Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 184 Questionable Integrity

Chapter 184 Questionable Integrity
With the mediation of the second uncle, they both stopped fighting.

Yang Jun watched Qin Huairu and Gu Dani fight against each other and refused to give in, lamenting that human nature is evil.

The reason why they act like filial sons and grandsons is that they are really filial?

of course not.

The reason why they are so fussy is just to prove to everyone that they are Aunt Yi's family members, and they are qualified to inherit the two rooms.

Yang Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

It's all the house's fault.

What's the use of fighting over it? No one will get a house in the end.

But Yang Jun didn't intend to tell the truth.

At the very least, this matter can only be mentioned after Aunt Yi is laid to rest.

Everyone got in the car again and drove towards the cemetery.

In his previous life, Yang Jun's most profound cemetery was the Babaoshan Cemetery. When he was a child, he always thought that people from the Forty-Nine Cities would be buried in Babaoshan after death.

But as he grew older, he realized that he was wrong.

Those who can be buried in Babao Mountain are all those who have made significant contributions to the country, while the people of Sijiu City are buried elsewhere after their death.

Aunt Yi's cemetery is on a hill in the southern suburbs of the city.

The entire mountain was used as a cemetery, with neat stone paved roads, lush pine trees on both sides, and unmelted snow on the top of the mountain.

The burial ceremony was simple.

With the help of the cemetery staff, the urn was put in, and then the filial son and grandson cried bitterly again for the last time to save the ashes.

Seeing Qin Huairu and Gu Dani lying on the ground and rolling around, Yang Jun was really disgusted.

There is no limit to performance.

It just depends on the acting skills.

Yang Jun found it annoying and stood far away.

The two families pretended to stay, but in the end they decided to close the coffin.

The moment the stone slab was covered, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The corners of Qin Huairu's and Gu Dani's mouths curved at the same time.

It's finally over, and I've cried all my tears.

on the way back.

Yang Jun found that Qin Huairu wanted to get close to him several times, and seemed to have something to do with him.

Naturally, he didn't give her this chance and looked for crowded places.

Qin Huairu is a smart person. She understands that doing this alone is not enough. If she wants to successfully get those two rooms, the uncles in the courtyard cannot be ignored. Especially Yang Jun, as a cadre of the steel rolling mill, is very concerned about this matter. things play a decisive role.

She felt that their family had been living in a large courtyard, and for Gu Dani, she had an advantage. She believed that the uncles would definitely help her.

Yang Jun looked back at Qin Huairu, and then walked quickly down the mountain.

Back at the foot of the mountain, the people on the bus were redistributed.

People who work in the steel rolling mill have to go back to work in the factory, so they come to ride on Yang Jun's car one after another.

Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian were pushed into the minibus at the back.

The second uncle squeezed in through Liu Haizhong. Seeing that there was still an empty seat, Qin Huairu climbed in quickly.

"Huai Ru, there are a bunch of big men in the car. It's inconvenient for you to come in. Go to the minibus at the back."

When the second uncle saw Qin Huairu climbing up, he quickly reached out to stop her.

"Second uncle, look what you said, I'm not afraid of a woman, so what are you old men afraid of?"

Qin Huairu held the car door with both hands and answered with a smile, but her eyes rested on Yang Jun's face.

Yang Jun knew her intentions and naturally wouldn't let her get in the car.

"Sister-in-law Jia, you don't care, we do. What's more, you have three children with you. I advise you to take the minibus at the back."

Qin Huairu's expression changed and she said anxiously: "No, first uncle, second uncle, Banggeng can do it with his two sisters, I will go back with you."

The second uncle was sitting in the passenger seat and refused to let Qin Huairu climb in.

"Lao Li, come on, there's still a place here."

The second uncle saw the people in the courtyard and greeted them quickly.

This old Li is from the compound and also works in the steel rolling mill. He is currently a fourth-level fitter.

When Lao Li saw this, he looked happy and ran over.

"Thank you, Old Liu."

Lao Li crossed Qin Huairu, pulled her aside, and climbed in from the passenger seat.

After Lao Li sat down, he said to Yang Jun: "Thank you, Junzi."

Seeing that there were no seats left, Qin Huairu had no choice but to give up and took the minibus with a resentful look in her eyes.

When Yang Jun saw that everyone was gathered, he drove directly back to the factory without waiting for the minibus.

on the way back.

Yang Jun told the second uncle about Yang Mei's marriage and asked him to come over and help.

When the second uncle heard this, he repeatedly patted his chest to express that it was no problem.

Having just finished the funeral for Aunt Yi, and then the wedding for Yang Mei, Yang Jun felt a little unlucky.

He also considered whether to hold the wedding at Jinshuiqiao Courtyard, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt it was not appropriate.

No matter where the wedding was held, Yang Mei and Liu Zhi still had to return to live in the courtyard, and he didn't want to expose his address in Jinshui Bridge, so he finally decided to hold the wedding in the courtyard.

Although it is a bit unlucky, life is like this.

We all live in the same courtyard. Either your family is having a wedding today or his family is having a funeral tomorrow. Even if the days overlap, it is inevitable.

What's more, Yang Mei's wedding and Aunt Yi's funeral were a few days apart.

