Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 286 Conquering the 2nd Master

Chapter 286 Conquering the Second Uncle

That night.

After dinner, Yang Jun said hello to Yi Qiushui and drove out.

He wanted to go back to the courtyard to deliver some nutritional supplements to Yangmei.

He couldn't understand Yang Mei and Wang Yuying's lifestyle.

He didn't want his family to live like this.

Originally, he thought about asking Wang Yuying and Yang Mei to move in with them, but Wang Yuying refused to agree.

The old thoughts in her mind have always controlled her living habits. Her son has already started a family and started a business, and she is unwilling to cause him any more trouble.

And there is a limit to what Yang Jun can do.

Since they can't persuade him, they will pile up supplies as hard as they can until there are so many supplies that they become worried.

In this way, they no longer have to worry about not having enough good food to eat, or even worrying about things breaking.

When there was no one on the road, he pulled over to the side of the road.

As soon as I thought, a bunch of things suddenly appeared on the back seat of the car.

Thirty kilograms of braised pork, fifty kilograms of white flour, thirty kilograms of rice, twelve barrels of milk powder, two hundred free-range eggs, forty kilograms of Jinhua ham, twenty kilograms of mutton, and 35 kilograms of pork.

Yang Jun looked at these things, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

He didn't believe it. With all these things, Wang Yuying still couldn't bear to eat them?

I'm afraid she is no longer thinking about whether to eat or not, but about whether the food will spoil.

At this time, it was dark.

Even if someone was walking towards him, he would not be able to recognize him, but just in case, Yang Jun still carried [-] kilograms of rice and went in to wade in the water.

Fortunately, everyone was having dinner at this time and no one was encountered in the yard.

As soon as he got home, Yang Jun immediately called Liu Zhi out.

The two of them moved all the remaining ingredients back to the backyard as quickly as possible.

"It's such a hot day, everything will go bad if I can't eat."

Looking at the food in the room, Wang Yuying frowned and said.

"Yes, hurry up and eat." Yang Jun said with a raised corner of his mouth.

"There are many people over there, so you'd better take them back."

Wang Yuying thought about it for a long time. No matter how much she ate, she couldn't finish it, so she might as well let him take it back.

"I have more than this, otherwise I wouldn't have sent them to you to solve."

Yang Jun definitely can't take it back.

When Wang Yuying heard this, she glared at him fiercely, turned around and went to the kitchen to pack things.

Milk powder, rice, braised pork, and Jinhua ham can be stored for a period of time, but 35 pounds of mutton and [-] pounds of pork cannot be stored.

The weather is too hot, and I'm afraid it will rot if left overnight, so I have to find a way to marinate it.

Wang Yuying first freed up the rice jar and prepared to use it to marinate the pork.

Liu Zhi and Yang Jun helped wash the jar with water, then chopped the pork into large pieces and stacked them neatly in the jar. After each layer, they evenly rubbed each side with coarse salt.

Later, the mutton is treated in the same way.

As for Jinhua ham, it can only be hung on the rafters in the house. It is smoked and can be stored for more than ten years without breaking.

And Yang Mei looked at the dozen buckets of milk powder on the table, with a sad face and didn't know what to do with it.

In the end, I don’t know why she was so crazy, so she just dug it out with a spoon and ate it.

"Big pot, I want to eat beef dumplings."

Yang Jun was busy helping Liu Zhi put the rice in a cloth bag, when Yang Huai ran over and hugged his legs and said coquettishly.

This child can speak clearly now, but he has been shouting "big pot, big pot" for so many years, and has long been used to it. Now he calls him "big pot" whenever he sees him.

At noon, Yang Mei took home the leftover beef dumplings, and naturally she ate them with the youngest Yang Huai.

It's just that there isn't much left. This kid hasn't had enough yet, so he's pestering Yang Jun.

"Want to eat beef dumplings, don't you?" Yang Jun squatted down and asked.

