Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 163 The rise of Yang Anguo

Chapter 163 The rise of Yang Anguo
Just arrived at the entrance of a cafeteria.

Suddenly I saw a person rushing towards Yang Jun.

With sharp eyes, Yang Anguo took a step across and stood in front of him. No matter who was coming, he just raised his leg and kicked him.


With a scream, Yang Jun found Cui Dake rolling on the ground holding his stomach.

When Yang Anguo saw that the man on the ground was also wearing a work uniform from a steel rolling mill, he knew he had hit the wrong person.

But this kid is not stupid. As soon as he rolled his eyes, his honest face suddenly turned into a look of grief and indignation.

"Director Yang, this man wanted to attack leading cadres. Fortunately, I responded in time and prevented him from succeeding."

Yang Jun helped his forehead.

Unexpectedly, this honest and honest man from the northwest also has a crooked side.

"Okay, okay, I know this person."

Yang Jun stepped forward to help Cui Dake up.

"Cui Dake, are you okay?"

Cui Dake got up from the ground, rubbed his belly, glanced at the burly Yang Anguo, and took a step back in fear.

"Director Yang, please give me another job. I really can't stand Xu Damao anymore."

"What's up with him?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he felt happy.

In just one day, Xu Damao and Cui Dake started to have sex.


It's a pity that I didn't get to witness them dog eating dog with my own eyes.

However, he still pretended to be a cadre who cared about his employees and asked,

"He...he asked me to become my teacher."

"Is there anything wrong?" Yang Jun asked doubtfully: "You learn other people's skills, so calling them master is not too much."

"The key is that he still needs to be apprenticed. He...he also said that if he wants to learn filmmaking techniques, he must be given [-] yuan as an apprenticeship."

When Yang Jun heard this, his face showed a true expression.

Xu Damao is worthy of being the calculating Xu Damao.

It certainly lived up to my expectations.

Xu Damao is a master who doesn't let go of eagles when he sees rabbits. He will not give up his position as a projectionist without confirming the job transfer, let alone pass on the projection technology to others easily.

Cui Dake has the kind of character that is hard-earned. One of the two is a villain and the other is a bad guy. Put them together and you can see the wisdom of the ancestors being demonstrated in them.

"Cui Dake and Xu Damao are right, too. In ancient times, apprenticeship required a gift of 'repair' to the teacher. Although Xu Damao's request for a 200 yuan apprenticeship ceremony is a bit excessive, but you also know that Xu Damao's projection technology is also his father's. It was passed down to him from father to son, and from son to grandson, right? You can't just let others pass on your projection skills for no reason."

Cui Dake was startled when he heard the words, but after thinking about it carefully, Yang Jun's words were not unreasonable.

They are not related to you, so why should they pass it on to you?

"Yang...Director Yang, but...but I have no money." Cui Dake said with a sad face.

"Don't be in a hurry, just save slowly. Who has money right after starting work? Do you think this is true? Comrade Cui Dake."


Yang Jun didn't give Cui Dake a chance to speak, gave Yang Anguo a look, turned around and left.

"Director Yang, can I be transferred back to the cafeteria?"

Yang Jun walked far away and could still hear Cui Dake's unwilling voice.

Ha ha.

Cui Dake, you want to eat shit.

I finally transferred you to Xu Damao, how can I let you go back to the cafeteria to harm Nan Yi?

If you don't have money to pay for the apprenticeship ceremony, just save it slowly.

When you save enough, maybe something will happen to Xu Damao.

When the two of them arrived at the private room on the second floor, Yi Qiushui and Yang Mei had already bought their meals.

There were five dishes in total. The third dish was prepared in the cafeteria hall, and then Shazhu fried two more dishes. There were two large plates on the table with more than a dozen white-flour steamed buns on them.

As soon as Yang Jun saw this little food, he knew that Yi Qiushui had bought too little.

She didn't understand Yang Anguo's appetite.

The little food on the table was not enough for him to stuff his teeth.

So he let them eat first and went down to buy twenty more two-layered noodles.

Yi Qiushui and Yang Mei had small appetites, and they were full after only eating half a steamed bun.

Yang Jun had a big appetite, but he only ate three steamed buns, leaving the rest of the food to Yang Anguo.

Yang Anguo felt a little embarrassed when he saw that everyone had finished eating and was waiting for him alone.

"You two go back first."

Yang Jun said to Yi Qiushui and Yang Mei.

He knew that if they were here, Yang Anguo would be embarrassed to eat, and maybe there would be so much food left.

Yi Qiushui and Yang Mei smiled at each other, pursed their lips and left.

The two left.

Yang Anguo grinned: "Brother, do you want some more?"

Yang Jun lit a cigarette, and the old man said calmly: "Don't be so polite, you can eat it yourself."

Upon hearing this, Yang Anguo stood up and poured all the leftovers into a large bowl, then grabbed a few steamed buns, broke them open and soaked them in it.

Then he took big bites.

Yang Jun's eyelids twitched as he watched this scene.

It seemed that he had underestimated his appetite before.

This kid used to hide his clumsiness. If he hadn't seen this scene today, he would have been deceived.

