Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 264 Uncle is coming

Chapter 264 Uncle is coming back
"You're talking nonsense. How can a girl not get married? What's more, what's the point of living with your elder brother?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled and said, "Mom, how old is the fourth girl? It's a little early to talk about this now."

"Why is it so early? Banggeng is one year older than her, and she has already gone to the factory to get wages. It's better for her. She doesn't earn a penny, and she has to spend money to hire a tutor for her."

Wang Yuying sees that every month she has to spend an extra 30 yuan and more than 20 kilograms of food because of Yang Laosi's studies. When she thinks of this, she feels distressed.

Yang Jun knew Wang Yuying and was used to living a hard life, so naturally he couldn't bear to spend so much money on the fourth girl.

In fact, Wang Yuying now has 3000 to [-] yuan in savings. It is not impossible for her to live like this, but she still thinks that there are several children who have unfinished life events, so she does not dare to touch that money.

"Mom, you are wrong. Bangge entered the factory because she had no other choice. My sister, as long as I am here, I will never let them suffer that fate."

"Just spoil them, you are just asking for trouble for yourself." Wang Yuying glared at him.

"I think eldest brother is pretty good." Yang Liu muttered.

"Big brother is the best." Yang Yu's eyes lit up and he quickly agreed.

Yang Mei did not praise Yang Jun directly, but put a bun in his bowl.

"Big pot pot, I want to eat peanuts." Yang Huai's clever little ghost yelled and went straight to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun looked at Wang Yuying with a smile on his face.

It seems to be saying, you see, the pain of my sisters and brothers is not in vain.

"A bunch of white-eyed wolves." Wang Yuying rolled her eyes and glared at them fiercely, but the corners of her mouth curled up in a cute way.

After breakfast.

The family was sitting in front of the stone table in the yard chatting, and several children were standing on stools picking grapes from the grape trellis.

Yang Laosi is a monkey, and she is good at climbing up and down. She is riding on the grape trellis, holding the branches tightly with one hand, and stuffing grapes into her mouth with the other hand.

"Fourth sister, I want to eat too."

"Fourth Aunt, we want to eat too."

Yang Huai, Yang Qun, Yang Yangling and the others were running around anxiously below.

It’s only June and the grapes are not yet ripe, but it’s very lovely to see the clusters of fruit clustered close together.

Yang Jun saw several children spoiling grapes, but he didn't care.

Because, he knew that as long as Yang Laosi was around, the grape roots would die before they matured.

Anyway, if you are happy today, just let her be.

Yang Liu sat in the middle and told everyone about her time in the group.

They are now considered official members of the art troupe and have begun to receive professional training. They run, do leg presses, stretch, and attend cultural classes every day.

Wang Yuying and the others were very interested in hearing these trivial matters in daily training.

"Liu'er, it's a good thing to start training, but you can't fall behind on your studies. You'll still have to take the college entrance examination in the future." Yang Jun reminded him as he sat nearby and smoked.

Yang Liu was stunned when he heard this, frowned and said, "Brother, is there still a need to study?"

"Of course." Yang Jun said with a straight face, "Studying is not a bad thing at any time. Otherwise, why do you think I hired a tutor for the fourth girl?"

"You have a good foundation. When the college entrance examination is resumed in the future, with your ability, you will definitely be able to go to a good university."

When Yang Liu heard this, I thought for a long time and finally nodded and said,
"Brother, I listen to you."

Yang Jun listened and nodded happily.

His meticulous care for his sisters earned them their trust in him. No matter what he said, they would always take it to heart.

Yang Liu is only young this year. When the college entrance examination resumes in the future, she will not be thirty. These are the best years of her life. If she has a college degree to help her, her career will surely be able to reach a higher level.

Today, while everyone was resting, Yang Jun called Ma Juzi, Yang Anguo and others to help him install the ceiling fan.

After several days of replication, there are already dozens of fans in the space.

This morning before he went to pick up Yang Liu, he took out the fan and put it in the utility room.

He only took out five ceiling fans, installed one in the dining room, one in the living room and one in the bedroom. For the remaining two, he planned to install one each for Wang Yuying and Yang Mei.

When the fan was taken out, everyone was amazed.

Especially Yang Anguo and Ma Xiangxiu were extremely jealous. The ceiling fan was already considered a big item in their eyes.

In the past, ceiling fans would still be one of the four essential items for a wedding.

However, people in Sijiu City all live in courtyard houses. This kind of house is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is difficult for the sun to penetrate, so it is better to insulate than that kind of cement house.

Therefore, later on, ceiling fans were no longer a necessity for people, and their position was slowly replaced by watches.

In less than an hour, Yang Anguo and the others installed the three fans. Later, Yang Jun asked them to go to the courtyard to install the remaining two fans.

After Yang Anguo and the others left, several other women in the yard went in to help Ma Xiangxiu cook. At this time, only Yang Jun and Wang Yuying were left sitting there.

Yang Jun could tell that Wang Yuying wanted to tell him something, but it was just inconvenient because of the crowd.

"Junzi, your uncle's family is coming back." Wang Yuying said.

Yang Jun was startled, feeling strange that his uncle's family had returned.

He knew that he had an uncle, but when he was in high school, his uncle's family went to the northwest to support construction. Over the years, the two families often communicated by correspondence.

He originally thought that his uncle's family had already settled there and it would be difficult to see him again in the future.

When he and Yang Mei got married, no one from his uncle's family came to attend the wedding. Instead, he mailed a gift of ten yuan. After not seeing each other for more than ten years, he thought that the family relationship between the two families had long since faded, and there would even be no contact in the future.

