Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 210 I want a dumpling

Chapter 210 I want a hundred dumplings
After coming out of the big leader's house, Yang Jun felt hungry again.

Although saozi noodles are delicious, this type of carbohydrate is easy to digest.

The soup was watery, and after all this tossing, my stomach was suddenly empty again.

"Find a restaurant and I'll treat you to dinner."

Ma Juzi has a bigger appetite than him, so he must have been hungry for a long time.


Ma Juzi responded.

There was a hint of excitement in his voice. He pushed the gear in his hand forward and stepped on the accelerator. The car immediately flew out.

The two came to a state-owned hotel.

Although it's called a hotel, it has a breakfast shop inside.

The steamed stuffed buns, fried dough sticks and rice porridge pot cakes are all gone, only the dumplings are left.

"Twenty pork and green onion dumplings."

Yang Jun stood in front of the window and didn't find anything delicious, so he ordered dumplings.

"Give me...a hundred." Ma Juzi stood beside him, holding up a finger and saying with a red face.

The dumpling seller was an aunt in her 40s. She was stunned when she heard this, then she stuck her head out of the window and said,
"Young man, tell me again, how much do you want?"

"a hundred."

The aunt looked at him in surprise with her mouth open.

"Young man, let me tell you, if you can't finish eating, I won't let you go."

"I can finish it." Ma Juzi promised, patting his chest.

When Yang Jun saw this, he quickly said to the aunt,
"Comrade, he has a big appetite. I guarantee that he will be able to finish it."

The aunt looked at them doubtfully, and then said,

"Then... okay, how about I serve fifty to you first, and then you can serve them after you finish eating?"

"to make!"

The two agreed, and then Yang Jun paid four yuan and ninety cents and seven kilograms of food stamps.

After paying, the two returned to their seats and waited.

About 5 minutes later, the aunt appeared at the window again, knocked on the counter, and asked them to come over and bring the dumplings.

As soon as the dumplings were placed on the table, Yang Jun was stunned.

He thought the dumplings were like the quick-frozen dumplings sold in supermarkets in later generations. Unexpectedly, these dumplings were not only big in size, but also filled with fillings. Each one was as big as what he usually eats at home.

Twenty dumplings filled a plate.

Yang Jun frowned and said, "Juzi, I might not be able to eat it."

"Brother, eat it with your belly open, and the leftovers will be mine."

Ma Juzi couldn't wait to squeeze a dumpling with his hands and stuff it into his stomach. His cheeks bulged a few times, his Adam's apple rose and fell, and he swallowed just one dumpling.

"Comrade, bring me five heads of garlic."

Ma Juzi yelled at the window.

"five cents."

The aunt at the window replied angrily.

Yang Jun quickly took out five cents and handed it to him.

After Ma Juzi got the garlic back, Yang Jun tried to peel a clove and put it in his mouth.

"Hiss, it's so spicy."

Yang Jun couldn't eat this, so he quickly threw away the remaining half clove of garlic.

Afterwards, the two began to cook.

When Yang Jun finished ten dumplings, the plate in front of Ma Juzi was already empty.

"Comrade, bring up the remaining fifty dumplings." Ma Juzi shouted toward the window.

When the aunt heard this, she stood up on tiptoes and glanced at them, then went back to the kitchen.

Out of twenty dumplings, Yang Junsheng ate eighteen, but he couldn't eat the remaining two.

He pushed the plate toward the middle, stood up and loosened his belt.

"Brother, are you full?"

Ma Juzi had already finished the three plates and looked eagerly at Yang Jun's two dumplings.

Yang Jun nodded and said nothing.

He was so full that he really didn't want to move, let alone speak, for fear that when he opened his mouth, the dumplings would pop out of his throat.

Ma Juzi was not polite and stuffed two dumplings into his stomach, one at a time.

"Young man, you are the best eater I have ever seen."

The aunt brought the dumplings to him personally this time and stood beside him, watching him eat.

"If I were a little jealous, I could eat a hundred more."

Ma Juzi didn't feel ashamed, scratched his head and said.

"You wait, I'll get it for you."

After the aunt finished speaking, she turned around and ran back to the kitchen.

At this time, everyone around him was stunned by Ma Juzi's appetite. They put down their chopsticks and gathered around.

Even the people who helped in the kitchen came out to watch when they heard that there was a person in the front hall who had a very big appetite.

Yang Jun felt very embarrassed when he saw this, and then quietly slipped out alone.

In the dining hall.

Ma Juzi started a live food live show.

I saw that he didn't even use chopsticks, he just dipped the dumplings in vinegar with one hand and stuffed garlic into his mouth with the other hand.

I don’t know how this kid can eat so well. In less than 5 minutes, fifty dumplings were gone.

"Ha, if only there were fifty more."

Ma Juzi rubbed his half-full belly and said sheepishly.

Everyone was shocked by his appetite.

You know, twenty dumplings are one catty. If he ate a hundred dumplings by himself, that would be five catties.

The average adult's food intake is about one kilogram, which is equivalent to eating for five people.

"Oh my gosh, this is so delicious."

"Who can afford to support this big-bellied man?"

"Any girl who marries him will be unlucky. She will probably be starved back to her parents' home within two days." Ma Juzi's face turned red when he heard this, and he stood up and left with a smile.

Outside the hotel, Yang Jun was sitting in the car smoking.