"Yeah!" Yang Huai nodded vigorously.

"Okay, let the second sister bring it back for you to eat tomorrow."

Yang Jun stroked his head lovingly.

Ever since Yang Yu moved to his place, no one at home would play with him. He pestered Wang Yuying all day long, and Wang Yuying was busy with housework. When she saw him making trouble, she would suppress him with force.

Yang Jun is afraid that if things continue like this, Lao Wu will become autistic.

This year he is five and four years old, and he can leave Wang Yuying. Yang Jun thinks that he will be taken there after a while. There are many children there and he can play with him.

Yang Huai ran away happily when Yang Jun promised to bring him dumplings tomorrow.

Yang Jun saw this and shook his head.

If this guy hadn't stuttered, he would definitely not be as well-behaved as he is now.

Several people worked for more than half an hour before getting the ingredients ready.

Yang Jun went to the bathroom to wash his hands with soap and was about to say hello to Wang Yuying and go back.

Just as he was about to go out, he was stopped by the second uncle.

"Junzi, don't leave in a hurry yet."

The second uncle's fat body suddenly jumped out from the hanging flower door.

"Second uncle, are you doing that?"

Yang Jun was startled by him, patted his chest and said.

"Come on, your second aunt has prepared a table of wine and food, and we can chat while drinking."

"Second uncle, I just had dinner..."

The second uncle Liu Haizhong couldn't help but pulled him away.

Yang Jun had no choice but to follow.

However, he knew that the second uncle would definitely be up to no good when he came to him, and it must be for the sake of glory.

Ever since the two boys went to the countryside to join the queue, they would go home every Saturday and rush back the next day with large and small bags.

People who have never worked have no idea how hard life is in the countryside, especially the work in the crop fields, which is beyond what people from big cities like them can bear.After not seeing each other for a few months, Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian had lost a lot of weight, turned darker, and looked listless.

Others can do a full workload every day, but the two of them can only get six work points at most. If the production team leader hadn't looked after them pitifully and looked after them, they probably wouldn't even be able to get four work points.

However, even if the second uncle doesn't come to him today, he is still going to have a talk with him.

After all, Guo Tianming's matter couldn't be justified without saying hello to him in advance and not talking about it.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw that everyone in the second uncle's family was at home.

There is an Eight Immortals table in the living room. On the table are freshly cooked hot dishes, five or six large and small, which looks quite rich.

Liu Guangqi and his wife Wang Juan hurriedly came over to say hello and placed tea that had been brewed beside him.

"Second uncle, I have something to tell you. That boy Tianming was sent to the kitchen by me, and he didn't say hello to you. Please be more patient."

As soon as Yang Jun sat down, he quickly apologized to the second uncle.

"Hey, if you don't want to talk to me, I want to talk to you. That kid is so naughty. With my old arms and legs, I really can't stand him."

When the second uncle heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly with a sad face.

When Yang Jun saw this, he knew that Guo Tianming had caused him a lot of trouble. If it weren't for his own face, like Guo Tianming, he would have kicked him out long ago.

"Second uncle, I'm sorry. I caused you trouble during this period, but it's fine now. I've found a ruthless person to watch him."

"Hey, let's not talk about it. Even if Silly Zhu, the gangster, can watch him, even the eighth master may not be able to cure him."

Obviously, the second uncle Liu Haizhong also knew that Yang Jun assigned Guo Tianming to the back kitchen and let Sha Zhu watch.

The second uncle picked up the bottle of Jian Nanchun on the table and said,
"My eldest apprentice gave this to me during the Chinese New Year. I haven't been willing to drink it. Today we will fuck him."

When Yang Jun saw it, his eyelids suddenly twitched.

I really don’t want to drink liquor in Xia Tian. It would be nice if I had two bottles of beer.

However, for those who really love wine, their first choice is white.

The second uncle didn't waste any time. He opened the wine and gave Yang Jun a full glass.

