Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 3 A Different Space

Chapter 3 A Different Space
After dinner, the family cleared the table and sat together to chat.

The mother held out a stack of materials, and the second and third sisters immediately gathered around. The fourth and fifth children were beside Yang Jun.

Watching them holding a palm-sized piece of cardboard in one hand, applying glue skillfully with the other hand, and then pinching it in circles with their fingers, a strong rectangular box was formed.

Yes, you read that right, they were gluing matchboxes.

Looking at the skilled mechanical movements of his mother and two younger sisters, Yang Jun suddenly felt sad. After his father passed away, how difficult it was for his mother and the family to live.

If you only rely on Yang Mei's apprenticeship salary, although you can make ends meet, life is not as simple as just eating.

After all, favors come and go, and household expenses are also a lot of money. What's more, Yang Liu and Yang Yu need money to go to school. The third child will take the college entrance examination next year, so he must save some money for her in advance.

Seeing how sad the family was living, Yang Jun moved his stool to the table and wanted to help paste the matchbox.

Seeing his clumsy look, his mother decisively stopped him on the grounds that it was a waste of materials.

Looking at the crooked matchboxes on the table, Yang Jun also gave up the idea of ​​helping.

It is impossible to become as skilled as my mother in a short period of time.

Without him, only familiar with Seoul.

After working for two hours, the second sister and the third sister went back to their room to sleep. After all, they had to go to school and go to work tomorrow. After the mother put the fourth and fifth children to sleep, she continued to work for another two hours.

My mother didn’t have a formal job, so it was her job to make matchboxes, so it didn’t matter whether it was day or night, as long as she could earn a little, she would.

Yang Jun talked with his mother for another two hours, telling her about his life and work in the army over the years, and why he changed careers.

When his mother looked at the shocking scar on his leg, she burst into tears again. Yang Jun comforted and persuaded her again. It was not until he repeatedly promised her that he would not delay his normal life that his mother felt relieved.

The most frequently asked questions that night were whether he was married or whether he had a virgin girlfriend. When Yang Jun said that he was busy with work and had heavy tasks, he would not consider it for the time being. The wrinkles on his mother's forehead outlined a bottomless gap.

The child travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried.

The eldest son is 28 this year, and will be 29 in the spring of the new year. He has long been an older unmarried young man. The boys in the yard who are about the same age as him have long been married and have several children.

Wang Yuying secretly decided in her heart that the future focus of the Yang family's life must shift to Yang Jun's marriage.

Tomorrow I will go find my old sisters and find out who has an unmarried daughter.

During this period, Yang Jun also showed his mother the medals and meritorious service he had received in the team over the years, including first-class merit twice, second-class merit three times, and third-class merit seven times.

The mother touched these medals, her eyes watering down. She knew that each medal was soaked with the blood and tears of her most beloved son.

The Yang family only had two rooms. The smaller room was reserved for the second and third sisters. The larger room was divided into two. The mother lived with the fourth and fifth children in the inner room, and the outer room was the living room.

Yang Jun has no place to live for the time being, so he can only make a bed on the floor in the living room.

Late at night after lights out.

Yang Jun, who was lying on the floor, narrowed his eyes, and with a thought, his whole person disappeared from where he was.

He came to an open field and saw two super large warehouses in front of him. These two warehouses were larger than the steel structure workshops of later generations of ports. They were so big that it would take half an hour to cycle around them on a bicycle.

The two warehouses look identical in appearance.

It's just that the colors of the exterior walls are different, one is a red warehouse and the other is a white warehouse.As soon as he traveled through time, he discovered that as a standard equipment for time travellers, his golden finger was different from others. After many explorations and gropings, he found that his space system was a replication system.

As long as you put something randomly into the white warehouse, after 24 hours, there will be an additional thing inside that is exactly the same as the one you originally put in. If this thing is not taken out, it will continue to be copied every 24 hours.Until you take out what you put in.

Of course, living animals cannot be placed in the space. Animals such as chickens, ducks, cows, and sheep cannot be placed in the space. However, killed chicken, duck, beef, and mutton can be placed in the space for replication.

The other red warehouse is a storage space. At that time, he put half a bowl of hot stick porridge into the red space. When he took it out the next day, the stick porridge was still at its original temperature.

All in all, this space has functions such as storage, preservation, and constant temperature.

The eight white enamel jars he showed to his family before were replicated in space and were not given by his comrades.

But in order to hide the secrets of space, he could only make up some white lies.


He was thinking that as long as he had this replication system, he would be able to live a prosperous life even in this era of scarcity.

As long as he puts something into the copy space, he can copy exactly the same thing every 24 hours, one becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...

As long as something is not taken out, it will be copied endlessly.

Day after day, over time, even a fool can live a prosperous life.

If you want to live a more refined life, just sell some materials in the space, and a lot of money will flow into your pocket.

However, in this era of planned economy, all materials must be planned and controlled. To purchase materials, you need not only banknotes, but also shopping tickets. In other words, you can’t buy materials even if you have money but no tickets, and you can’t buy supplies if you have tickets but no money. This is a question of money and The era of coexistence of votes.

Someone may ask, which one is more important, money or tickets?

Someone answered that both are important, but money is more important.

Didn't you see that some supplies can be purchased without a ticket?

You don't even ask around. When people are looking for a partner, they all ask you how much your salary is. Who asks how much your ticket is?

Of course, it is undeniable that money is important, but votes are also indispensable. After all, this is the era of planned economy, and all materials must obey the overall situation and carry out macro-control.

But are these important to Yang Jun?
Ha ha!

Just throw the money and bills in, why shouldn't they spit out like a money printing machine?

The original owner had not saved much money in the 11 years he had been in the army. When Yang Jun traveled through time, he took stock of his net worth and found a total of 78 yuan and [-] cents.

I haven’t saved much money, but I’m not short of tickets.

One bicycle ticket, two sewing tickets, one watch ticket, only the radio ticket is missing, and there are 85 kilograms of national food stamps, six kilograms of meat stamps, five kilograms of sugar stamps, [-] kilograms of milk stamps, three kilograms of peanut stamps, and alcohol Four kilograms of tickets, twenty bathing tickets, and various staple and non-staple food stamps.

The amount of tickets is not very large, but the advantage is that it is complete. As long as there is a copy system, what else do you have to worry about?

The 78 yuan he handed over to his mother tonight was not because he didn't want to give more, but the hundreds of yuan in his space were all copied money, and the codes on the money were exactly the same.

He didn't dare, he was afraid of being discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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