Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 153 The restless Cui Dake

Chapter 153 The restless Cui Dake

Liu Feng observed for a long time, looking at the strange expressions of the leading cadres of the steel rolling mill.

He realized that maybe there was a joke on his part, but they just didn't laugh out of shame.

When he saw the young man being intimate with 'Xiao Zhuang', his face suddenly sank.

"Cui Dake, you're taking too much time. Hurry up and take 'Xiao Zhuang' to the cafeteria at the back. We'll have dinner with the brothers from the steel rolling mill at noon."

"Okay, director, I'll wash 'Xiao Zhuang' until it's white right away. I'll make sure that everyone can eat delicious pork and cabbage stewed vermicelli at noon."

When Yang Jun heard that the young man with the pot head in front of him was called Cui Dake, he couldn't help but look at him twice.

This is the number one villain in the TV series. This person is ignorant and has no skills. He relies on flattery to dominate everywhere and even climbs to a high position. What's even more annoying is that he ruined Ding Qiunan.

This Cui Dake, Xu Damao, Guo Dabao and the others can compete with each other. They are all real villains.

This man is a mad dog, biting anyone he sees, and he has no bottom line as a human being.

However, this kind of person is very easy to use. He can do all the dirty work for you, but he must not be reused. Often this kind of villain has the characteristics of a white-eyed wolf, and he might bite you back one day.

Cui Dakeng saw that Yang Jun looked at him a few more times. He thought that Yang Jun was interested in his ability to do things, so he walked over with a smile, stretched out his hand and said,

"Are you Deputy Factory Manager Yang? I am Cui Dake, the team leader of the chef class in the machine repair shop. I would like to invite you in the future..."

Before Cui Dake could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Liu Feng's loud shout.

"Cui Dake, what are you doing? Do your job well. If you delay the lunch meeting, see how I deal with you."

Liu Feng saw something was wrong and quickly stepped forward to stop it.

You, a small chef team leader, actually want to have a relationship with Deputy Factory Director Yang. How unbecoming is this? People see this and think they are all like this in the machine repair shop.

Yang Jun waved his hand to signal Liu Feng not to be so angry, and took the initiative to step forward and pat his shoulder.

"Your name is Cui Dake? Work hard, I'm optimistic about you."

Cui Dashi was so excited that Yang Jun took the initiative to talk to him, and he didn't know what to say.
"Deputy Director Yang, thank you for your encouragement. I will work hard and never let down your expectations."

Yang Jun nodded and motioned for him to go ahead and get busy.

After being encouraged by Yang Jun, Cui Dake excitedly jumped onto the iron pillar of the steel rolling mill gate and shouted slogans:
"Learn from Deputy Director Yang, learn from Deputy Director Yang."

Following Cui Dake's slogans, the workers were excited and shouted slogans one after another.

"Learn from Deputy Director Yang."

Seeing this, Yang Jun quickly winked at Jiang Haitao next to him.

Jiang Haitao jumped out quickly and shouted: "Welcome brothers from the machine repair shop."

Later, hundreds of employees at the steel rolling mill also shouted: "Welcome brothers from the machine repair shop."

Under the arrangements of the security department, the employees of the machine repair shop entered the scene in an orderly manner.

Wearing clean work clothes, they marched into the factory in neat lines. Behind them were a dozen large trucks loaded with equipment.

As the gongs and drums sounded, all the workers in the machine repair shop gathered in the factory's cinema.

Yang Jun delivered a passionate speech on behalf of the steel rolling mill, warmly welcoming the employees of the machine repair shop to join the steel rolling mill.

Later, Comrade Liu Feng also took the stage to speak, encouraging everyone to continue to maintain the enthusiasm for hard work as they did in the machine repair shop.

Then Li Huaide, as the deputy director in charge of production, went up to give a speech and arrange the work of the employees.

The welcome ceremony lasted for two hours before it ended.

After the meeting, why did the grassroots below arrange specific work? Yang Jun and the others returned to the office and held another small meeting.

Several people discussed how to arrange Liu Feng's position.Liu Feng was originally the director of the machine repair factory. Now after the merger, according to the principle of downgrading cadres, he should have become a deputy director.

However, the original machine repair shop was a provincial unit. According to Liu Feng's original administrative level, he was at most a (department) level cadre.

Obviously, it is definitely not appropriate to arrange for him to serve as deputy director. According to the principle of demotion of cadres, he can only serve as a deputy department-level cadre. Therefore, everyone recommended him to serve as deputy director of the logistics department.

This position is the position originally held by Yang Jun.

Of course, it was Deputy Director Li who made this suggestion. His purpose was to let Liu Feng check and balance Yang Jun.

But Yang Jun didn't care, because he knew Liu Feng, and Liu Feng was an upright person, and someone like him would not get involved with Li Huaide.

After the steelmaking plant is built, Yang Jianguo will be transferred from the steel rolling plant. At that time, Yang Jun will take over the entire steel rolling plant, and his position as director of the logistics department will also be handed over.

Therefore, he does not care about Liu Feng's position as deputy director of the Logistics Department.

Except for Yang Jianguo, all four votes passed, and Liu Feng was unanimously approved to serve as deputy director of the Logistics Department.

Just as everyone was welcoming Liu Feng to officially take office, there was a loud noise outside.

"Xiao Zhuang ran away."

It turned out that Cui Dake did not dare to kill the pig, but instead let the pig run away in fright.

Now the whole back kitchen people are all over the factory looking for the pig.

Yang Jun returned to his office and sat alone on a chair thinking about something.

Recently, he has become more and more confused. This world is highly consistent with the plot in the TV series. The pig named "Xiao Zhuang" still ran away. If nothing happens, this pig will be killed by the four members of Liang Ladi's family. A child discovered.

The longer he stayed in this world, the more acquaintances he met, and Yang Jun became more and more confused about whether he was living in a TV series or just having a dream.

Ding Qiunan, Liu Feng, Cui Dake, familiar characters appeared one after another, making him confused.

After a while, there was a burst of cheers from downstairs, and Xiao Zhuang was found by the four children of Liang Ladi's family in an abandoned room.

Cui Dake took the chefs from the original machine repair shop and carried the tied-up 'Xiao Zhuang' back to the kitchen using a door panel.

Yang Jun was bored sitting in the office, raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

The watch said it was eleven forty.

There were still 10 minutes left before lunch. Yang Jun knew that there would be many people eating in the canteen today, so he decided to go to the canteen in advance.

Since he was promoted to deputy factory director, it was inconvenient for Yi Qiushui to eat in his office, and it was also inconvenient for Yang Jun to go to the infirmary, so they put the dinner party in the private room of Shazhu's cafeteria.

Yang Jun entered from the back kitchen.

As soon as I walked in, I saw people standing in the back kitchen.These people were divided into two groups, with clear distinctions on both sides.

On one side were Liu Lan, Ma Hua and others from the steel rolling mill, headed by Sha Zhu, and on the other side were the chefs from the machine repair shop, headed by Cui Dake.

The sharp-eyed Cui Dake spotted Yang Jun immediately, and he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Deputy Director Yang..."

"Call Director Yang." Yang Jun interrupted.

Yang Jun didn't like this title, so he had to set rules for these new employees.

"Ah, Director Yang, it's like this..." Cui Dake quickly changed his words.

After listening to this, Yang Jun understood why the two groups had a dispute.

It turns out that both gangs wanted to occupy the position of the first canteen. They were not convinced by the chef Shazhu, and they clamored for a martial arts competition, and whoever won would take over the first canteen.

(End of this chapter)

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