Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 190 Ding Qiunan moves

Chapter 190 Ding Qiunan moves

I can't deny my identity as a great man.

Yang Jun can only continue to serve.

In his heart, he didn't want to care about this matter, but the third uncle forced him into a corner again, and he had to stand up and solve the matter.

The second uncle glared at Yan Bugui, the third uncle, with dissatisfaction, then turned back to Yang Jun and said,

"Junzi, as the first master, can you tell me how to solve this matter?"


Yang Jun laughed and said: "Why do we need to solve it? The house belongs to the steel rolling mill. What right do they have to fight here?"

"Besides, since Yi Zhonghai is still alive, it's not their turn to make plans for the house, right?"

When the second uncle and the third uncle heard this, they stood there in a daze.

Two people.

One is like a goose and the other is like a weak chicken.

He stared at Yang Jun in a daze.

Yes, it’s such a simple truth, why didn’t they think of it.

In the past few days, they have been struggling with whether this house belongs to Gu Dani or Qin Huairu.

But they never thought that this house no longer belonged to Yi Zhonghai. They fought over it and were lonely.

"Cough...cough, Junzi, I think we can solve this matter ourselves, and the third uncle will not disturb your meal."

The third uncle reacted first, and then left with a blushing face.

"Junzi, go back and eat quickly. The food will be cold soon."

When the second uncle saw that the third uncle was gone, he was afraid that he would steal his limelight, so he left quickly.

As he ran home, he shouted loudly,
"Guangfu, Guangtian, please quickly inform every household to hold a hospital-wide meeting tonight."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly, shook his head, and went back to eat.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Guangtian Guangfu going door to door announcing that there would be a meeting tonight.

The noise in the middle courtyard suddenly stopped, and Yan Jiecheng told them to stop arguing and hold a meeting tonight to discuss this matter.

When Yang Jun heard this, he shook his head speechlessly.

Things that can be solved in a few words require a meeting.


The two uncles in the yard are really addicted to officialdom and they are quite annoying.

after eating.

The family sat together and chatted for a while.

Everyone was discussing Yangmei’s wedding.

In fact, everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared, and there is nothing to discuss. The house and furniture are all calculated, and it is just a matter of discussing which guests to invite.

Yang Jun planned not to invite his comrades to Yang Mei's wedding. After all, that day was also Li Tiezhu's happy day. The comrades were too busy to attend to both ends.

Besides, he didn't want to make the relationship so big.

These days, no family has four, five, or six brothers and sisters, and it is impossible for them to have more and less interactions. He does not want to embarrass his comrades by taking advantage or suffering a disadvantage.

As the noise in the middle courtyard became louder and louder, Yang Jun knew that if he didn't leave, he might not be able to leave.

The second uncle is very addicted to official duties, and every meeting cannot be concluded within two hours.

He didn't want to be stuck here for more than two hours. He planned to go back at night and drink another bottle.

"Mom, I'll come over the night after tomorrow, and I'll bring the ingredients with me then."

"Don't worry, I can just send you the ingredients the day after tomorrow. It doesn't have to be so good for the banquet. I still have cabbage, potatoes, and radishes at home, so I can deal with it casually."

Wang Yuying was used to living in poverty, so she also began to plan about food ingredients.

Yang Jun smiled bitterly and said: "Mom, your son is also a leader now, and your daughter and daughter-in-law are cadres. If you don't think about it for yourself, think about it for us. If you really do that, how can we still have face in the future?" Going out to meet people?”

Yi Qiushui advised from the side: "Mom, you don't have to worry about the banquet, just leave it to him."

Wang Yuying curled her lips and said nothing, but she felt sorry for the money in her heart.

At this time, the middle courtyard was already full of people.

Everyone moved the benches, cracked melon seeds, and discussed the matter with gusto.

Yang Jun deliberately walked close to the dimly lit area. Although someone recognized him and called his name, he pretended not to hear and sped away.

As soon as he left the compound, he immediately started the car and left.


back home.

After finishing a set of evening broadcast gymnastics for college students, Yang Jun looked at the half bottle of medicinal wine, gritted his teeth, and locked the remaining half bottle of wine into the bedside table.

He was afraid that if things continued like this, he would become dependent on medicinal alcohol.

There is nothing wrong with his health now and he does not need to drink this kind of wine.

At first, he had this idea just out of curiosity.

But after using it a few times, he found that this kind of wine really couldn't be drunk often. Not to mention its great stamina, it was quite physically demanding.

Before going to bed, he entered the space and took a look. After several days of copying, there were now seven bottles of such medicinal wine in the space.


The big boss is on a business trip, and I don’t know if he has used it or what the effect is.


Work these days.

Wang Dezhu reported to him almost every day.

Report to him exactly what Geng Zhi has done in the past few days, who he has met, and what he has said.

Yang Jun looked at the summary sheet Wang Dezhu gave him. There was nothing special about it.

The eighth-level fitter was honest and upright. He only ate and slept every day. He went to and from get off work on time every day. When he got home, he stayed behind closed doors. When he was at work, he never talked to many people.

Judging from the situation in the past few days, there is nothing suspicious about being upright.However, the less suspicious there was, the more Yang Jun felt that this person was hiding something secret and very scary.

