he could fit an egg into his mouth.

He thought that someone who could reach the position of director of the steel rolling mill must be Ji Demin's age anyway. He didn't expect that he was so young, and he was so young.

People in the city have good food and have not suffered hardships. Yang Jun even looks younger than the [-]-year-old boy in the countryside.

No wonder Li Dongsheng was shocked.

Even the people who were lying on the earthen wall and watching screamed in exclamation.

"This is the legendary director of the steel rolling mill. Why is he so young?"

"I heard that Director Yang has four wives, and they all look like gods."

"Don't lie, there are obviously five of them. I heard that they were newly married last month."

When these villagers discussed Yang Jun, they didn't know how to keep quiet, so that everyone in the yard heard it.

In their impression, a leading cadre like Yang Jun should not be treated like an emperor. If he did not have three wives and four concubines, he would not be worthy of his status as the director of the steel rolling mill.

Yang Jun had a black line on his head and held his forehead speechlessly.

You want to get angry but you can't get angry, and you can't explain it at this time, otherwise the more you explain, the more unclear it will be.

Yang Jun sat on a stool with a dark face and smoked a cigarette.

Wang Erwa and the others all showed teasing smiles and looked at him happily.

"Director Yang, don't be like these idiots. They don't know how to speak. Don't be surprised."

Yang Jun waved his hands and was about to say, 'It's okay' when Li Dongsheng's words almost made him run away.

"Director Yang, if you want to rent a sixth house, would you consider my wife?" Li Dongsheng looked serious.

Although he deliberately suppressed his voice when speaking, Ji Demin and his group still listened.

"Ha ha!"

Most of the comrades howled like wolves.

Yang Jun's hand trembled, and the whole cigarette fell directly to the ground. His body swayed and he almost fell to the ground.

Yang Jun looked at Li Dongsheng speechlessly and said angrily: "It's late, the sixth room has already been booked."

"Then...that doesn't matter, the seventh room is fine too." Li Dongsheng's eyes flashed, and he suddenly became excited.

Yang Jun held his forehead and was completely speechless.

He stood up directly and pointed at Ji Demin and said, "Did you see this? This is the director of the textile factory."

Then, he pointed at Li Lixin and said, "This is the director of the supply and marketing cooperative."

"This is the director of the grain station."

"This is the head of the mechanical repair station."



Yang Jun introduced these comrades in one breath, and then said to Li Dongsheng with a helpless expression: "I said, can you not catch me alone and mess with me? Let's see which of them is suitable and marry your wife to him."

Li Dongsheng was shocked.

He didn't expect that all of Li Sanjiang's comrades-in-arms were well-established, and they all seemed to be high-ranking officials. He was secretly glad that the old Li family could have a relationship with the cadres in the city, which was something worthy of showing off.

He glanced at everyone seriously, and finally fixed his gaze on Yang Jun.

"I still think it's more appropriate for Nizi to be your seventh bedroom."


Ji Demin and the others couldn't stop laughing, and they all held their waists and grinned from ear to ear.

Yang Jun was completely speechless, covering his face with his hands and sitting on the stool.

He was not angry, nor did he blame Li Dongsheng for coming up with such a ridiculous idea at this time.

In their cognition, their thinking is still stuck in the old society stage.

In the past, none of the wealthy landlords and high-ranking officials had three wives or six concubines. Until now, they still think that today's cadres are still the same as those officials in the old society. In addition, rumors and rumors are misleading, so that they...

"Um... Comrade Li Dongsheng, today we are here to propose marriage. Can you please stop talking about the yes and no?" Yang Jun said.

"That's right, let's settle Caijuan's marriage first. As for my niece, let's talk in private."

Yang Jun did not correct his thoughts, because he knew that it would be useless to say it. The thoughts that had grown in his heart and penetrated deep into his bones could not be changed by just one word from him.

(End of this chapter)

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