"Come on, Junzi, don't say anything else. Let's drink this cup first."

When Yang Jun heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he still followed his words and had a drink with him.

"Second uncle, please tell me what you have to say. I'm afraid I'll be drunk later and really won't be able to make the decision."

When Yang Jun saw that Liu Haizhong wanted to fill him up, he directly covered the quilt with his hands.

While he was talking, he kept holding the chopsticks in his hands. He looked at the dishes on the table and thought the stir-fried chicken nuggets were pretty good, so he picked a piece.

Well, it's really good, and the taste is just right.

The biggest tip for this dish is to add more spicy pepper.

When the second uncle heard this, he quickly put down the wine bottle and came over with a pair of small eyes.

"Junzi, the second uncle will not beat around the bush. Today I will beg you with this old face."

The second uncle winked at the second aunt, and the second aunt quickly took out a small box from the cabinet and placed it on the table.

Liu Guangqi next to him saw this and quickly motioned to his wife to close the door.

"Junzi, you don't know that life in the countryside is not a good place for people to live. Guangfu and Guangtian can't survive anymore. I'm wondering if you can arrange for them to return to the city, even if you can only It’s okay to bring one back.”

"The second uncle will not let you help in vain..."

"no problem."

Yang Jun agreed directly without even thinking about it.


The second uncle’s hand holding the small wooden box in his bangs was trembling all the time.

Yang Jun agreed before the gift was given. He couldn't believe it.

The second aunt, Liu Guangqi and Wang Juan also looked excited.

Originally, they thought that the blind cat would kill the mouse, and that if there were jujubes but no jujubes, they would hit three strokes. They thought that if they could do it.

Recently, there has been a lot of commotion in the factory about recruiting factory doctors. As long as they can recruit factory doctors, they will be given two additional official worker quotas.

When the second uncle saw this, he felt that an opportunity had come. In addition, 3000 people had been transferred away from the steelmaking plant. Once he analyzed the situation, he knew that there was a shortage of people in the factory. If he told Yang Jun about this at this time, it might really be possible. It can be done.

So, when he saw Yang Jun coming back tonight, he immediately asked the second aunt and his daughter-in-law Wang Juan to cook a table of dishes, and then he kept waiting at the Chuihua Gate.

"Second uncle, come to my office tomorrow and I will give you Guangfu Guangtian's recruitment procedures."

Yang Jun was minding his own business eating chicken nuggets and looking at him with a smile.

"Junzi, mean that Guangfu and Guangtian can..."

The second uncle stood up from his stool excitedly, looking incoherent.

"Second uncle, you heard me right, your whole family can have dinner together from now on."

"Junzi, I...the second uncle doesn't even know how to thank you."

The second uncle's excited eyes were filled with tears. He pushed the wooden box in front of Yang Jun and made a gesture to open it.

Yang Jun quickly reached out and held it down.

"Second uncle, if you open this box, what I just said will be invalid."

Yang Jun knew what was in the box without opening it.

It's nothing more than money or something like that, or it's an old thing passed down from ancestors.

Now Yang Jun is not short of money at all, let alone doing things for money, which will only leave people with clues.

His purpose in doing this was to completely conquer the second uncle, just like Xu Damao, and turn him into someone who could do his bidding.

"Junzi, this...if you don't accept it, I won't feel at ease." The wooden box in the second uncle's hand was neither open nor open. He stood there hesitating.

"Hey, second uncle, if I keep this thing, I won't feel at ease." Yang Jun clicked on the box and said.


"Put it up."

The second uncle Liu Haizhong saw that Yang Jun refused to accept it, so he had to hand the box to the second aunt next to him.

"Junzi, don't say anything anymore. I will keep your kindness to our Liu family in mind. Whenever you need it in the future, the second uncle will sell you these two hundred kilograms."

The second uncle sat down, filled his glass with wine, and said while holding it with both hands.

At this time, a layer of crystal mist appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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