This is a very cunning opponent. He doesn't dare to let Hu Dazhuang and the others get too close, for fear of disturbing the situation and ending up with all their previous efforts wasted.

However, Yang Jun was not in a hurry.

He firmly believes that as long as it is a fox, there will always be a day when its tail is exposed.

Later, Yang Jun asked Wang Dezhi to send 50 yuan and [-] kilograms of food stamps.

After get off work today, he was going back to the courtyard.

The day after tomorrow is Yang Mei's wedding day, so he needs to take out the ingredients in advance.

When he had nothing to do in the afternoon, he had already taken out the ingredients he had prepared.

As soon as he got off work, Yang Jun ran away without stopping for a moment.

This time, he didn't bring Ma Juzi with him because the car was full of food and there was no place to sit.

Back at the courtyard, Yang Jun got out of the car.

"You go back to the backyard first, and I'll find someone to move things."

Yang Jun told Yi Qiushui and asked her to go back first.

He was thinking about going back to the yard to shake people.

Then I saw Liu Guangfu and five or six young men chatting there.

"Guangtian, ask your brother to come over and help move the things."

Yang Jun reached into his arms (in space) and took out two packs of Chinese cigarettes and threw them to him.

When asking for help, you can't just rely on words, you must take practical actions.

The reason why he did not directly smoke cigarettes for those young men was because they were Liu Guangfu's brothers. He would not do anything like that. This was respect for Liu Guangfu and the basic principle of life.

"Brother Junzi, is this the legendary Chinese smoke?"

Liu Guangfu's eyes flashed with gold and he kept playing with the two packs of cigarettes in his hand.

"You don't know the words?" Yang Jun rolled his eyes at him.

The young men who were playing with him gathered around him and looked at Liu Guangfu with jealous expressions.

"Guangfu, give me one."

"This is the first time I've seen Chinese cigarettes. I didn't expect them to look like this."

"Is that small section in front a filter?"

Liu Guangfu felt that this was his highlight moment. He felt that he was the boss of this group of people. Looking at their eager faces, he felt that he was about to fly.

He was not stingy either and pulled one out for everyone present.

"Keep them all and smoke them after you finish your work."

Liu Guangfu finally showed his pride in front of his younger brother, but he did not forget about business.

Hearing this, the young men put their cigarettes in their ears and came over one after another to carry the ingredients.

There is strength in numbers, so one person can carry all the ingredients in one basket.

When they came out, Yang Jun pulled out another cigarette for each of them.

Several people happily rushed to the corner to smoke.

After all, they are still young and have to avoid adults when smoking.

Yang Jun locked the car door and was about to go back to the backyard.

At this time, he saw a familiar figure walking towards the alley.

He looked carefully and saw that it was Ding Qiunan.

At this time, Ding Qiunan was carrying a bedroll on his shoulders and carrying two large boxes in his hands. On the boxes were hanging pots and jars wrapped in net bags.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, but still went forward.

"Chief Ding, what are you doing?"

"Director Yang, it's you, do you live here too?"

Ding Qiunan shouted happily when he saw it was Yang Jun.

She was like seeing a relative, with a beautiful smile blooming on her iceberg-like face.

Yang Jun was dazzled by her smile. He was used to seeing her cold and frosty look, but he didn't expect that she was very beautiful when she smiled.

"I don't live here, my mother lives here. Isn't my sister getting married? I'll come over and have a look."

"Oh...I'm moving. We will be neighbors from now on." Ding Qiunan shook the hand in his hand and said.

"You want to move to this courtyard?" Yang Jun was very surprised.

"Yes, this is the compound. I was promoted some time ago, so I applied to the housing management department for cadre housing. The housing management department said there was no cadre housing and asked me to wait."

"Early this morning, the Housing Management Department came to me and told me that there was a set of employee housing and asked me if I would like it. Of course I would like it. Director Yang, you know that there are hundreds of people living in our warehouse. The smell is really unpleasant. ,so……"

Yang Jun frowned and said, "You are living in a staff dormitory. Didn't the factory recently provide advance funds to build houses? Don't you think about it."

Ding Qiunan pursed her lips and said embarrassedly,

"Hey, how can I afford to live in a cadre housing? I asked around and found that each cadre needs to invest more than 200 yuan. I have only worked for two years. How can I have any savings? If Director Yang hadn't been promoted, I wouldn't even be able to afford this employee housing now. I can’t even get a share. I’m very satisfied to be able to live in such a good house.”

Yang Jun looked around and saw no one around, then whispered,

"Do you know that someone died in the house you are living in just a few days ago?"

"I know, the neighbors told me when I came to clean at noon."

Ding Qiunan said nonchalantly: "I am a doctor and an atheist. I will not believe in those superstitions."

Yang Jun looked at Ding Qiunan's expression and knew that she really didn't care.

At this time, he admired Ding Qiunan a little.

If this matter were brought to other people's minds, they would definitely be unhappy for a long time, and would not even accept this employee housing. However, she did not have the coy demeanor of her daughter's family, and she had a very thorough understanding of life and death.

"Let me carry it over for you."

Yang Jun reached out to take her suitcase, walked ahead and entered the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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