Chapter 108

New Year's Eve is early.

Yang Jun had just finished breakfast when he heard the second uncle calling for a meeting in the yard.

Yang Jun, who was just about to go out, suddenly grimaced.

These bangs are getting more and more excessive. It’s not easy for people to have a good time during the Chinese New Year. There is a meeting early in the morning.

If I remember correctly, this is the fifth consecutive day of the conference.

Meetings are quite frequent these days, sometimes even twice a day.

However, the people in the yard are not averse to holding a meeting. After all, during the Chinese New Year, idle time is idle, and it is good to have some fun.

Soon, people gathered in the courtyard. This time, there was no table set up. The second uncle stood in the front, gesturing to everyone to be quiet, and then announced the subdistrict office’s decision to punish Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang.

It turned out that the second uncle went to the street office early in the morning to inquire about the news.

As Yi Zhonghai's mortal enemy, how could he miss the first-hand news.

His relationship with Yi Zhonghai is like that between Silly Zhu and Xu Damao.

The two have been fighting fiercely for their whole lives, neither of them surrendering to the other.

Yang Jun stood behind the crowd. He also wanted to hear how the street office punished Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang.

He knew that with Aunt Wang here, Yi Zhonghai would not be able to take things as easy as last time.

Seeing the excited look on the second uncle Liu Haizhong's face, he knew that Yi Zhonghai was in trouble this time.

The second uncle raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. Then he calmed down his excitement and began to announce the punishment imposed on Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang by the street office.

"In view of Yi Zhonghai's previous crime of theft, coupled with this crime of indiscriminate relations between men and women, several crimes were punished at the same time, and the street office issued the following punishments."

When the second uncle said this, he paused deliberately and looked at the people in the yard eager to know the result of the punishment. He felt that he had reached his highlight moment at this moment.

"The punishment decision for Yi Zhonghai is... to be sent to Xishan Farm for 20 years of forced labor."

The second uncle's words were like a bolt from the blue, and thunder exploded in the courtyard.

"20 years..."

The crowd was talking a lot, feeling that the punishment given to Yi Zhonghai this time was too severe.

You must know that 20 years of forced labor is already the maximum punishment.

Yi Zhonghai is 58 years old this year, and he will be 20 in 78 years. Even if he is destined to come out by then, he must have already become senile.

In the original drama, Yi Zhonghai lived to be over 80 years old. However, Yang Jun did not believe that he could live to that age despite doing heavy physical work on Xishan Farm.

Even if you don't die from exhaustion in there, your body will definitely not be as good as before when you come out.

Then, the second uncle raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet. He was going to announce the punishment of Jia Zhang from the street office.

"According to Jia Zhang, she was forced to do so, and the street office gave her a lighter punishment."

"Repatriated to his place of origin and forced to work for half a year."

This punishment may seem light, but actually, if you think about it, it is not light at all.

What is repatriation to the country of origin?

The so-called place of origin is not the rural hometown where Lao Jia lives, but Zhang Cuihua’s natal family before she got married.

What is the concept of being sent back to your parents' home to work for half a year?
This is a slap in the face of her family.

Don’t you, Jia Zhang, like to steal men?Okay, then let your natal family see what kind of person you are, Zhang Cuihua, and embarrass your natal family as well.

Not only do the natal family not take care of people like this who are repatriated to their place of origin, they also treat them as enemies. Their natal family are often the first to stand up and accuse Jia and Zhang in order to distance themselves from each other.

Some parents' families even published papers overnight to prove that they had severed ties long ago in order to distance themselves from each other.

Jia and Zhang were deported to their place of origin this time. It can be said that life would be worse than death.

Of course, in the end, the second uncle also announced that the two of them would "parade in the streets for three days."

Yang Jun listened to a few words and felt that there was no need to listen any more, and then drove out of the compound.

The second day of the Lunar New Year was his wedding day, so he had to take out the ingredients in advance.In the past two days, Wang Yuying had been nagging in his ear, fearing that something might happen in the middle, and asking him to find his comrade to get the ingredients as soon as possible.

Not only had she finished eating, she kicked her out.

Yang Jun decided to visit Yi Qiushui first.

During the Chinese New Year, you can’t go empty-handed.

Besides, they are getting married soon, so it’s time to give them a gift.

The new son-in-law's first gift must be generous. If it is too little, he will be laughed at by the bride's family. If it is too much, he will be scolded by the boss.

Yang Jun thought over and over again, drove the car to a deserted place on the roadside, and took out the gift from the space.

Half a fan of pork, two large carps weighing more than ten kilograms, plus twenty kilograms of mutton, four bottles of Maotai wine, and four Chinese cigarettes.

Yang Jun also wanted to get some peanuts and melon seeds, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. These gifts were generous enough, and no more would be enough.

Just these gifts would be considered a very important gift in later generations, let alone in this era, but when you think about the high power of big leaders, people have never seen any good things, so it is not unusual to give so many gifts.

After picking up the things, Yang Jun drove to the leader's house.

Arrive at the military compound.

The guard at the door saw it was Yang Jun, greeted him, and let him in.

There was a lot of traffic and people coming and going in front of the big leader's house. Everyone took advantage of the New Year to come and walk around.

The person who received Yang Jun was the wife of the senior leader. She told Yang Jun that the senior leader was entertaining distinguished guests in the study.

Yang Jun didn't mind either. After all, the big leaders could personally receive distinguished guests of similar rank to him, so he personally moved the gifts into the kitchen one by one.

The leader's wife had a look of blame on her face, she thought he was spending money arbitrarily, but it could be seen from the satisfied smile on her face that she was quite satisfied with Yang Jun. Regardless of whether the boxing gifts were generous or not, the fact that the new son-in-law came to give boxing gifts meant that he sensible.

Later, the leader's wife asked Yang Jun to go to the second floor to find Yi Qiushui.

As soon as he entered Yi Qiushui's room, there were several girls inside.

In addition to the other girls, Qian Jiajia was also there yesterday.

When Yi Qiushui saw Yang Jun, she hugged his arm and said coquettishly,
"I thought you weren't coming today."

"What about that? I'm not allowed to report to my father-in-law?"

Qian Jiajia curled her lips next to her: "Hey, I'm not married yet, and my father-in-law doesn't feel ashamed even if he keeps his mouth shut."

Yang Jun knew that Qian Jiajia had a problem with him because he refused her to give a speech in the art troupe.

However, Yang Jun didn't mind either.

He was about to get married to Yi Qiushui, so there was no need to deliberately try to please her best friend.


Yang Jun didn't explain, he just smiled.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and the other girls left very discerningly, leaving space for the two of them.

Yang Jun locked the door directly and stayed with Yi Qiushui.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the leader's wife knocked on the door and called them to have dinner.

At this time, all the guests of the big leader's family had left, only his family and Yang Jun.

The big leader Guo Caocao has a son and a daughter. The boy is in high school and will take the college entrance examination next year. The girl is fifteen or sixteen years old and is still in junior high school.

Since Yang Jun came to the house as a gift from his son-in-law, the leader's wife specially prepared a table of rich meals to entertain him.

The leader's son and daughter were very friendly to Yang Jun. They called him brother-in-law and did not treat him as an outsider at all. When Yang Jun was happy, they each gave 50 yuan, which was regarded as New Year's money in advance.

During the meal, the senior leader specifically asked him how the preparations for the wedding were going and if there was anything he needed help with. Yang Jun answered truthfully, and the senior leader nodded with satisfaction.

After eating, Yang Jun said goodbye and went back.

(End of this chapter)

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