Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 119 Waiting to pay homage to uncle in front of Xiaotang

Chapter 119 Waiting to pay homage to uncle in front of Xiaotang

There were red candles in the bridal chamber last night, waiting to pay homage to my uncle and aunt in front of the dawn hall.

Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui came to the old house. Looking at Wang Yuying's busy figure, Yi Qiushui called out "Mom" shyly.

This is the real "worshiping hall", and the worship is at the high hall.

Yi Qiushui's parents died young, and the word "Mom" had a profound meaning. It made her happy. From this moment on, she had a home that truly belonged to her.

From then on, she had a loving mother, a caring husband, and brothers and sisters who laughed and played.


Wang Yuying responded beautifully. Seeing her daughter-in-law's beautiful appearance, good manners and well-bred manners, she was so happy that she took Yi Qiushui's hand and looked around.

"You are not feeling well. Go back to your room and lie down for a while. Mom will call you during dinner."

"Mom..." Yin Qiushui stamped her feet shyly and turned around shyly.

Yang Jun hid aside and laughed, looking at Yi Qiushui's weird walking posture, the corner of his mouth curled up in a proud arc.

"You brat, treat your wife well from now on."

Wang Yuying saw Yang Jun hiding aside and snickering, and slapped him angrily, then turned around and went to work in the kitchen.

When it was almost time to eat, Yang Jun saw his second uncle and Yang Anguo coming back from outside. He thought they were still sleeping in, but unexpectedly they walked around outside before coming back.

Rural people don't have the habit of sleeping in at all. They have to go to work before dawn and don't stop working until it gets dark. There really isn't much free time like today.

The second uncle, Yang Dong, had not touched the hoe for two days, and his hands had become itchy. If he had not been waiting for the work certificate at the steel rolling mill, he would have stamped his ticket and returned to his hometown in Shanxi.

But Yang Anguo didn't want to go back. He was curious about everything in the city. If he hadn't been afraid of getting lost, he would have gone elsewhere.

"Second uncle, Anguo, hurry up and wash your hands and eat. After eating, I will take you to visit Sijiu City."

Yang Jun asked them to wash their hands and eat.

Second uncle Yang Dong was startled when he heard this, but he immediately darkened his face: "That's not possible. If you don't work every day to make money, how can you spend money randomly?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Second uncle, do you think your nephew is short of money? It's just for fun, and it doesn't cost much."

Yang Dong thought deeply after hearing this, thinking that Yang Jun was really not short of money. Yesterday, he saw with his own eyes that Yang Jun had received nearly [-] yuan in gift money. He was shocked at that time.

That was tens of thousands. Their family had to save for hundreds of years without food or water. Thinking about his nephew's generosity, he thought it was just for fun and it wouldn't cost much.

"OK then."

After the family had breakfast, they were ready to go out for fun.

Yi Qiushui felt unwell, so she went back to her room to rest. Yang Mei and the others had grown up in Sijiucheng and were not very playful. Wang Yuying was busy dealing with the aftermath of the wedding and did not go, so Yang Jun took Yang Dong and his son went out.

The tour route was planned by Yang Jun in advance. He first took them to the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Earth, then went to the Forbidden City for a walk, and then drove to the farther Great Wall.

At this time, the Great Wall was not a tourist attraction, and there was no one selling tickets. It was just the end of a bus station. Due to the Chinese New Year, there were more people visiting here.

Yang Jun parked the car and led a few people to start climbing the Great Wall.

In his previous life, Yang Jun had never been to the capital, so when he saw the majestic Great Wall, he couldn't help but sigh at the greatness of mankind.

The two people who followed him crawled for a while, then simply sat down and refused to leave.

"Brother Junzi, there's nothing fun about this. You just keep climbing up the wall."

Yang Anguo looked up at the boundless Great Wall and suddenly lost interest.

Yang Jun looked at Yang Dong and saw that he also showed a lack of interest, and suddenly there was a black line on his forehead.

Talking to a rural person about how beautiful the scenery is and discussing great art is like playing the piano to an ox.

In their opinion, climbing the Great Wall and visiting the park is not as practical as eating a steamed bun.

After figuring this out, Yang Jun waved his hands helplessly and said, "There's nothing fun. It's already noon. How about I take you down to have something to eat?"

