Chapter 234

After sending away Yangliu and He Yuyu.

Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui returned to the factory to work.

As soon as he arrived at the factory, Secretary Jiang came over and told him to go to the door to meet the leader coming from above.

This time the people coming from above were mainly to announce the appointment of the deputy factory director.

Yang Jun urgently notified the cadres of each department to go to the auditorium for a meeting.

In fact, the name of this deputy director candidate, Yang Jun, has long been known.

At that time, the big boss came to him and asked him if he had a suitable person to take over Li Huaide's position. If not, he would send him directly from above.

Yang Jun knew in his heart that the big boss was paving the way for him to rise to the top. He couldn't find a deputy for himself who was always against him.

At that time, he recommended Liu Feng, deputy director of the Logistics Department.

Liu Feng was originally the director of a machine repair factory. He was principled and capable. He was the kind of person who, like Yang Jianguo, was dedicated to the public good.

Yang Jun thought that he could not be as selfless as them, but that did not mean that he rejected such people.

We can't have factory leaders who are all just cunning and opportunistic people. There must always be a few people who are dedicated to getting things done, and Liu Feng is such a person.

Even if there is a conflict between him and Liu Feng in the future, it will never be a personal conflict, but only due to work friction.

You can feel confident using someone like Liu Feng, and you will never worry about him shooting a cold arrow in your back.

Afterwards, he even talked to Liu Feng specifically.

The two of them didn't talk about job promotion, only about work.

This is a temptation.

He wanted to hear Liu Feng's arrangements for the future plans of the steel rolling mill. Unexpectedly, he was stunned by Liu Feng's advanced awareness and vision. Some of his ideas gave Yang Jun a refreshing feeling. Many business concepts that only appeared in later generations appeared in this moment. It seemed like it was already in his mouth.

It can be seen that he is a thoughtful person.

After the conversation, Yang Jun asked him to go back and get ready to start production work.

After hearing what Yang Jun said, Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that Yang Jun had recommended him to his superiors.

Yang Jun welcomed the leaders from above into the auditorium.

At this time, the auditorium was full of people. They were all cadres above the workshop director and key members of various departments.

The leader who came from above did not waste any time and directly announced the appointment.

"Comrade Liu Feng is hereby appointed as deputy director of the steel rolling mill, in charge of production..."

As soon as the appointment was announced, there was an immediate sensation.

I thought that the superiors would send a deputy director down, but unexpectedly, he was promoted from within the steel rolling mill, and Liu Feng was promoted two levels in a row and became the deputy director of the steel rolling mill.

In fact, Liu Feng was originally the director of the machine repair factory, but he was demoted and became the deputy director of logistics. If normal procedures were followed, he would be qualified to be the director of the logistics department.

This time the appointment of deputy director was said to be a two-level promotion, but in fact it was only one level.

Yang Jun's position remains unchanged. He is still the deputy director of the steel rolling mill, in charge of logistics work. As for the position of deputy director, it is temporarily vacant.

After the appointment was announced, everyone expressed their congratulations to Liu Feng. Liu Feng said a few words of humility and then gave a speech before ending the meeting.

After the leader from above announced the appointment, he went back directly.

Later, Yang Jun called Liu Feng to the office and handed him over the work he had taken over during this period.

The work handover was very smooth. Liu Feng was originally in charge of production and was familiar with the production process, so he was able to get started quickly.

As soon as Liu Feng was sent away, Yang Jun picked up the tea cup and was about to drink water.

The phone rang.

Yang Jun frowned and reluctantly put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Is this you, Jun'er? I am your second uncle."

The voice of Yang Jun's second uncle, Yang Dong, came from the other end of the phone.

His voice was urgent and panicked.

"Oh, second uncle, I am a soldier, what do you want from me?" Yang Jun stood up.

He had a bad feeling that something was going to happen.

"Junzi, please go back to your hometown quickly. She is dying. She wants to see you for the last time." Yang Dong's anxious voice contained a hint of crying.

"My milk is no longer good?" Yang Jun was stunned and felt uneasy in his heart.

Although he had never met his grandparents and had no emotional ties with him, his heart ached inexplicably when he heard that his grandma was dying.

This may be a blood relationship.

Blood ties are something that is invisible and intangible, but very mysterious. Even if we are thousands of miles apart, we can still feel it.

"What kind of disease does she have?" Yang Jun asked hurriedly.

He thought, first find out the situation, ask about the condition, and see if he can bring some medicine back here.

After all, this is a big city, the medical conditions are better than those in Shangougou, and many scarce medicines can be purchased.

"I don't know either. I suddenly collapsed in the yard yesterday. I went to the hospital for treatment. After seeing it, the doctor asked us to be transferred to the provincial capital hospital. As you know, Junzi, this place is hundreds of miles away from the provincial capital. , I’m afraid your grandma will be on the way..."

Yang Dong's voice was low and choked with sobs: "So I had to take your baby home."

Yang Jun knew in his heart that this was how things were handled in this era.

As long as the hospital notifies the family members of the transfer, it is a disguised form of telling you that you can go home and prepare for the funeral.

In fact, there is also a kind of thinking of returning fallen leaves to their roots.The elderly have conservative and outdated ideas. They think that they should die at home and never in the hospital.

