Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 226 It’s true, Jia Zhang pretended to be sick

Chapter 226 It’s true, Jia Zhang pretended to be sick

Yang Jun also didn't expect that the upright man who was almost 60 years old had such skills.

If Guo Houhou hadn't sacrificed an arm, he really wouldn't have been able to catch him.

Yang Jun asked Guo Houhou to lie down and comforted him: "Brother Guo, no matter what, your arm is dead because you have to do something for me. I will be responsible for you to the end. Let's do this. After you recover from the injury, I will roll steel." How about the factory arranges a job for you and then applies for disability benefits for you?"

After listening to Yang Jun's words, everyone looked excited, especially Guo Houhou, who shed tears of excitement.

After all, this arm was not lost in vain. It was worth trading an arm for an iron rice bowl.

This group of people came all the way from the countryside to get here, just to find a future, or to put it in layman's terms, to find a long-term job.

Some people stay in the countryside and have no future, dealing with the yellow land every day. They work so hard that they can't even fill their stomachs, let alone an arm. Even if their lives are lost, as long as they can find a wife for their parents, children, and children. They are also willing to have an iron rice bowl.

"Director Yang, I would like to thank you on behalf of Guo Houhou and his family." He Dazhuang said excitedly.

"Thank you, Director Yang." The other militiamen bowed to Yang Jun one after another.

"Brothers, please don't do this. I'm very grateful that you can come and help me. If you do this again, I will really be ashamed of myself."

Yang Jun helped them up one by one, feeling ashamed and speechless.

Then, he took out 500 yuan from his pocket and handed it to He Dazhuang.

"Captain He, this is my personal opinion. You can buy them some nutritional supplements."

"This... this is against the rules. We made an agreement at the beginning. We helped you work, and you promised to give us two job quotas. Now that it has happened like this, we can only blame us for not being good at learning, not you."

He Dazhuang saw that Yang Jun offered such a large amount of money. He thought that this was the condition they had agreed upon before. Now that Guo Houhou and the others were injured, no wonder Yang Jun, so he could not accept the money at all.
"Yes, Director Yang, just take it back."

Although several other militiamen were jealous of the money, they all felt that it was against the rules, so they all thought that it was natural to not want the money.

"Okay, don't refuse. This money is not for you. It is to buy some nutritional supplements for a few injured brothers. Besides, if you don't accept the money, I will feel bad about it."

Yang Jun looked at Guo Houhou, who had lost an arm, and said, "You don't need the money, but you have to think about Brother Guo's family, right? So don't refuse."

Yang Jun did not allow them to refuse and insisted on keeping the money.

Seeing that He Dazhuang refused to accept it, he stuffed it directly under Guo Houhou's pillow.

"Director Yang, I want to thank you on behalf of the monkey family."

He Dazhuang, a five-foot tall man, bowed to him with red eyes.

"Brother He, please don't do this. I've been feeling unhappy." Yang Jun stepped forward to help him up.

"Brother He, that's it. Didn't I promise you two job quotas before? In addition to Brother Monkey, I also promised to give you two more quotas to make up for my debt to you."

"Four places?" He Dazhuang excitedly held Yang Jun's hand and said, "Director Yang, is everything you said true?"

"Well, it's true. You heard me right. Tell me the personnel list later and I will take care of the rest."

In order to make up for his guilt towards them, Yang Jun had to give them two more job quotas, so that five of the ten of them could stay in the city and eat commercial food.

As for which people can stay in the city and eat commercial food, it is up to them.

"Thank you Director Yang."

He Dazhuang and the others thanked them in unison.

After the formal chat, Yang Jun left the ward.

He came to the front clinic building.

Wang Xuemei and her group had arrived a long time ago, and they were waiting at the door of the hospital.

As soon as Yang Jun arrived at the door, he saw from a distance that the third uncle, Yan Bugui, was leading a group of young men swaggering towards this direction.

Yan Jiefang was pulling the cart in front, while Liu Guangfu, Liu Guangtian and four other young men in the yard were pushing the cart behind.

Qin Huairu followed them.

Mrs. Jia Zhang kept twisting and turning on the trolley, making whining sounds from her mouth.

When the third uncle saw Wang Xuemei, he immediately ran over. He narrowed his eyes and said,

"Director Wang, we have brought Jia Zhang, please give us your instructions."

Wang Xuemei waved her hand and said: "Lao Yan, don't fix those weak things, just carry the person in."

"Got it!"

The third uncle responded, and then asked Yan Jiefang and the others to park the car at the door.

After lifting the quilt on Jia Zhang's body, a foul smell hit her nostrils, and everyone covered their noses and backed away.


As soon as Jia Zhang saw the sunlight, she immediately protested.

She kept staring at the frame, her eyes darting up and down, asking for help from passers-by.

People in the hospital had never seen such a strange way of seeking medical treatment, and they gathered around him.

They pointed at Mrs. Jia Zhang, but they had never seen anyone tied up to see a doctor.

