Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 310: Silly Zhu’s tongue fights with the Confucians

Chapter 310: Silly Zhu’s tongue fights with the Confucians
If he wants Sha Zhu to apologize, then Xu Damao must apologize first.

If Xu Damao does not apologize, tonight's conference will not be able to continue.

"Silly Zhu, don't change the concept secretly. Xu Damao's words are just words, and you preach them everywhere in the factory, which has caused real harm, so you must apologize."

The third uncle was still smart, he pointed out the key here immediately.

"Yes, Silly Zhu, you must apologize. Xu Damao is a cadre of the steel rolling mill. You are slandering a cadre, and the nature is completely different."

After the third uncle reminded him, the second uncle suddenly understood. He slammed the table and shouted.

"I don't apologize." Shazhu said word for word.

Second uncle: "Silly Zhu, what do you want?"

When the second uncle saw that Silly Zhu was confronting him and did not take him as the second uncle seriously at all, he was immediately displeased.

"Second uncle, what am I not going to do? The masses are talking to the leaders. Just cough."

The third uncle took over and said: "Silly Zhu, the leader is talking to you now, please be more serious..."

"Go away and stay."

Before the third uncle could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Silly Zhu.

"What about the leader? Do you know the leader's last name? How to walk, a few fingers, do you understand?"

Silly Zhu put his hands behind his back, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes: "You still want to be a leader, you are a teacher!"

Third uncle: "Silly Zhu, you..."

The third uncle stood up in anger. Just as he was about to speak, he was immediately interrupted by Silly Zhu.

"I respect you because you are a people's teacher. You can even say a few words behind your back. You still want to be a leader, bah!"

"you you you……"

The third uncle said the word "you" several times in a row, but was dumbfounded by Silly Zhu and was speechless. He was so angry that he just took the teapot and left.

When the third uncle left, Silly Zhu sat directly in the third uncle's seat.

"Okay, one is gone."

He crossed his legs and said to the second uncle Liu Haizhong with a smile: "Second uncle, let me talk to you."

"What's going on, you want to mess with me?" the second uncle said, slapping the banana fan on the table.

"Hey, Second Uncle, what did you say? How can the masses be called stupid when talking to leaders?"

Silly Zhu raised his eyebrows and said: "As a member of the public, I think you are far worse than Mr. Yi in all aspects. You cannot be this leader. If you really want to be this leader,"

Silly Zhu changed the subject and continued: "Okay, you go home first and straighten out the house. Don't be alienated from your son. Take care of your son before you take care of me."

"Okay? Leader."

After Si Zhu finished speaking, he deliberately made a long note.

When the second uncle heard this, he suddenly lost his temper.

This stupid Zhu doesn't care about anything. He knows that he and his son are not dealing with each other, so he has to use this matter to deal with him. It's strange that he is not angry.

"I'm telling you, Silly Zhu, don't rely on me. From now on, I will never get along with you."

"Hey, second uncle, you have shown your humility with just one sentence. Look at your consciousness. Are you worthy of being a leader? A leader must have a big heart, and a prime minister's belly can support a boat. You are better off. Your belly is not small, and you are pretending to be nothing. Something?"

The second uncle was so angry that he was shaking all over. He grabbed the teapot and stood up. He pointed at Shazhu's nose and said,

"Silly Zhu, let me tell you, from now on, you and I are at odds with each other."

After the second uncle finished speaking, he poured out the water in the teacup angrily, grabbed the fan and left.

"Okay, let's go one more time."

Shazhu smiled and sat down in the second uncle's seat, beckoning Xu Damao with his hand.

"Fourth, come on, let's talk."

Ever since Xu Damao took up his post, he has called himself the fourth master in this courtyard.

No matter what he did with the second uncle, Yang Jun's position as the first uncle was secure. Even if Yang Jun didn't live here, no one would dare to take the position of the first uncle.

"Silly Zhu, what do you want to do?"

Xu Damao stood up subconsciously and took two steps back.

Silly Zhu: "Don't leave, let's talk."

Xu Damao: "Why are you leaving? Let's just talk."

Xu Damao slowly moved back while talking.

