Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 252 Good things are coming

Chapter 252 Good things are coming
The wedding ceremony was very simple, but the banquet was very sumptuous.

There is wine and meat, twelve dishes, each dish is delicious.

Everyone sat down at two tables, one for men and one for women and their children.

We are all a family, everyone is familiar with each other, and the atmosphere quickly became lively.

Everyone toasted to each other while changing glasses. Ma Juzi always accepted everyone who came, especially Yang Anguo, a fool who held a bottle of Wuliangye as if he hadn't had a good drink in hundreds of years.

Yang Jun didn't like drinking, and he didn't want to use the space, so he ate his food in a dull manner.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Ma Juzi was completely drunk.

He slapped the wine bottle on the table and pointed to heaven,

"I'll call tonight and tell Ma Sanpao that I will have a wife in the future."

"Third brother, you are drunk."

Ma Xiangxiu pulled his sleeves anxiously.

"Leave me alone, I'm not drunk."

Ma Juzi looked back at Ma Xiangxiu and said drunkenly: "Fourth sister, we have always looked at Ma Sanpao's face since we were young. He can't make the decision in anything. Now that I'm marrying my mother-in-law, I won't tell him. Let's see what he does to me." manage."

"Third brother, you are really drunk."

Ma Xiangxiu winked at Yang Anguo.

Brothers Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang came over and took Ma Juzi back to his room to rest.

"I'm not drunk..."

There was a commotion in the room, and it took Ma Juzi a while to stop.

The Yang Anguo brothers came out of the house and said to everyone,
"Juzi is drunk, ignore him, let's continue."

In fact, Yang Jun could understand Ma Juzi's thoughts.

He was drunk, and under the influence of alcohol, he expressed the grievances he had suppressed in his heart for so many years.

Who here has not personally experienced that when they were young, they lived according to the will of adults. Children had no freedom of choice at all about what they could do, what they could not do, and how to do it.

Although you can't resist, the rebellious mentality is deeply rooted, and over time, this thought will be transformed into concrete actions.

You ask me to do this, but I don't do that. It's the opposite of everything.

For no other reason than to confront you and make you mad.

Now, Ma Juzi's life in a big city thousands of miles away has finally gotten rid of Ma Sanpao's control.

Today he got married, to a widow with children.

Let me ask you if Ma Sanpao is angry.

Moreover, for such a big event as getting married, you, the parents, are not even informed. It depends on where you put your old face.

In fact, Yang Jun understands Ma Juzi very well.

Because he used to think so too, until one day, his father Yang Gui left him.

Only then did he realize the importance of family members, and how he wished his father could still control him as before.

It's understandable, but Ma Juzi's behavior is just out of anger.

Even if you tell Ma Sanpao about your marriage in advance, although Ma Sanpao will object, the matter will definitely be compromised in the end.

The son is older than his mother. The sky is high and the sky is high. No matter how broad his hands are, he can't control his son who is thousands of miles away.

The banquet continued and everyone was very happy.

Especially the table full of sumptuous food and wine makes people forget the troubles in the world.

There was a lot of food left at the banquet, and Ma Xiangxiu divided the leftovers among everyone and asked everyone to take them home.

Except for Yang Jun, everyone else got a lot.

Yang Jun personally sent Wang Yuying, Yang Mei and others back to the courtyard.

In order to avoid trouble, he did not enter the yard, but dropped the person off at the entrance of the alley and went back.

When I got home, it was still dark, but after I had had enough wine and food, I had nothing to do, so I lay down on the bed to rest.

"Husband, why haven't you drank medicinal wine recently?"

Yi Qiushui had just finished taking a shower, her hair spread over her shoulders, her body exuding fragrance, and she snuggled next to him.

When Yang Jun heard this, black lines appeared on his forehead, and he smiled bitterly,
"Baby, we are not in a hurry to have a child."

Yi Qiushui's wet eyelashes blinked up and down, her eyes were full of affection, and she stared at Yang Jun motionlessly.

"Are you really in no hurry?"

Yi Qiushui, who had just taken a shower, was very charming, and Yang Jun was a little moved.

The kid is really not in a hurry, but that one is quite urgent.

" I in a hurry or not?"

Seeing Yang Jun's confused look, Yi Qiushui blinked her eyes, smiled on her pretty face, and hooked her fingers.

Yang Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

It seems that I am really anxious.


Time soon came to June.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and people in short-sleeved shirts are walking around in a hurry on the street. They don't dare to stay on the street for a long time, for fear of being roasted like a pig.

Yang Jun didn't expect that the weather would heat up so fast. He would never go out if he could stay in the office every day.

Drinking 'Lao Ban Zhang' and blowing the wind under the ceiling fan, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"It smells so good!" The office door was open, and Yuan Kaizong was standing at the door holding a teacup in his hand.

"Lao Yuan, come in quickly." Yang Jun greeted quickly.

"Brother Yang, you are not very interesting. You don't even know how to treat your brother to a drink even if you have good tea."

Yuan Kaizong opened the lid and smelled it, frowning and said: "Lao Banzhang?"

"Okay, Lao Yuan, have you drank before?"

Yuan Kaizong waved his hand and said: "I don't have that kind of taste. I've only heard of it, but never drank it."

Yang Jun dug out from under the coffee table and threw a small bag over: "Try it."

