Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 10 Yang Jun, Stop Me Quickly

Chapter 10 Yang Jun, Stop Me Quickly

On the way, Yang Jun told Lao Wu about the decoration style and ideas, but Lao Wu did not give any constructive suggestions. He said that he would talk about it after seeing the house first.

Yang Jun thought about it and felt that what Lao Wu said made sense. It would be unreliable to talk to you about the style and layout of the house before seeing it.

So I took another high look at Lao Wu and felt that someone like him had the potential to be a great craftsman.

Also, from conversations.

Lao Wu is called Lao Wu, not a nickname, his surname is Lao, and he is the fifth in his family, so he is named Lao Wu.

Lao's surname is a very rare surname that does not appear among hundreds of surnames, but it is a real surname.

People with this surname are generally distributed in Northeast China, as well as in minority areas such as Foshan, Xinhui, and Gaoyao.

Lao Wu is a descendant of the Xiangshan Gang. He studied under famous craftsmen and has superb craftsmanship. He also has about ten people who work with him. Moreover, he is warm-hearted and loyal, and the people under him respect him very much.

No, some time ago, one of his brothers encountered difficulties at home and needed a large amount of money. He couldn't bear to see his brother desperate, so he took the initiative and misappropriated the advance payment for the renovation of the house.

Later, the brother's family's difficulties were over, but he had no extra money to renovate the house, so the owner's family came to collect debts.

No, he has been worrying about bad debts for the past two days.

It was already the twelfth lunar month of winter, and with the Chinese New Year approaching in a few days, there would naturally be less work. Yang Jun came to the door. As long as he accepted this business, his debts would be relieved.

Returning to the courtyard, I said hello to Wang Yuying who was cooking, and took Lao Wu to see the house.

He took out the key given by the street office and inserted it into the lock.

But I couldn't get it in.

Then I tried several more times, but still couldn't get it in.

Lao Wu looked at Yang Jun who was poking at the keyhole randomly, and his eyes suddenly became a little strange.

"Lao Wu, don't think too much, this is my house."

Lao Wu didn't speak, his face was sullen, and he looked like he didn't believe it. Have you ever seen someone whose key couldn't open the door of their house?

"If you don't believe me, look at the houses that were just divided into streets today."

Yang Jun then took out today's street housing certificate and showed it to him.

After reading the certificate, Lao Wu was relieved of his doubts.

Lao Wu looked around and found a blue brick in the corner of the wall, signaling Yang Jun to retreat.


The lock fell in response.


Intermediate Court.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was sitting at the door of her house, picking up the soles of her shoes. She looked up and looked around from time to time. It was time to get off work, and she was here specifically to wait for Silly Zhu.

When Qin Huairu went home to cook for her children at noon, she told her that during the day, the leader would treat guests to dinner, and Shazhu would personally cook, so he expected to bring back some leftovers in the evening.

Now her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu is cooking inside. As soon as Shazhu comes back with the lunch box, she will immediately notify Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang is a smart person. She knows that the reason why Silly Zhu brings lunch boxes to their Jia family every day is because Silly Zhu is greedy for her daughter-in-law's body.

If she asked Sha Zhu for a lunch box, she would specify whether it would come or not. If Qin Huairu asked for it, Sha Zhu would obediently deliver it to her door with just a look.

Jia Zhang is an experienced person and has long seen through the relationship between Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu. There is no substantive relationship between them. Otherwise, an ambiguous look would not make Sha Zhu fascinated. As long as she firmly Watching Qin Huairu, Shazhu will not succeed, then Shazhu will keep bringing lunch boxes to their family, and her Jia family will continue to borrow money from Shazhu.

Just now she noticed that Yang Jun was bringing Lao Wu, and she didn't forget to curse a few words.

"Damn Yang Juehu, he doesn't respect the elderly, and he didn't know how to say hello to me when he saw me in the morning."

"Also, why should I give money and food stamps to those two losers? My boss has nothing."

Mrs. Jia Zhang was mumbling, but her eyes were not idle, and she kept staring at the backyard.When Yang Jun and the man were pushing the door lock, she felt uncomfortable.

His eyes suddenly turned red.

He shouted from afar,
"Yang Jun, stop it quickly."

Before she finished speaking, Jia Zhang's fat body suddenly felt as light as a swallow, and she ran to the door in a few steps.

He stretched out his hand to push Yang Jun.

Yang Jun subconsciously took a few steps back, but Jia Zhang's momentum was too strong. He couldn't stop him and fell to the ground.

"Oh, Aunt Jia, it's still some time before the Chinese New Year..."

Cough...cough...cough, Yang Jun asked quickly,
"Aunt Jia, what are you doing?"

Jia Zhang didn't realize the meaning of Yang Jun's words just now. She got up from the ground and asked angrily,

"What are you doing picking the lock on this door?"

Yang Jun frowned when he heard this and asked dissatisfiedly,

"Aunt Jia, what are you doing? What does it have to do with you if I pick the lock?"

Jia Zhang had long hated Yang Jun because Yang Jun didn't give Banggeng any money or food stamps that morning, and she said with a straight face,

"I hung this lock, do you think it's none of my business?"

Yang Jun: "..."

Yang Jun was delighted. Just now he was muttering to himself that the key given by the street was useless. It turned out that you had switched the key early in the morning.

After knowing what happened, and seeing Jia Zhang's greedy and arrogant face, his face turned cold.

"This is a housing for steel rolling mill employees. Why do you lock it?"

"It's not your house. What's wrong with me locking it? Do you care?"

Jia Zhang looked confident and confident, not feeling anything wrong at all. Seeing that the lock was broken, she yelled at Yang Jun again with bared teeth and claws,

"Young man named Yang, if you don't pay me ten yuan today, this matter will never end!"

A lock costs [-] cents, and the better ones only cost [-] or [-] cents. Jia Zhang wants to blackmail you for [-] yuan. It's really a big deal. I don't know how many steamed buns I have eaten.

grass, a plant.

The grass mud horse is a mammal.

"Aunt Jia, I respectfully call you Aunt Jia, can we please stop being so messy?" Yang Jun patiently explained to her,
"This house is a worker's housing assigned to me by the steel rolling mill. What's the point of locking my door with your lock?"

Ever since Uncle Geng's family moved out, the street took back the house and it has been empty for several years.

In the past two years, Mrs. Jia Zhang secretly changed the locks, thinking that no one would live in this house anyway. When the situation got big, she would find a reason to move in, and then find a master, Yi Zhonghai, to run it. Slowly Make the house your own.

Over time, Mrs. Jia and Zhang thought that this house belonged to their Jia family, and she would never allow others to touch their Jia family's things.

At this moment, when Yang Jun said that the steel rolling mill had allocated this house to him, his heart felt as if someone had stabbed him with a needle, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Jia Zhang shouted arrogantly and unreasonably,

"This is employee housing, and you are a cadre. If you say this house is yours, who will believe it."

Hearing this, Yang Jun asked coldly,
"Aunt Jia, don't you have to agree to the distribution in the factory?"

Hearing Yang Jun's words, Mrs. Jia Zhang was stunned. Can she tell you whether she wants to secretly occupy this house?

(End of this chapter)

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