Seeing Ma Juzi coming out, he picked up a cigarette and threw it away.

"Are you full?"

Ma Juzi chuckled, took the cigarette, put it under his nose and smelled it, then clamped it to his ears. He touched his belly and said, "Think of it as full."

Yang Jun's eyes widened: "No matter what you say, if you are full, you are full, if you are not full, you are not full."

"I'm not... not full." Ma Juzi said with a red face.

Yang Jun was speechless.

Waved for him to get in the car.

This kid is really good at eating, he basically has the same appetite as Yang Anguo.

You know, that boy Yang Anguo can eat four kilograms of roast duck in one meal, and he can also chew ten steamed buns.

And he had just finished a bowl of soybean noodles, and now he had five pounds of pork and green onion dumplings.

Hey, no wonder Ma Xiangxiu was forced to dig wild vegetables.

In the past, when they were in their hometown, they could only get half full from whole grains and wild vegetables. Now in the city, they can finally eat openly. Unexpectedly, the salary is only enough to make ends meet.

Back to the factory.

Yang Jun took Ma Juzi directly to the Security Department to borrow a gun.

He wants to prepare for hunting in the mountains tomorrow.

Although he had a short gun, he still had to rely on a long gun for hunting.

Long guns have good accuracy and can be used for sniping from long distances, while short guns have poor accuracy and can only be used at close range.

The animals on the mountain are very alert and will run away before you get close, so hunting requires a long gun.

The deputy director borrowed a gun to handle special matters.

The security guard responsible for managing the firearms completed the formalities in less than 2 minutes.

Three long guns and fifty rounds of ammunition.

Among these three guns, one is an M1 carbine, one is a [-]-medium official rifle, and the other is a [-]-inch cap.

Yang Jun touched a long gun and looked at it, then said to the guard,
"Replace them all with [-]-inch caps."

For hunting, naturally you need the most penetrating [-] cap.

As for the M1 carbine, although it has flexible shooting and low recoil, it has a short range and is not suitable for hunting.

As for the official rifles in the Seventy-Nine, the accuracy is a bit worse.

"Director, why don't you take a look at this gun?"

The security guard took out a gun from a gun cabinet and handed it over.

"Mosingana?" Yang Jun exclaimed.

This is a good gun.

What a sniper weapon.

Yang Jun took the gun and kept playing with it in his hand.

This is a rear-pull rotating bolt action, which is a sniper rifle commonly used by Lao Maozi's army. This gun uses the first smokeless propellant continuous rifle. Although the ammunition capacity is only five rounds, the gun has high shooting accuracy and stability. Good sex.

"Just this one?" Yang Jun asked.

"This is the only one. The section chief spent a lot of hard work to get it from the army. Usually the section chief himself is reluctant to use it. If you weren't here, director, I wouldn't dare to do it without authorization. I'll lend you the gun."

"Well, you're doing well."

Yang Jun verbally praised him once.

The reason why the security guard lent him the gun at the risk of being punished by the section chief was simply to curry favor with him, and naturally he would not be stingy with a word of praise.

"Thank you, Director."

The security guard said excitedly.

Later, Yang Jun picked two Sanba Gai and the Mosingana three rifles, and left with fifty rounds of ammunition.


the next day.

Today is Sunday, the whole factory is closed.

Ma Xiangxiu made breakfast early in the morning, and they hurriedly finished their meal and prepared to set off.

Yi Qiushui was not interested in hunting, so she stayed at home alone and read.

Ma Xiangxiu was carrying a basket in her hand, and there was a sack in the basket. It seemed that she was going to dig wild vegetables.

Yang Jun smiled and said nothing, so he called everyone to set off.


It has been a holy land for hunters since ancient times. It is not only rich in animal and plant resources, but also a natural oxygen bar.

There are thousands of species of plants, and there are edible wild vegetables everywhere on the mountains. There are also hundreds of species of animals in the woods, including countless wild boars and roe deer.

In this era, there is no animal protection law. No matter how precious the animal is, as long as you can catch it, no one will care about you.

Every weekend, city dwellers gather together with friends and come to Mentougou for adventure.

If you are lucky, you can catch a few pheasants. You can use them locally, make a fire, pluck the feathers, roast them on the fire, and then sprinkle them with the condiments you brought. The taste is incredible.

The car left the city and headed towards the suburbs.

As we get further away from the city, the road becomes more and more difficult to walk.

The car was walking on a muddy and bumpy road, and the people in the car were rising and falling, and the flesh on their cheeks was shaking. If they didn't close their mouths, their teeth would be knocked out.

The shock absorption of the Paris Jeep is indeed not good. When people sit on it, it is full of mechanical vibrations. Yang Jun feels that his body bones are about to fall apart.

After two hours of constant bumps, Yang Jun and his party finally arrived at Mentougou Village.

He got out of the car with trembling legs, holding on to the car with one hand, his waist slightly bent, and his mouth open as if he wanted to vomit.

He raised his head and glanced at the rest of them. Except for Ma Juzi who was driving, Yang Anguo and Ma Xiangxiu were in similar condition to him.

Ma Xiangxiu's face turned gray, and she knelt on the ground with one leg and kept vomiting.

Strangely enough, people who get carsick are always those who get carsick, and I have never seen a driver get car sick.

Ma Juzi stood aside and looked at the three of them with a smile.

 Seek all kinds of support.

  thank you all.

  Your support is my greatest motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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