He didn't expect that his uncle's family would suddenly come back now, and he didn't even plan to go back in the future.

"Mom, my uncle and his family will come back as soon as they come back. When you tell me this, do you want me to do something?"

Yang Jun knew that the reason why Wang Yuying mentioned this matter to him was because he needed his help.

Wang Yuying glanced at him, then sighed,
"When your uncle's family left, they thought they would never come back in this life, so they sold the old house. Now that their family is ready to come back, they don't even have a place to stay. I was thinking..." Wang Yuying looked at He glanced at Yang Jun and opened and closed his lips, as if there was something unspeakable.

"I was thinking... could I lend our house to your uncle to live in?"

"Old house?" Yang Jun asked.

Wang Yuying said nothing and just nodded.

When Yang Jun heard this, he didn't say a word.

The old house must not be lent to his uncle's family. It is the root of his old Yang family, and it is where his father, mother, and the whole family have lived all their lives.

He was afraid that if the house was loaned out, it would be difficult to get it back.

It's not that I really don't want to come back, but we are all a family, and it's never good to break up, not to mention that my mother is just a younger brother, and she never wants to see the two families getting into trouble.

Besides, if I remember correctly, my uncle's two children should be getting married soon. If they get married in the old house in the future, it will be even more difficult to take back the house.

"Mom, you can't borrow the old house. It's the root of our old Yang family."

Yang Jun thought about it for a long time before saying.

When Wang Yuying heard this, her expression relaxed.

It seemed that Yang Jun made this decision for her.

She had originally been hesitant about lending her old house to her brother's family, but she had been undecided. Now after hearing Yang Jun's words, she had made up her mind.

"Okay, Mom listens to you, but your uncle wrote a letter asking me to help him find a place to live..."

"What is the purpose of uncle's coming back this time? Is he being transferred for work or something else? If it is a job transfer, the unit will definitely arrange a place for him to live. Why should you help him find a house?" Yang Jun asked.

"This..." Wang Yuying's face showed a look of embarrassment, her lips were filled with confusion and she didn't know what to say.

"He was fired from his work unit and sent back to his place of origin."

Wang Yuying struggled for a long time and decided to tell the truth to her son. After all, she still counted on him to help find a house.

Yang Jun was stunned when he heard this.

These days, being fired from your workplace is a very serious matter.

Generally speaking, if someone can get an iron job, the company will not fire anyone unless he makes a big mistake. Just like a steel rolling mill, as long as he does not make a principled mistake, the factory will not fire someone casually. , the most I can do is give him some punishment and transfer his job.

He didn't know what mistake his uncle had made. He was expelled from the company and sent back to his place of origin.

"Mom, why was my uncle fired from the company?"

"I don't know the details. It wasn't mentioned in the letter. Your uncle only told me that he would be back in a few days and asked me to help him find a house in advance." Wang Yuying said with a frown.

When Yang Jun heard this, he rubbed his face vigorously with both hands. He was speechless at Wang Yuying's confusion.

You don't know anything about your uncle's family, so you dare to lend him your old house in a daze?

If he really makes a big mistake, aren't you afraid of hurting your family?

"Mom, don't worry about this. I'll make the arrangements. In a word, my uncle's family can't live in our old house."

Wang Yuying looked at Yang Jun with a red face, seeming to blame herself for causing him trouble, but she was just a younger brother, and as a sister, she couldn't just let him go.

"Junzi, you must help your uncle..."

Yang Jun waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Okay, I understand, don't worry about it, I will take care of the house."

To be honest, he really didn't have much affection for this uncle.

His understanding of this uncle was at most before the age of 17. At that time, no one's family lived a wealthy life. This uncle often brought him some snacks every now and then. At that time, he felt that his uncle was closer than his parents. .

But in the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and he is not at home, and he has so little news about his uncle's family that he almost forgets that there is such a relative at home.

Now that their family had no choice but to seek refuge with their family, this was not good news for their family, not to mention that he had been expelled and sent back to his place of origin.

Yang Jun wanted to be alone, so he went out and sat on the drum stone at the door to smoke.

After about two cigarettes, Yang Anguo and the others came back after installing the ceiling fan.

Yang Jun took the key and drove out for a walk alone.

When he came back, there were two more cartons on the back seat of the car. In the cartons were the Jinhua hams he promised to bring to Qian Jiajia.

Lock the car and return to the yard.

Ma Xiangxiu and the others have already prepared the meal.

The meal was very sumptuous. Almost all the ingredients that Yang Jun scavenged from the market yesterday were used up. More than a dozen people were divided into two tables, one for men and one for women and children.

Since moving here, whenever the factory is off, Yang Jun will always gather several family members together for a meal. One is to give his family a toothbrush as a memorial, and the other is that he is too lonely and hopes to have more laughter in his life.

If we want to say who is the loneliest person in the world, it can only be the time traveler.

As an outlier, he hides a shocking secret in his heart, and this secret cannot be revealed to anyone, not even the people closest to him.

He was carrying a huge secret alone. As time went by, the secret became more and more breathless for him. He could only temporarily dispel the loneliness in his heart through noisy family gatherings.

"Cheers to Yang Liu for staying in Sijiu City."

Yang Jun stood up and raised his cup.

"Congratulations Liu'er."

"I wish you a bright future."

Everyone raised their glasses to congratulate him.

Yang Liu also smiled and thanked everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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