Chapter 212
Nine bullets, seven shot out and two left.

This is a habit he has developed over the years, just in case.

However, even if the bullets in the gun chamber are exhausted, he can quickly take out a pistol with a full magazine from the space.

Yang Jun walked over cautiously with a gun in hand.

He saw a black rumbling hole in the middle of the heads of the two wild boars, with blood gurgling out.

He fired five shots in a row, hitting the head with all the bullets, and the bullets all hit the same hole.

Seeing this, he smiled knowingly.

It's been so long since I changed my career, but my marksmanship is still so accurate.

Then, he went to check on the little wild boar that Yang Anguo had shot.

It doesn't matter, but Yang Jun is pregnant.

Yang Anguo's shot happened to enter through the wild boar dung door. The bullet entered the body and messed up the internal organs.

"You're good, just pick the soft spots and hit them." Yang Jun said to Yang Anguo.

Yang Anguo felt very embarrassed looking at Shi Men who was not bleeding much. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile,
"Brother, I'm going to tell you that I'm blind, do you believe it or not?"


Of course Yang Jun didn't believe that his marksmanship was so accurate. A person who had only been in the security department for less than a month could not shoot so accurately even if he touched the gun every day and had enough bullets.

Even Yang Jun didn't dare to pat his chest and guarantee that he could do it.

"It scared me to death just now."

Ma Xiangxiu had just been picked up from the tree by Ma Juzi, and she was patting her beating heart on her chest with lingering fear.

Yang Jun smiled and said nothing. Not to mention the woman Ma Xiangxiu, even Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi were frightened just now.

This is human nature, and not everyone is as fearless in the face of danger as he is. He can't be so calm without going through battles on the battlefield.

"Tell me, how do you get this big guy back?"

Yang Jun looked at the largest wild boar, which weighed at least four hundred kilograms. The other smaller one weighed no less than 350 kilograms. As for the piglet, it weighed seventy or eighty kilograms.

A wild boar weighing hundreds of kilograms is beyond the reach of humans. Without tools, it would be difficult to get out of the woods.

Without the three of them, Yang Jun could have taken the wild boars into the space, but the situation was different now. Even if he gave up the three wild boars, he would not expose the secrets of the space to outsiders.

As soon as Yang Jun's words came out, everyone immediately frowned.

Yes, this pig is so heavy, how can we get it out?

"You can't throw it away anyway. You have to get it back no matter what."

"These three pigs weigh at least [-] kilograms. According to the market price of [-] cents per kilogram, they can be sold for [-] yuan, which is enough for Anguo's salary for a year and a half."

Ma Xiangxiu said distressedly.

Yang Anguo frowned and said nothing. He circled around the heaviest wild boar twice, and then found a suitable position. He squatted down and grabbed the front and rear legs of the wild boar with both hands.

"Ha, get up!"

Yang Anguo lowered his waist and shouted loudly.

He saw the wild boar being carried on his shoulders incredibly.

This scene.

Yang Jun was stunned.

The strength can carry the tripod.

Is that human being?
He could easily carry the [-]-pound wild boar. Even if the Overlord was alive, he wouldn't say he would be able to do it.

But he soon felt relieved. An Guo had such a big appetite, so he must be very strong.

"I go first."

Yang Anguo put down these words and walked back with the wild boar on his shoulders.

Yang Jun looked at his back. It didn't look like he had used all his strength. He seemed to have some room left.

Then, Yang Jun pointed to the 350-pound wild boar on the ground and asked Ma Juzi with his eyes.

"Brother, leave this to me."

Ma Juzi laughed and walked over with his sleeves rolled up.


Ma Juzi was not much stronger than Yang Anguo, and he carried the pig easily on his shoulders.

Yang Jun looked at this pair of freaks in surprise.

Three to four hundred kilograms of stuff was taken away at the drop of a hat, without even taking a breath.

At this time, he realized that such a big meal was not for nothing.

However, when he saw the little piglet weighing [-] to [-] pounds, Yang Jun's brows furrowed into the word "Chuan".

Seventy or eighty pounds is not light.

He is not those two perverts. How far he can carry it is two different things.

The return journey was a few hours long on a mountain road. At this rate, he could only walk a few kilometers at most.

Moreover, this wild boar was covered in thorns and smelled very bad. If he carried it back, it would definitely be smelly, and Yi Qiushui would definitely not let him go to bed.

"Xiangxiu, how about..."

"Brother, I still have to carry wild vegetables."

After Xiangxiu said that, she turned around and chased Yang Anguo and the others.

Got it!
He originally wanted to carry it with Ma Xiangxiu, but before he could say anything, someone blocked his way back.


Is it great to be strong?

I wonder if I have space?

Looking at the struggling backs of Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi, Yang Jun shook his head with a wry smile.

It wasn't until the backs of the three of them were invisible that Yang Jun took the little wild boar into the space.

For fear of running into them again.

Yang Jun then looked at the direction and took a shortcut back first.Although it may look like a four-hour walk, the actual time spent is not that much.