As soon as the two of them heard that they were eating, their eyes immediately dazzled, especially Yang Anguo, who was not willing to stay for a moment longer, so he patted his butt and left.Yang Jun drove for half an hour and returned to the city.

Today he is going to take his second uncle and the others to try Quanjude Roast Duck.

In fact, Yang Jun himself wants to try it. He has long heard that the Quanjude roast duck in Sijiu City is world-famous, so he happened to come over to try it today.

The four of them got off the car and stood at the door of Quanjude. Yang Dong looked up at the door and frowned, but he didn't say anything and followed Yang Jun in.

This is an ancient palace building, and what you see is a simple atmosphere. The three colors of green, red and blue complement each other, with green tiles as the cover, blue porcelain as the face, and red pillars as the supports.

"Hi sir, how many are you?"

A young waitress came over. Although she was asking, her eyes were wary and she looked at Yang Dong and his son, who were dressed in rustic clothes.

"You three, find a seat by the window."

The waitress looked at Yang Jun, then at the two people behind him, and finally led them to a seat by the window.

"Six roast ducks, four are eaten here and the other two are packed."

"Another five pounds of flour cake."

Yang Jun gave the order directly without looking at the menu.

A duck weighs four to five kilograms. After roasting, it is only about two and a half kilograms. If the bones are removed, it will be less than two kilograms. According to the appetite of the three of them, it can only be barely enough to fill the gap between their teeth. If they add five I can eat a pound of noodles and feel full.

After the waitress wrote it down in her book, she did not leave, but looked at them with a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Yang Jun quickly took out 40 yuan and handed it over.

This is a big hotel, so we don’t need food stamps or meat stamps because we have already registered and there will be statistics on it.

But if it is a small state-owned restaurant, you need to use tickets, because their business is relatively small and their consumption is unstable, which is not conducive to statistics, so money and tickets are used together.

Roast duck costs 39 yuan each, six pieces is 40 yuan, noodles are [-] cents per catty, five jins is exactly one yuan, and the two together are exactly [-] yuan.

As for the dipping sauce and side dishes for the roast duck, they are included in the roast duck and are free.

The waitress took the money, and the smile on her face didn't look so cold.

Yang Dong and Yang Anguo, father and son, saw that they had spent 40 yuan on a meal. They felt really distressed. When they saw Yang Jun's eyelids not even twitching, they endured it and said nothing.

40 yuan is enough for Yang Dong's family to work hard in the fields for half a year. If he had this 40 yuan, he would definitely buy a hundred kilograms of cornmeal first and steam dozens of steamed buns, one bite at a time. Then the remaining money will be used to buy new clothes for everyone in the family.

However, it was hard for any of them to say anything. After all, it was their first official dinner party, and no one mentioned the disappointing topic.

About half an hour later, the waiter brought four roast ducks.

The roast duck is a good piece, and the jujube-red and oily pieces of duck meat make people salivate. There is also a duck skeleton next to the duck meat.

After some customers finish eating the duck meat, the skeleton needs to be packaged and taken back to make soup. As for whether to package it or not, it depends on the customer.

Yang Jun grabbed a piece of dough, brushed a layer of sauce on the bottom, then added a few slices of duck meat, rolled a few slices of lettuce, rolled it into a tube shape, and bit into it, the taste was delicious.


This is the soul of roast duck.

Charred on the outside and tender on the inside, the meat is plump and moist, and the taste is fat but not greasy.

My mouth is filled with memories of my youth.

Yang Jun remembered that his father took him here once when he was a child. At that time, Yang Gui only ordered half a roast duck. He sliced ​​the duck himself. After sliced, he sat there and watched Yang Jun eat alone.

Now that he had found the long-lost memory of heavy fatherly love again, Yang Jun ate the roast duck with his head down, but his heart was full of mixed feelings. The tall figure of his father kept flashing in his mind.

Yang Gui and his son followed suit. They grabbed the flour roll and rolled it with duck meat. When they took a bite, half of the roll was gone.

Afterwards, the father and son began to let go of their hands and feet, no longer needing to roll them up. They just stuffed the pancakes, duck meat, and lettuce into their mouths and let them mix in their stomachs.

(End of this chapter)

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