When I heard that I was going to be transferred to the provincial hospital, I said that I would not go there at all, for fear that I would die on the way. If that happened, my soul would not be able to find its way home and would become a lonely ghost.

"Second uncle, don't worry, I'll go back right away."

Yang Jun hung up the phone and asked Yuan Kaizong for a leave first.

After all, factory leaders cannot leave their posts for long periods of time and must report where they go.

When Yuan Kaizong heard that Yang Jun's grandma was seriously ill, he approved it without saying a word, and comforted him, telling him to handle the matter with peace of mind and that the factory did not have to worry.

Yang Jun came out of Yuan Kaizong's office and went directly to the infirmary to pick up Yi Qiushui.

As soon as the car arrived at the door, Yang Jun slapped his forehead and immediately turned a corner and went back.

Grandma is seriously ill, and Yang Anguo, the grandson, has to go back.

When Yang Anguo heard that his grandma was seriously ill, he cried on the spot.

He was brought up by his grandma and had a very deep relationship with his grandson. When he heard that his grandma was seriously ill, he almost collapsed.

When Yang Jun saw this, he felt ashamed. He was also a descendant of the Yang family and he owed too much to this family.

The three of them returned to Jinshuiqiao Siheyuan, packed their luggage, picked up Ma Xiangxiu and went to the courtyard.

Back in the backyard, Yang Jun told Wang Yuying the situation.

Wang Yuying's eyes turned red on the spot, tears welling up in her eyes.

Without saying anything, she asked Yang Jun to pick up Yang Mei from the factory.

After more than 30 years, she thought it was time to take her children back to her hometown for a visit.

Yang Jun originally planned to go back without Yang Mei, and the mother and son could just go back. After all, Yang Yu and Yang Huai were still young and could not travel far away, so they could take care of them if Yang Mei was left at home.

He did not expect that Wang Yuying would take all her younger brothers and sisters back.

However, after thinking about it, Yang Jun understood instantly.

She hasn't been back to her hometown for so many years, and now her grandma is seriously ill. She doesn't want to see the disappointed look in the old man's eyes.

Yang Jun walked to the front yard and suddenly remembered something, so he turned back and called Yang Anguo up.

With so many people there at once, one car would definitely not be able to fit in. He wanted to borrow a car and the two of them could drive back together.

When he arrived at the steel rolling mill, Yang Jun went to the driver's class to borrow a car and asked Yang Anguo to go through the formalities while he went to find Yang Mei.

After hearing this, Yang Mei also said it was time to go back. She went to the workshop to call Liu Zhi, and then returned to the courtyard with Yang Jun and the others.

When she returned to the yard, Wang Yuying had already packed her luggage.

The large and small bags were stacked together, almost occupying a car.

Fortunately, Yang Jun's two Paris jeeps were larger and could seat six people, so everyone squeezed in and they were all seated.

The only regret is that Yang Liu has just joined the army and will definitely not be able to go.

Yang Jun looked at the time, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

This is a habit he has developed over the years. Every time he does something, he always looks at the time to predict when he will arrive.

My hometown is more than 1200 kilometers away from here. Calculated at 16 kilometers per hour, it would take 20 hours without sleep to get there. This is still the most ideal situation. If we consider road conditions and transfers, it will take an estimated [-] hours to get there.

However, this is all under ideal circumstances.

However, in reality, 20 hours will definitely not be achieved.

The car drove for more than half an hour before leaving the city. After getting onto the main road, the road conditions were not so good. The road was so bumpy that Wang Yuying and the others almost vomited in the car.

Yang Jun drove for more than two hours, then found a restaurant to have a quick bite to eat, and then continued on the road.

After driving for nearly six hours, I felt so sleepy that I found a guest house to sleep.

At dawn, Wang Yuying woke him up. Yang Jun rubbed his sleepy eyes and continued on his way.

Yang Jun and Yang Anguo drove and stopped, and finally returned to their hometown on the morning of the third day.

(Actually, taking a train and then changing trains is slower than driving.)
Standing at the mountain pass, everyone took a moment, tidied up a little, and then drove into the village.

This is a small mountain village surrounded by mountains. The village is surrounded by mountains. There is only one mountain road into the mountains. The road is full of potholes. There has just been a spring rain, and the road is muddy everywhere. Cars are prone to slipping on the road.

The two had to slow down.

As the car drove further in, Yang Jun felt panicked. He couldn't imagine that the place where his father lived before was so poor. He couldn't imagine how his father got the place to work in the city.

It must have been thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge, otherwise God would not have favored a poor boy from a ravine.

Upon entering the village.

I saw that the door of the house at the entrance of the village was completely deserted, and I could faintly hear howls of mourning.

Yang Jun's heart sank and he thought to himself: Is it too late?

Sure enough, he saw Yang Anguo, who was driving in front, driving the car so fast that he almost rushed over.

Yang Jun followed closely, but before he could stop the car, he saw Yang Anguo staggering into the door.

"My grandson is late..."

Everyone got out of the car with sad faces.

Wang Yuying stood at the door, looking deeply at this familiar yet unfamiliar cave dwelling.

Looking around, it seems that nothing much has changed.

With tears in her eyes, she said sadly,
"Go in and kowtow to your grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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