Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 239 Yang Lao 4’s tangle

Chapter 239 Yang Laosi’s tangle

Come to the alley.

With the help of Yi Qiushui and Yang Mei, they loaded all the things they bought into the car.

Looking at the car full of things, the three of them suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of security.

Yang Jun drove back to the town again and came to the post office. He called the steel rolling mill.

He asked Wang Erwa to issue a work certificate in the name of the security department of the steel rolling mill, and then asked him to expedite it and send it over.

Later, he asked about the situation in the factory.

Wang Erwa told him that everything was normal, and Yang Jun hung up the phone.

After coming out of the post office, Yang Jun drove directly back to the village.

When the villagers saw the supplies brought back by Yang Jun, they were all shocked.

People in the city just have money.

White flour is bought in bags, lamb legs are bought whole, and even sorghum wine is bought in jars.

Seeing the good things being moved into the cave dwellings one by one, the villagers' eyes almost popped out of their heads.

Seeing them swallowing and their Adam's apple twitching, Wang Yuying had no choice but to take out a large bag of melon seeds from the back room and give them to them.

The melon seeds were secretly taken out of the space by Yang Jun. They were originally used to coax Yang Huai, but unexpectedly they were used by Wang Yuying to entertain the villagers.

The second uncle's family looked at the supplies piled up in the corner with red eyes, especially Yang Anbang's two children who put their hands in their mouths and sucked.

Their family has never been so wealthy, and there are some things they have never seen before.

Yang Jun locked the car and went directly back to the mourning hall.

He put on his mourning clothes, knelt aside, lowered his head and smoked a cigarette.

Wakes are very boring.

I kneel there from morning to night, and if someone comes to worship me, I have to say a few words of thanks.

But fortunately, he was not the only one keeping watch. Everyone talked and chatted, and the day passed quickly.

During the wake.

Several older people came from the village to chat with Yang Jun. They chatted aimlessly, but Yang Jun could feel their flattery in their words.

He understood what these people were thinking, they just wanted to get a job quota from him.

Yang Jun can help his family unconditionally, but for people like them, Yang Jun will not do the kind of thing of 'promoting rice and grudges against rice and hatred'.

Why should I help you if I have no relatives or friends?

However, Ma Xiangxiu's father, Ma Dapao, came once. He thanked Yang Jun in person and left two bags at the front door before leaving.

Yang Jun looked at the two bags at the front door and knew that Ma Dapao bought them specially for him because he smoked pot.

Although these two packs of cigarettes were not worth the love, at least he had a grateful heart.

Yang Jun thought the cigarette was choking, so he gave it to Liu Zhi.

Liu Zhi doesn't smoke, and he doesn't pretend to smoke normally. Now that he's the grandson-in-law of the Yang family, it's unreasonable for him not to let go of his cigarette when he sees a guest.

Just in time, these two packs of cigarettes gave him a good appearance.

That night, the food at my second uncle's house was greatly improved.

I had mutton ramen for dinner today.

It is said to be ramen noodles, but in fact the noodles are cut with a knife. The reason is that the second mother is reluctant to add oil when mixing the noodles. The noodles cannot be pulled into silk threads, so they can only be rolled into dough and cut.

On the contrary, the mutton soup is quite authentic, with enough ingredients and pepper powder, and there is no smell at all.

I thought that Yang Anguo had enough to eat, but I didn't expect that Yang Anbang didn't give in too much. The two of them ate eight large bowls, and even his grandfather Yang Wenhou ate two large bowls.

It seems that the appetite of Lao Yang's family is inherited from his ancestors.

The next day is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

When Yang Jun came back from outside the village with Yi Qiushui and Yangmei, he saw Yang Anbang's youngest son lying on the table writing and drawing.

He leaned over and took a look and found that the child was copying the first grade text.

"What's your name?"

The child seemed to be just like his father, introverted and blushing when talking to strangers.

He timidly said: "Uncle, my name is Yang Qun."

"Sheep?" Yang Jun heard this and subconsciously looked up at the breeding room next to the cave dwelling.

Although Yang Qun is only eight years old, he has already reached a sensible age.

He knew what Yang Jun was thinking, so he explained,
"Grandpa hopes that our sheep will run all over the mountains and fields in large numbers, so that we will never go hungry again."

Yang Jun's head was full of black marks, and his second uncle's ability to name names was indeed not that good, not as good as his grandfather's.

In particular, the name Yang Qun sounds related to sheep. This name is something that will follow a person for a lifetime. If it is his own child, he does not want to be considered ambiguous.

"Well, you don't have to go hungry anymore, because you are going to live in a big city with your father."

"Really? Then can I eat mutton ramen every day?"

Yang Jun stroked the child's head lovingly.

This is a sensible child.

Now that classes are suspended, he still knows how to continue studying at home at such a young age. His perseverance is really commendable.

When he thought of studying, he immediately thought of Yang Laosi.

Yang Laosi stayed there for one day since the first day he arrived, and then he never saw her again.

No need to guess, Yang Jun also knew what she was doing.

“I don’t know if you can eat mutton ramen every day, but you’ll never have to go hungry again.”

"Thank you, uncle."

Yang Qun's little eyes were full of joy. Although he couldn't eat mutton ramen every day, at least he wouldn't be hungry anymore.

After breakfast, Yang Jun saw Yang Laosi sneaking out of the yard.

Yang Jun's mind moved and he immediately followed.

As soon as she went out, she disappeared without a trace.

Hey, calves are pretty fast.

Yang Jun followed the slope and walked about 200 meters.

I heard a child's voice coming from the mountain col.