"I'm telling you Silly Zhu, I'm not afraid of you."

"Fourth, don't leave, let's talk."

Silly Zhu sat there, trying to stop Xu Damao.

But Xu Damao is not stupid. The second uncle and the third uncle were angered by him one after another. He knew that he was no match for Silly Zhu.

A good man would be a fool if he didn't suffer the immediate consequences.

"I...I won't leave. Second uncle, please wait for me."

While Xu Damao was talking, he quietly walked around behind Sha Zhu, and then patted Sha Zhu on the back.

Then he ran away.

"What are you running for?"

Silly Zhu saw that Xu Damao also ran away, and he was very happy to see that the hospital meeting could not be held.

"Xu Damao, why are you running away? What are your abilities?"

Qin Huairu didn't mind the big deal and shouted from behind.

Xu Damao didn't dare to stay. After hearing this, he disappeared in a flash.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone saw that the three uncles had been driven away by Silly Zhu, and they all laughed non-stop.

"Master He usually looks silly, but I didn't expect him to be so eloquent."

Yi Qiushui smiled when she saw Shazhu sitting on the chair alone.

Today's Silly Pillar played extremely long, as if Zhuge Liang was quarreling with Confucian scholars.

The third most knowledgeable uncle was driven away by him, and the second uncle who was the most official-obsessed could not do anything to him, not to mention Xu Damao. He had never won since he was a child, and even if he was a cadre now, he could not win. Silly column.

"What kind of eloquence does he have? He is obviously playing rogue." Yang Jun said with a smile.

If others don't understand Shazhu, can he still understand him?
People who have been living in alleys for two years are more or less infected with rogue habits.

This is especially true for Silly Pillars.

If this matter had been put aside in the past, only three uncles could cure him by joining forces. Now that Yi Zhonghai has gone to the northwest to eat sand, no one can cure him.

"Okay, let's go back."

Seeing that everyone was about to leave, Yang Jun quickly pulled Yi Qiushui away.

"Husband, I want to sleep here for one night. Can you pick me up tomorrow morning?"

Yi Qiushui took Yang Jun's arm and said coquettishly.

"Ah..." Yang Jun hated seeing her acting coquettishly.

When she acts coquettishly, the spring-like love in her eyes makes people feel soft all over. No one in the world can bear it.

"Okay, you go to Mom's place to take a shower tonight, and remember to borrow Meizi's clothes to change into."

"Thank you, husband, I understand." Yi Qiushui said angrily.

If no outsiders were present, she would have loved to kiss Yang Jun.

"Brother-in-law, I'm sorry, I have to keep you alone in the empty room tonight." Ding Qiunan said, holding Yi Qiushui's arm.

"Hey, you are trying to steal love with a sword."

Yang Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly, then walked out of the hospital.

Before anyone in the courtyard recognized him, Yang Jun quickly started the car and left.

After returning home, he first went to the yard next door.

Zhou Miaomiao told him that Ma Xiangxiu hadn't given birth yet, but the doctor said she might give birth tonight.

Yang Anguo, Ma Juzi and Zhao Hongmei were guarding the hospital.

When I returned to my own place, I went to Yang Laosi's room again, chatted with her for two times, and then went to take a shower.

the next day.

Yang Jun got up early and drove to the courtyard.

After parking the car, he walked towards the courtyard carrying several enamel jars.

Yi Qiushui had already gotten up and was washing up.

Last night, she and Ding Qiunan stayed in Yang Yu's room.

After Ding Qiunan's grandma was taken to the courtyard, it was no longer suitable for them to stay up all night chatting, so they simply went to live in Yang Laosi's room.

Anyway, if that room is idle, it will be idle.

Ding Qiunan had already gone back to his room to wash up, and he didn't eat breakfast here.

Yang Jun placed four enamel jars on the table and opened the lids. Inside were steaming big meat buns.

Wang Yuying brought the cooked rice porridge, arranged the bowls, filled them one by one, and then went next door to ask Yang Mei to come over for dinner.

At this time, Yang Huai came out of the room rubbing his sleepy eyes with an unhappy expression on his face, as if he was protesting being woken up before he woke up.

"Come on, have a bun."