On the way there, they dug wild vegetables and hurried on. In fact, the real distance was only more than an hour's journey.

Yang Jun went into battle lightly and took a shortcut to get out of the woods in just over 50 minutes.

After he came out of the forest, he did not rush to take out the wild boar, but went directly into the village.

There are hundreds of households in Mentougou Village, scattered on both sides of the ravine.

He first walked around the village and then found a cart parked outside a house, so he walked in.

"Is anyone home?"

Yang Jun shouted twice at the half-open door.


A young woman in her 20s came out of the door, holding a child who was only a few months old in her arms.

"Who are you looking for? Is there something wrong with you?"

This young woman has a delicate appearance, fair skin, and a faint milky fragrance.

When she saw that Yang Jun was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and carrying a long gun behind his back, he looked like someone with some status. She immediately flinched and even spoke in a much lower voice.

"Big sister, don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I'm a tourist who goes into the mountains to hunt."

As Yang Jun spoke, he took out his work permit and showed it to her, then pointed to the truck in the yard and said,
"It's like this. We caught three wild boars and we don't have the tools to transport them back. I'd like to lend you a cart to use."

"Borrow a scooter?"

"Oh, I'd like to buy the cart if possible."

Seeing that her family was in a poor family and her clothes were shabby, Yang Jun wanted to buy the cart at a high price to help her.

The peasant woman looked back at the cart, her expression changed several times, and then she said to Yang Jun,

"No money, just give it to you."

"You don't want money?" Yang Jun was stunned for a moment and said, "How can that be done? If you don't charge money, I can't take it either."

Yang Jun knows that for ordinary rural families, a trolley is a big item in their home. They can't do without it when going to lakes or fields, or for carrying goods. Just like city people can't do without bicycles, they are a must-have at home. .

This cart, including the wheels and cart, was worth 15 yuan according to the market price. The peasant woman gave it away as promised, which was beyond his expectation.

"Sister, how about this? Ask your man to come out and I'll discuss it with him."

"My man..." The peasant woman's eyes were suddenly filled with something crystal clear, and she choked, "My man died under this cart."

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this and understood immediately.

No wonder she wanted to give this cart to him. It turned out that her man died under this cart. As for how he died, Yang Jun was unwilling to ask for fear of exposing his scars.

She wanted to send this ominous thing away so that she would not miss it after seeing it.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I don't know..."

The peasant woman wiped her tears with her sleeves and waved her hands to indicate that he didn't need to take it to heart.

"Take it away if you need it."

After the peasant woman finished speaking, she hugged the child and went back to the house.

Yang Jun stood alone in the yard. He felt as if a stone was pressing on his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.

The peasant woman looked to be in her early twenties. Her husband died at a young age, and she was struggling with her children alone.

He knew that the life of a widow in the countryside was more difficult than that of a widow in the city. She had to think twice about what she said and did, for fear that if she made the wrong move, she would be blamed for being dissolute.

Moreover, in this era, it is very difficult for widows to remarry.

Not only would the husband's family object, but even the natal family would not approve. Yang Jun had seen many situations like this in later generations. They worked hard to raise their children, and in the end they could only grow old alone.

Yang Jun looked at the cart and felt heavy in his heart.

He took out a small yellow croaker from the space and secretly placed it on the pot table.

Then he pulled the cart and left without looking back.

He is not short of money, he just hopes to help this poor woman.

He pulled the cart to the edge of the forest, where Yang Anguo and the others must pass.

Then he looked around and saw that there was no one around, so with a thought, the wild boar appeared on the cart.

Afterwards, he returned to the bus stop, drove the car over, sat in the car and smoked, waiting for Yang Anguo and the others.

After smoking a cigarette, he felt a little hungry. He had been busy all day and didn't bother to eat at noon. At this moment, he felt hungry.

He took out five steaming large meat buns from the space and ate them with tomato and egg soup.

After eating a few buns, he suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength and he felt more energetic.

With a thought, he took out twenty large meat buns from the space and placed them on the back seat of the car for Yang Anguo and the others to eat.

He raised his wrist and looked at the time. Nearly two hours had passed and Yang Anguo and the others hadn't arrived yet, so he took off his shoes and squinted in the car for a while.

I don't know how long it took, but Yang Jun heard a "squeaking" sound coming from deep in the forest. He opened his eyes and looked around. At this time, the sky was dim and the sun had already set halfway.

I raised my wrist to look at the time. It was almost 05:30.

He got out of the car, stretched out, and looked up into the woods, only to see Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi walking towards this side carrying the wild boar.

Every step they took was extremely difficult. Their tall and tall bodies were no longer so straight, and they moved forward step by step with rickets.

 Explain it here:
  Carrying a [-]-pound wild boar is indeed a bit nonsense.

  But for the needs of the plot, I can only write it this way.

  In fact, there are people like Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi in reality.

  If you can eat, you will have strength.

  Their appetites are so big that they must be very strong.

  Dear readers, just take a look and don't be picky.

  Finally, thank you all again for your continued support.

  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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