He ducked and followed quietly.He hid behind a tree on the mountainside, stretched his head out, and saw a dozen half-year-old children surrounding Yang Laosi, chirping.

Yang Laosi stood in the middle, put his hands on his hips, and shouted proudly,
"Everyone line up for me. Whoever can climb that hillside first today will be qualified to be my little brother."

Yang Jun almost laughed when he heard Yang Yu talking nonsense.

Yang Laosi has the aura of being the boss, and he is expected to be the boss wherever he goes. Now, he has only been here for two days, and he has become the leader of this group of children so quickly.

"ready, go!"

With a command.

A dozen children rushed towards the opposite hillside in a swarm.

Yang Laosi laughed and stood on the hillside, watching a group of young men charging into battle for her. Her vanity was greatly satisfied.

After a while, all the children rushed to the hillside. There was dust everywhere on them, but they didn't care, but looked at Yang Laosi eagerly.

Yang Laosi blinked and said to the boy running No. 1,
"I declare that Ding Tiedan is the No. 1 in this competition. From today on, you will be my first little brother."

After Yang Laosi finished speaking, Ding Tiedan's child jumped for joy and stood tall with joy.

The other children looked disappointed because they could not become Yang Laosi's younger brother.

"As my younger brother, I, the boss, can't help but express my feelings."

Yang Laosi liked this competitive atmosphere very much. She took out an oil paper bag from her pocket.

He opened the paper package, pinched a piece of maltose and handed it to Ding Tiedan.

"Thank you boss."

Ding Tiedan took the maltose with both hands, bowed and offered the rainbow fart.

When Yang Jun saw this, there was nothing he didn't understand.

It turns out that the source of all the culprits is himself.

If he didn't give Yang Laosi so much pocket money, he wouldn't encourage her arrogant and domineering style.

If there is no money to buy snacks, those children will not recognize her as the boss at all, let alone follow her.

Yang Jun felt that Yang Laosi could not be allowed to continue like this. He could still correct himself while he was still young. If he was allowed to develop like this, Yang Laosi would definitely take a detour.

What he has to do now is to control her pocket money and then spend more time educating her.

Thinking of this, he immediately stood up from behind the tree.

"Yang Laosi, come here!"

Yang Laosi was startled when he heard this, and then shuddered.

The only one who can call her that is Boss Yang. She is not afraid of Wang Yuying or Yang Mei, she is afraid of Boss Yang.

Her fate was in Boss Yang's hand. As long as he was unhappy, he would cut off her pocket money at any time.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Yang Laosi shrank back, then took a step forward, as if to cheer himself up.

When Yang Jun heard this, he felt relieved.

Fortunately, I didn't call him Boss Yang, which was a sign of respect for myself.

"Go back with me."

Yang Jun didn't say anything and went directly to take her away.

At first, Yang Laosi was not happy and sank down, but when he saw Yang Jun's cannibalistic eyes, he immediately followed him back obediently.

Back to the yard.

Yang Jun searched Yang Laosi's body and found a total of three yuan and fifty-seven cents in change and a small bag of maltose.

"From today on, you are not allowed to go out to play. You must stay at home and study." Yang Jun said.

"Schools are all closed." Yang Laosi pouted.

"The school has been suspended, but I have not suspended classes here. From now on, I, your sister-in-law, and your eldest sister will all be your teachers. You must allow me to study at home with peace of mind."

"All my textbooks are gone." Yang Laosi continued to find reasons for not studying.

"That's not a problem. I will find textbooks for you. Now you have to learn from the first grade."

"Ah, I don't want to start from the first grade. I'm already in the fifth grade."

"You have the nerve to say that you are a fifth-grade student?" Yang Jun didn't give her a chance to tell, and took her collar to the mourning hall.

The child Yang Qun was lying on the ground studying. Yang Jun pointed at Yang Qun and said,
"Look at your eldest nephew, he is filial and sensible. Why can't you learn from him?"

"You start from the first grade. You must be able to memorize every Chinese text and solve every math problem. If you can't learn it, you won't be allowed to eat."


Yang Laosi looked at Wang Yuying and the others with a bitter face, hoping that someone would come out to take care of Yang Jun and intercede for him, but everyone seemed not to notice and were chatting among themselves.

Yang Laosi curled his lips, preparing to perform a show of crying, making trouble, and..., um...

Yang Jun was not used to her problem, so he kicked her in the crook of her leg and made her kneel on the ground to study.

Yang Qun looked at Yang Laosi and handed over the Chinese textbook at the right time.

"Fourth Aunt, here you go."

Yang Laosi grinned, and tears flowed down silently. She looked up and saw Yang Jun's cannibalistic eyes. She just kept her mouth closed and did not dare to cry out, and reluctantly took the Chinese document.

Yang Jun didn't go anywhere, just watched her study from the side.

He also assigned her a simple task, asking her to recite a text. If she didn't recite it well, she wouldn't be allowed to eat.

Yang Laosi spent a long time brewing his emotions before he started to read with peace of mind.

"I don't know this word."

Yang Laosi asked, pointing to a new word in the textbook.

When Yang Jun saw it, he immediately raised his forehead and smiled bitterly.

I am a fifth-grade student and I don’t even know the first-grade words.

"Ask your eldest nephew."

Yang Jun felt embarrassed.

At Yang Laosi's level, it is estimated that if he can get [-] points on the first-grade test paper, the Yang family's ancestral grave will be covered with smoke.

Yang Laosi looked at Yang Qun, who was five years younger than him. He struggled for a long time and finally asked him for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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