Judging from this kid's appetite, he needs at least ten kilograms of food a day.I don’t know how my uncle’s family has been able to support their two sons all these years.

"Have you ever eaten enough at home?" Yang Jun asked subconsciously.

Yang Anguo took a big mouthful of food and hesitated.

"I've never been full."

"There was no food at home, so my mother mixed some stuff into the stick noodles and made it half full."

At the mention of his mother, Yang Anguo's eyes turned red, as if he was homesick.

The child travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried.

After all, it was his first time away from home, and he might not be able to go home to see his family for a long time. When he thought of this, he felt his heart being tugged.

"Summer is better. There are wild fruits on the mountains, elm leaves on the trees, wild vegetables in the fields, and fish and shrimps in the water. Anyway, you can get through it with whole grains. The hardest part is winter, although there are sweet potatoes and potatoes. , but I can’t handle the large number of people, so my rations can only fit between my teeth. I can only drink two bowls of stick porridge every day, and I wake up hungry in the middle of the night every day.”

As Yang Anguo talked about the bitter things, his eyes couldn't help but fall into the food.

Yang Jun did not expect that life in his hometown would be so difficult. No one would know the hardships of rural life unless they had personal experience.

"If you have time, I'll go back to your hometown with you."

Yang Jun patted his shoulder.

Then he took out 20 yuan and handed it to him.

"I guess you didn't bring much money with you when you came out. I'll pay you Xiangxiu's wages in advance, and you can take the time to buy two sets of clothes."

"Brother, no, how can I ask for your money?"

Yang Anguo became anxious upon hearing this and quickly declined.

"It's not for free. This is Xiangxiu's wages. Take it."

Yang Anguo held 20 yuan in his hands, with red eyes.

"Thank you bro."

"We are all a family, so what kind words can we say?"

After the two of them finished eating, Yang Jun drove him to the post office to prepare to send the work certificate back.

After coming out of the post office and passing by the adult clothing store, Yang Jun bought him another Chinese tunic suit.

After all, he is his driver, so he can't be allowed to go out wearing a sheepskin coat.

Back at the factory, Yang Jun asked him to go to the office and call home.

The phone call was made directly to the village branch, which was the only phone line in the village.

The person who answered the phone was Wang Dayan, the village party secretary.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

An authentic Shanxi accent came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Uncle Big Eyes, I'm from my hometown. I'm looking for my father-in-law. Could you please help me find him?"

Yang Anguo grabbed the phone and exchanged authentic Shanxi dialect with Wang Dayan on the other end of the phone.

Yang Jun listened blankly.

The accent was so pure that he didn't understand a word of it.

I heard them chattering on the phone.

The phone is still on.

I heard the announcement coming from the phone opposite.

"Hey, hey, Ma Dapao is coming to the village branch to answer the phone. Your son-in-law in the city is looking for you."

About 5 minutes passed.

Ma Dapao's panting voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Jiaguo, have you and Xiangxiu arrived? Do you have a place to live? Have you arranged your work?"

When Ma Dapao was anxious, he asked a classic three-question question.

No wonder he was called Ma Dapao. Yang Jun could hear his voice sounding like a cannon from a long distance away.

Yang Anguo seemed to have had a premonition and held the microphone further away in advance.

"Uncle Ma, Xiangxiu and I are fine. Don't worry. I'm telling you, I'm calling you from the factory director's office. I've already gone to work today, and I've even been given a new work uniform, which looks impressive. "

Ma Dapao: "Okay, okay, as long as you're fine, I'll tell you later that you're fine."

Yang Anguo: "Uncle Ma, I almost forgot to tell you something serious. I sent you the work certificate before. Please take a look and let the three uncles discuss who is suitable for the job. Also, please pay attention these days. Check the mail and don’t let anyone change it.”

Yang Anguo hasn't finished speaking yet.

I heard Wang Dayan scolding next to him: "You are a coward. You are not a big person, but you are not small-minded. Your letters are all sent to the village branch. Are you on guard against your big-eyed uncle?"

Yang Anguo said anxiously: "Uncle Big Eyes, I'm not guarding you. You know how important this thing is. I'm just reminding Uncle Ma to be careful."


From the other end, Wang Dayan snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Then the sound of horse cannon came from inside.

"Jiaguo, don't worry. I've asked my eldest son to guard the post office in town these days, and my second son to guard it at the village branch. I'll make sure nothing goes wrong."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Yang Anguo let go as soon as he heard that his father-in-law had arranged everything properly.

Ma Dapao has four children, three sons and one daughter. Ma Xiangxiu is the youngest, and he has three older brothers.

The eldest brother and the second brother are already married and have children of their own. The third brother is 20 years old and is still single.

If Ma Xiangxiu hadn't gotten married early, she would have had to wait for him, the third brother, to get married before she could get married.

After hanging up the phone.

Yang Jun drove Yang Anguo to the Security Department.

This boy finally gained some arrogance in front of my father-in-law. From now on, my father-in-law and his family will no longer dare to speak nonsense in front of him.

But looking at this kid's proud look, Yang Jun couldn't help but worry about whether he could survive the afternoon training.

(End of this chapter)

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