After several months of copying, he had stored thousands of kilograms of Lao Banzhang tea in his space. He took some out and put them in his office. The tea was packaged into several portions, about two taels each, specifically for giving away.

"I'm in a good mood today."

Yuan Kaizong suddenly felt that his tea was no longer fragrant. He walked around the office with a teacup in hand. When he saw a pot of birch on the window sill, he walked over with the teacup in hand.


Yang Jun called a step too late.

Yuan Kaizong still poured all the tea and tea leaves into the flower pot.

"Go back and bring a basin from my office."

Yuan Kaizong opened the paper bag, pinched a small amount with his middle finger and index finger and put it into the tea cup, and then carefully put the remaining tea leaves into his pocket.

Yang Jun shook his head speechlessly, stood up and poured him a cup of tea.

Bi Luo was most afraid of watering. He used to pour tea into it, and within two days, the potted flower died. For this, Yi Qiushui complained to him many times.

The pot of Biluo just now was delivered by Yi Qiushui early in the morning.

"Brother Yang, it looks like we are going to separate employee housing. Should we hold a meeting to discuss it?"

It is common for leaders to visit each other.

Drinking tea and playing chess are just a way for leaders to communicate. It looks like chatting and playing, but in fact, major events in the factory are inadvertently decided.

After nearly half a year of hard work, the housing for steel rolling mill employees has reached the final stage.

Nowadays, what employees in the factory talk about most every day is employee housing.

Those who are new to the factory, or those who have not been assigned a house, all look eagerly at the employee housing.

There are only [-] employee housing units in this batch. They were originally prepared for employees of the merged machine repair factory, but now the two factories have been merged for more than half a year. Everyone is nominally an employee of the steel rolling mill, and everyone is eligible to share it. A set of staff housing.

However, there are 8000 to 1 employees in the steel rolling mill. At most, only [-] employees have employee housing, and the remaining [-] or so do not have housing.

These people usually either rent a house or live with their parents, friends, and relatives. Now that employee housing is available, they are also thinking about it.

No matter how polite they are on the surface, they are secretly very competitive.

I don’t know who spread the rumor that the houses are limited and can only be allocated to outstanding employees from various departments and workshops. Therefore, what they discuss most on weekdays is who is qualified to get a house.

"I don't think there's a rush to discuss this in advance. We'll talk about it later." Yang Jun said thoughtfully.

"It's not urgent? How long do you want to wait? The weather is getting hotter and hotter now, and the workers living in the warehouse are making trouble every day."

Yuan Kaizong was stunned for a moment, with a look of shock on his face.

"In a while, the steelmaking plant over at Sugar Mountain will be built, and five thousand employees will be transferred there. At that time, we will transfer all those employees who don't have houses, and then the houses will be allocated.

"Wonderful, brother Yang, why didn't I think of this idea? However, you are quite bad, and you left all the mess to Director Yang." Yuan Kaizong nodded and said with a smile on his face.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Anyway, there are staff dormitories built over there at the steelmaking plant."

Yang Jun spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

"You, you..."

Yuan Kaizong smiled, then leaned over and whispered: "When will your appointment letter be released?"

Yang Jun was stunned when he heard this, smiled and said: "Lao Yuan, don't talk nonsense. According to seniority, age, no matter from which aspect, that position is not mine."

What the two discussed was who would take the position of director of the steel rolling mill after Yang Jianguo was transferred.

"Okay, brother Yang, let's not hide it between us. No one in the factory knows that you are the next factory director."

Yuan Kaizong stood up and closed the door of the office, then sat next to Yang Jun with a serious look on his face.

"Brother, I am 57 this year. I don't have any big pursuits in this life. I just want to retire safely. As for that position, I don't have the enthusiasm anymore. You are young and capable, and it is the golden age for struggle. You There is no one better qualified than me to take on the heavy responsibility of the steel rolling mill.”

"When the time comes, my old bones will be here to tinker with you and help you stabilize your rear. This is my biggest wish."

After Yuan Kaizong finished speaking, he looked at Yang Jun with a smile.

"Lao Yuan, you can't give up. You are the anchor of our steel rolling mill. No one in the factory can do without you. If you want to give up, I won't agree."

Yang Jun understood what Yuan Kaizong meant, and coming here today was just to express his feelings to him.

It shows that he just wants to live quietly until retirement. As for that position, he doesn't think about it, let alone hope for it.

Once Yang Jianguo is transferred, he and Yuan Kaizong are the only ones qualified to take that position in the steel rolling mill.

Liu Feng was in charge of logistics and had just been promoted. It was impossible to promote him again in a short period of time. Yan Huaisheng was also the chairman of the labor union and had never been involved in logistics and production, so it was even more impossible for him to be promoted.

The only person who is most qualified to compete with Yang Jun is Yuan Kaizong.

But Yuan Kaizong is 57 this year and will retire in a few years. For the long-term plan of the steel rolling mill, the superiors will not consider him.

Then only Yang Jun is qualified to do so.

Not only is he young, but he is also very capable. He has managed the factory in an orderly manner in the past six months, and his performance has also reached a big level, especially in terms of logistics. The employees' response to him has been extraordinary, especially the grain harvesting business he founded. Point, a large amount of food can be obtained every month, which has improved the food standards of the employees a lot.

In addition, there is a group of seniors standing behind Yang Jun.

As long as they are not blind, anyone with eyesight will know that Yang Jun belongs to the position of director of the steel rolling mill.

(End of this chapter)

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