Yang Jun took the bun, blew it, and handed it to him.

Yang Huai subconsciously stretched out his hand, then immediately retracted it, saying with a bitter face,
"Big pot, I want to eat beef dumplings."

"Little greedy cat, there are no beef dumplings in the morning. Try the pork dumplings, they are more delicious than the beef dumplings."

"No, I want to eat beef dumplings."

When Yang Jun heard this, he said solemnly: "Be obedient, and I will give you beef dumplings another day, oh, and braised pork."

"I do not……"

Yang Huai was about to say he didn't want to, but at a glance he saw Wang Yuying coming back from next door. He immediately took the bun obediently and sat on his seat, as quiet as a handsome man.

Yang Jun saw this and shook his head.

This child has been so spoiled recently that he doesn't even like to eat big meat buns.

Fortunately, there are still people who can control him.

The little guy was not afraid of anything, except that Wang Yuying would beat him with a broom.

"You guys eat first, Meizi is washing up, just leave two buns for her later." Wang Yuying said.

"Oh, I see."

Yang Jun quickly put a lid on an enamel jar to prevent the buns from getting cold.

As the month gets older, it becomes more and more inconvenient for Yangmei to move around.

Things that she could usually do quickly now take two to three times the time to do, and sometimes she even needs someone to help her. Therefore, the whole family can understand her.

"Mom, what are you doing in the middle courtyard? They are moving tables and chairs and washing dishes." Yang Jun asked.

When Yang Jun came, he saw a large group of people working in the middle courtyard, but because he was in a hurry to return to the backyard, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Why else? Shazhu is just organizing full-moon wine for the child."

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes, a bit disgusted.

When Yang Jun heard this, he glanced at Yi Qiushui, then lowered his head to eat without saying anything.

Yang Jun immediately blamed himself for being a bitch. If he hadn't asked this question, Wang Yuying wouldn't have stared at them like this.

Yang Jun and Silly Zhu got married just a few days apart. Look, Silly Zhu now has a son, but as for Yang Jun, there has been no news about her pregnancy so far.

"You should hurry up. Xiangxiu and Meizi are about to give birth. Is it possible that you, the elder brother, are not in a hurry at all?"

Wang Yuying leaned against the edge of the bowl to drink porridge, and glanced at Yi Qiushui.

Whenever Wang Yuying asked this question, Yi Qiushui pretended not to hear.

At this moment, she pretended to be nonchalant, lowering her head and eating the buns in small bites.

"Mom, didn't I tell you last time? Whenever you move here, we will have children."

Yang Jun didn't know how to explain this to Wang Yuying, so he could only use this as a shield.

He knew in his heart that it was impossible for Wang Yuying to move there, just like Yang Jun couldn't explain to her why he didn't want children, neither of them was willing to compromise.

"Don't argue, let me tell you, it's your business whether you have children or not. I kindly remind you that Qiu Shui is not too young to have children by then."

Wang Yuying wanted to slap the chopsticks in her hand on the table, but after taking a look at Yi Qiushui, she felt that she shouldn't lose her temper in front of her daughter-in-law, so she gently put the chopsticks on the bowl.

"Well, as long as you have an idea." Yang Jun nodded.

"What do you mean? You mean, if you don't want children, it's your fault that I don't move here?"

"Well, as long as you have an idea."

Yang Jun suppressed a smile and nodded again.


Wang Yuying was so angry that she wanted to slap him with her chopsticks, but she looked at her daughter-in-law next to her and took it back angrily.

Yang Jun knew in his heart that as long as Yi Qiushui was present, Wang Yuying would not whip him.

So, he stuffed the last bite of the bun into his mouth, drank the remaining half bowl of porridge, wiped his mouth and said,

"I'll go find Silly Zhu. You can go directly to the table later, no need to be polite."

Yang Jun thought that Shazhu would organize a full-moon banquet, but it didn't make sense to show up, so he gave the gift money by the way.

As he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something.

So, he turned around and said to Wang Yuying,

"Mom, did Silly Zhu give you the money for the pork?"

"Here you go, it's 53 kilograms of pork, totaling 90 yuan." Wang Yuying frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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