Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 151 Courtyard 4 is decorated

Chapter 151 The courtyard decoration is completed

Jinshuiqiao courtyard.

The house has been renovated, and except for Lao Wu, everyone has gone back.

Yang Jun walked around each room and felt very satisfied.

The two of them sat at the stone table in the yard and prepared to pay.

Yang Jun looked up at the sky, wrapped his military coat tightly around his body, and complained,

"The weather is probably going to change again."

Upon seeing this, Lao Wu quickly called out to Yang Jun.

"There is a stove in the house, let's go inside."

Lao Wu built a stove in each room, mainly to speed up the solidification of paint and drying of the room. He arranged a person in the yard every day to watch the stove.

The two came to the living room and sat on the floor. Lao Wu took out a stack of bills from his pocket.

According to the original negotiation, 420 yuan is the price for labor and materials. Of course, this does not include the price for floor tiles and glass, which are calculated separately.

The room uses high-quality floor tiles, each brick costs 370 cents, and a total of more than 260 bricks are used, which is only 300 yuan in money. The glass is 150 cents per square meter, which costs more than [-] square meters, which is about [-] yuan in money. .

In addition to the daily subsidy of 145 taels of grain and 43.5 cents per person, and seven days of decoration, Lao Wu worked a total of 21.75 times, which is equivalent to [-] kilograms of grain and [-] yuan.

Food stamps are a ration of sixty kilograms paid in advance.
The other various amounts of money add up to a total of 851.75 yuan. Originally, Yang Jun paid Lao Wu 2000 yuan in advance, but now Lao Wu wants 1148.25 yuan from him.

After settling various accounts, it only cost 850 yuan to renovate the entire yard. This amount of money was much saved compared to the last time we renovated the house.

However, this is understandable. After all, there is no need to use imperial bricks, so the price is saved.

If Yuzhuan were used at the previous price, the floor tiles alone would cost 2600 yuan.

However, Yang Jun felt very regretful that he could not use the imperial brick.

After sorting out the bill, Lao Wu returned the remaining money and tickets to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun took it, counted it once, and then took out another five yuan and 10 kilograms of food stamps and handed them to him.

"Master Lao Wu, you have worked hard recently. Use this little money to treat the brothers to a full meal."

Seeing that Yang Jun was still so generous, Lao Wu said excitedly: "Brother Yang, the situation is bad."

Yang Jun knew that the money and food stamps were definitely not enough to feed 30 people, but he knew that Lao Wu would definitely not be able to treat all those people to dinner. The only people who worked with Lao Wu were those seven or eight people, and the rest were all him. They are hired temporarily to help, and they leave after the work is done and the accounts are paid. They are purely working for money.

Even if Lao Wu treats guests, he will only treat those seven or eight people to dinner. As for Lao Wu's standards for treating guests, he doesn't know.

"The stove will burn for a few more days, and someone will stay here to watch it at night."

Yang Jun looked at the fire and warned.

"Don't worry about this, I'll come and watch it myself every night."

Yang Jun knew that there were stoves in every room, so he must leave someone alone at night.

Yang Jun stood in the living room and looked through the glass at the empty room filled with sundries in front of him.

"We can no longer use those old furniture, so you should take some time to deal with them."

Lao Wu was startled when he heard this, and was shocked: "Brother Yang, you don't want all those furniture?"

Yang Jun nodded: "Let's deal with it. If you like it, you can take it home."

"Brother Yang, I see a few pieces are made of rosewood. Are you sure you want to deal with them?"

Yang Jun patted him on the shoulder: "I'm giving it to you. I don't like old furniture."

Lao Wu was overjoyed when he heard this: "Then...thank you, man."

Not to mention it was made of rosewood, but even if it was made of crystal, Yang Jun didn't like it. That's just how he was. He didn't like anything that others had used.

To put it mildly, it’s called mysophobia, but to put it badly, it’s a mental illness.

Whenever he first came across hundreds of years of furniture that had been used for an unknown amount of time, he would naturally feel a sick feeling in his heart.

For example, that pine bed may look good, but when you think about how many people have slept on it, can you still sleep on it?What's more, doesn't it make you sick to think that the person sleeping in that bed is long dead?

By the same token, other furniture had been used by countless dead people. Yang Jun felt sick when he thought of this.

For a layman who does not understand the appreciation value of cultural relics, collecting antiques is nothing more than money.Like those who collect stamps, cultural relics, antiques, old furniture, and buy houses, what do they do for this?
Do they really like this?
I can't see it all.

Most of them do this just to appreciate the value and make a fortune.

Yang Jun is not short of money, so he has no interest in those ancient and outdated things.

He is not like other time-travelers who collect antiques, collect stamps, and constantly buy houses to enclose land. Do they really like it?


I have lived two lifetimes without ever understanding it.

They always think that they have the eyes of God and have insights that are decades ahead of people of this era. However, although they have experienced life, death and rebirth, they still do not understand the principles of this world.

After resurrecting his life, he still works hard for yellow and white things.

It can be regarded as another life in vain.

Money is something external to the body. Although it is indispensable in life, it cannot be neglected.

In fact, it is good to be a rich man, but if you pursue wealth desperately, you will put the cart before the horse.

If you only seek wealth and honor throughout your life, you will end up with a castle in the air and a tree without roots.

Since ancient times, power and money have not separated families.

If you have power, you will have money, but having money does not necessarily mean you have power.

Think about what happened to Shen Wansan.

After talking about the matter, Yang Jun was ready to go back.

"Brother Yang, um..." Lao Wu hesitated to say something.

Yang Jun turned around and said: "Master Lao Wu, this is not the first day we have been together. If you have anything to say, just say it."

When Lao Wu heard this, he laughed dryly and said sheepishly: "I just want to ask if your old house is still being renovated?"

"Put it on."

Yang Jun wrapped his coat tightly and continued: "When this side is dry, I will move it over. When the other side is free, we can start construction."

"Okay, I just want to ask clearly so that I know what's going on. If nothing happens, I'll prepare the materials in the next two days."

"Okay, that's it."

Yang Jun didn't chat much with Lao Wu and got into the car after explaining.

Siheyuan in Nanluoguxiang.

After Yang Jun parked the car, he carried a paper bag from the passenger seat and entered the yard.

There were five pounds of White Rabbit toffee inside.

The people in the courtyard contributed money and effort to host this engagement banquet today, why should I return a gift to express my gratitude?

He started at the third uncle’s house in the front yard.

"Third uncle, you have worked hard today. This is my sister's wedding candy. Please be sweet."

The third uncle wore reading glasses and took the toffee with both hands with a smile: "Sister, be careful."

After Yang Jun said a few polite words, he went to the next store to distribute candy.

The third uncle saw that Yang Jun was the first to give him wedding candies. He felt that it was very honorable, and his old chrysanthemum face suddenly became happy.

Yang Jun distributed wedding candies from house to house from the front yard, middle yard to the backyard.

There were not many wedding candies, each household was only given a dozen or so.

Although it was not much, it was appreciated and everyone praised Yang Jun for his meticulous work.

But the only exception is that General Tie is the gatekeeper of Yi Ma's family.

I heard from Qin Huairu that the aunt went to live with her niece in the countryside.

Thinking about it, if something like that happened to Yi Zhonghai, Auntie would have no shame in staying in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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