Back at the rolling mill, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as Yang Jun arrived at the office, Wang Dezhu, the security section chief, came. "Lao Yang, I found a suspicious person."

Yang Jun bent down and took out a Chinese cigarette from the desk cabinet and threw it to Wang Dezhu.

"Hmph, who among you Security Department people is not suspicious?" Yang Jun teased.

Every time Wang Dezhu came to his office, he would rummage through the cabinets, either looking for cigarettes or tea. If something didn't come his way, he would stay in the office.

Yang Jun was so worn down by him that he handed over the things himself without waiting for him to do anything.

Wang Dezhu was his brother in life and death, and he once blocked a bullet for himself and saved his life, so he didn't mind taking these things out and sharing them with him.

When Wang Dezhu saw Zhonghua Cigarettes, he was so happy that his mouth almost reached behind his ears. He skillfully pulled out a piece of newspaper, rolled it up, and put it aside.

"I'm not kidding you, I really found a suspicious person."


Yang Jun looked at his serious look, and it didn't look like he was joking.


Wang Dezhu faintly uttered two words.

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately felt that the name was familiar. He clearly remembered that he had heard this name not long ago.

"Why is it so familiar?"

"Does this sound familiar? Haha, Lao Yang, noble people really forget things. This person was recommended by you."

Wang Dezhu rolled his eyes and reminded him: "A few days ago, didn't you personally recommend this honest and upright fitter to the eighth level?"


Yang Jun suddenly realized.

He immediately remembered the employee skills assessment conducted a few days ago.

This upright man performed very well at the time, and his professional skills reached the level of an eighth-level fitter. However, he was not announced for promotion on the spot. Instead, he said that he would have a meeting later to discuss it.

According to factory regulations, promotions such as eighth-level workers and engineers must go through multiple assessments and studies before passing. At that time, Yang Jun recommended this upright person to the technical department.

The technical department organized a group of technical personnel to assess him at that time. He was indeed very upright. No matter how he was assessed, he could pass smoothly.

Later, after the technical department handed over the report on passing the assessment, Yang Jun asked the security department to conduct a background check on him.
The security department must have discovered some problems during this investigation, and Wang Dezhu would have come to report to him.

"What's wrong with him?"

Yang Jun sat next to him holding a tea cup.

Wang Dezhu did not answer, but took out the file bag he had brought with him.

Yang Jun looked at the file bag. There was also the seal of the Personnel Department on the mouth of the bag.

I looked at the date of the seal again. The first date was [-] years, the second date was [-] years, the third date was [-] years, and the fourth date was [-] years. With this adjustment, it should be the fifth date.

Yang Jun opened the winding and pulled out a thick pile of materials. The top one was Geng Zhi's personal information.

Geng Zhi, male, Han nationality, originally from Heilongjiang Province, was a former apprentice of Manchuria Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and later worked at Beijing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. In [-], he was transferred to the steel rolling mill and has been working until today. He is now a seventh-level fitter in the steel rolling mill.

There was nothing suspicious about his resume, and Yang Jun flipped through the information in his hand one by one.

Wang Dezhu sat next to him with his legs crossed, smoking and looking at Yang Jun with a half-smile.

He believed that with Yang Jun's more than ten years of experience as a scout, he would definitely be able to find some problems.

The information inside is very complete and perfect, with almost no doubts.

Yang Jun reviewed it again from beginning to end, but still found no doubts.

But when he saw the few lines of information retrieved from the archives, he seemed to have discovered something different.

This man called Geng Zhi was censored more than once, otherwise it would be impossible for so many investigative reports to appear in the file.

The more this happened, the more suspicious Yang Jun became.

Because it was impossible for the previous security department to conduct repeated investigations on the same person for no reason.

As for why Geng Zhi is still safe and sound.

It is possible that no problem was found, or that he was not touched for the time being.

Although the seventh-level fitter is not a top-notch technician, judging from the technician assessment that day, the honest and upright person can complete the assessment proficiently. That kind of skill can never be developed in a day or two or in a year or two.

The steel rolling mill has skills assessment every year, and he doesn't believe that he failed the assessment before.

That would mean two reasons, either the review failed or he was hiding something.

No matter what it is, Yang Jun must be more careful and more cautious in this matter.

Yang Jun put down the information, lit a cigarette, and frowned.

Wang Dezhu did not disturb him, but looked at Yang Jun quietly.

"Tell me what you think."

Yang Jun was almost finished smoking a cigarette before he spoke.

Wang Dezhu spread his hands and said: "What can I have in mind? I came to you just because I couldn't see the problem."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes at him and put the information back into the information bag.

"You didn't move him, did you?"

Wang Dezhu rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I am a fool?" "

Yang Jun was deep in thought at the moment and didn't care about the tone of his words.

Return the information in your hand to him.

"You sign the background check."

When Wang Dezhu heard this, he immediately became furious.

"What? Do you mean to let him advance to the eighth level of fitter?"


Yang Jun nodded and said: "Don't alert the snake first. If the security department examines him for a long time, he will notice it. Let him be promoted to the eighth-level fitter first, and then we can investigate slowly later."

(End of this chapter)

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