At this time, more and more people were watching, and soon the door of the hospital was blocked.

Wang Xuemei signaled those who followed to maintain order at the scene and clear a path as soon as possible.

Without Wang Xuemei's instructions, the third uncle and the others spontaneously pulled out two wooden sticks from the car and inserted them directly into the noose, working in pairs.

"One, two, get up!" The third uncle shouted.

Yan Jiefang and the four of them carried Jia and Zhang off the cart.

Before the third uncle and the others came, the people from the subdistrict office had already made an appointment with the doctor in advance and made an order for the X-ray.

In order to make this authoritative diagnosis, Vice President Zhao of the hospital personally took action and led two attending doctors to conduct various examinations on Jia Zhang.

I originally wanted to untie Jia Zhang, but I was afraid that she would make a fuss, so I didn't.

Yan Jiefang and the four of them directly carried Jia and Zhang to the computer room to take the radiograph, but they encountered a small problem when they were lifted to the irradiation table.

Because the irradiation platform was a bit high, Yan Jiefang and the four of them could not lift it up.

Finally, with the help of people from the subdistrict office, Jia and Zhang were moved up.

When Jia Zhang saw that he was about to take a film on his head, the fuss became even more intense.

Her fat body was twisting and turning, trying to roll off the irradiation table.

In the end, the third uncle came up with a way to fix her on the irradiation table with a rope so that the film could be taken smoothly.

After the film is shot.

Vice President Zhao watched the film immediately.

He looked over and over again, the wrinkles on his forehead getting deeper and deeper.

"Director Wang, are you mistaken? This person does not have a brain tumor?"

"Vice President Zhao, please take a closer look."

Wang Xuemei said with a smile on her face.

It seemed that this result was expected. After such a fuss, she didn't believe that Jia Zhang was pretending to be ill.

Vice President Zhao did not read the film, but handed it to the other two attending doctors, and then said with a serious face,
"Director Wang, whether there is a tumor in her brain, it is clear from the film. I can guarantee with my more than 30 years of medical career that this person does not have a brain tumor, and her body is even stronger than that of young people."

"Dean Zhao is right. There is indeed no tumor in this person's brain. Let alone taking a picture, it doesn't look like he is sick even with the naked eye."

The attending doctor standing aside said.

The smile on Wang Xuemei's face became even stronger.

It was verified again, and she already knew it.

"Dean Zhao, since this person is not sick, please ask your hospital to issue a medical certificate so that I can go back and deliver the work."

"Okay, I'll issue the diagnosis right away."

Deputy Zhao turned around and asked the attending doctor to issue a diagnosis. Then he pointed at Mrs. Jia Zhang and said,
"Director Wang, please ask her carefully who gave her the false certificate. You must tell me later. People with no medical ethics like this are not worthy of working in our industry."

Before Jia Zhang came, Wang Xuemei told Vice President Zhang about Jia Zhang's situation.

When Vice President Zhao heard this, he became furious and shouted that he must find this evil doctor.

"Don't worry, Director Zhao. Even if you don't explain, I won't let that doctor go. You actually let this scourge come back for money. As long as you find him out, I won't make it easy for him."

Later, Wang Xuemei whispered a few words to a young man next to her and asked him to bring the doctor who issued the false certificate to Jia Zhang.

The young man nodded, turned around and waved to his two colleagues to leave in a hurry.

"Lao Yan, I need to trouble you to send Jia Zhang to the street office."

Wang Xuemei hurriedly left the computer room and said to the third uncle.

"No problem, Director Wang, leave this matter to me." The third uncle said with a smile.

After giving Yan Jiefang and the others a wink, several people carried Jia and Zhang from the machine room to the cart.

Ever since she heard the doctor's diagnosis, Mrs. Jia Zhang lay there quietly without saying a word.

She knew in her heart that her feigning illness was completely exposed, and even the doctor who helped her was implicated.

At this time, she felt no regrets. She had successfully returned to the courtyard. If she had not committed suicide, she would not have attracted public anger.

Her intestines are now green with regret. If God gives her another chance, she will definitely stay at home with her tail between her legs like a dog.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, and it is too late to say anything at this time.

After leaving the hospital, Yang Jun went to the art troupe headquarters instead of going to the street office with Wang Xuemei and the others.

Seeing that Yang Liu was about to enlist in the army the day after tomorrow, he had to find Qian Jiajia to verify the situation to avoid any mistakes.

When he arrived at the place, Yang Jun took out his work permit and registered.

After the guard verified his information, he called the guard office.

About 10 minutes passed.

From a distance, he saw Qian Jiajia running towards him.

"Hey, big factory director, what kind of wind is blowing today that brings you to my little temple?"

Qian Jiajia put her hands behind her back and asked with a smile.

Yang Jun looked up and down at Qian Jiajia, who was wearing a military uniform.

Although she deliberately held her breath to control her breathing rate, Yang Jun could still guess that she was running over.

(End of this chapter)

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