Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 985 Completion of Unification

Lu Hao raised his head and looked at Chen Xiang and said loudly: "Chen Xiang, your Fifth Army Corps performed very bravely in the battle against the Wei Empire. You have served me well. I will grant you the title of General Huwei and the rank of general." , I gave you a yellow mantle!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

Chen Xiang was so excited that he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to thank him.

"You did a good job in not taking the credit from your subordinates. Only in this way can the soldiers under your command serve you. I also know that you have made great contributions in attacking the Wei Empire this time. At the same time, it is also because of your sister De Fei. I am giving you such a big reward out of honor, and I hope you will continue to work hard and serve the empire!"

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the general will serve the empire till his death!"

Chen Xiang expressed his loyalty loudly.

Now that the emperor of the Wei Empire is dead, the entire Wei Empire is completely finished.

Lu Hao turned to look at Wu Qingyu and said in a deep voice: "Wu Qingyu, send people to spread the news of the emperor's death to the entire Wei Empire, and demand the other armies of the Wei Empire to surrender. If they don't surrender, they will be killed without mercy!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Wu Qingyu responded and hurried over.

Lu Hao turned to look at Chen Xiang again and asked, "Has the imperial palace been captured?"

"Reporting to the Emperor, our fifth legion is attacking the palace. Do you want to go and take a look?"

Chen Xiang responded quickly.

"Come on, let's go and see."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

By the time they arrived at the palace, there was already a river of blood and corpses strewn on the ground.

It turned out that after the Fifth Legion entered the palace, they encountered stubborn resistance from the Imperial Guards. Therefore, the soldiers of the Fifth Legion had to destroy them.

Lu Hao walked towards the palace, walking on the broken limbs and bloody pieces on the ground. He looked very calm and there was no expression on his face.

General Chen Xiang and several other generals followed him closely, not daring to speak.

Soldiers from the Chinese Empire were also collecting the bodies, cleaning up, and cleaning the ground.

Soon, all the concubines, princes, princesses, eunuchs and maids in the palace were escorted out.

However, now that they saw the corpses on the ground, they were trembling with fear. They looked at the soldiers around them in horror, for fear that these demons would kill again.

"Chen Xiang, let these people go, let them take away their belongings and go make a living!"

Lu Hao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chen Xiang responded loudly.

"Are you the emperor of the Chinese Empire?"

Suddenly, a beautiful woman spoke.

"Yes, I am Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire, and your Emperor Wei has been killed! Already dead!"

Lu Hao admitted generously.

What?The Emperor of Wei is dead?

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

"Impossible! My father will not die. You lied to me. murderer, you will go to hell!"

The beautiful woman roared.

"How dare you insult the emperor! Do you want to die?"

Chen Xiang took out his pistol and shouted coldly.

"Yes, I just want to die, kill me!"

The beauty roared at the top of her lungs.

Chen Xiang was about to shoot, but Lu Hao held down his pistol.

"I destroyed the Wei Empire today. From then on, the entire Qianyuan Continent became the territory of the Chinese Empire. I finally completed the great cause of unifying the world. However, there was not much happiness and excitement, but instead some melancholy."

"She scolded me a few times, and I was able to wake up a little bit. It was like I was enlightened, and I found my next goal in life."

Lu Hao spoke out with emotion, deep and restrained.

"Your Majesty is a man of great talent and strategy. He is an unparalleled talent that has not been seen for thousands of years. Congratulations to Your Majesty. Congratulations to Your Majesty for completing the great cause of unification!"

Chen Xiang praised loudly.

"Okay, send these people away, and then summon the civil and military ministers. If they are willing to be used by me, I will continue to use them. If they are not willing, I will not force them."

Lu Hao said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Chen Xiang bowed and responded.

Soon, all the concubines, princes, princesses, maids and eunuchs in the harem were let go by Chen Xiang.

Lu Hao asked people to clean up the Kaiyuan Palace in front and use it as a new combat command center.

After all, although the Emperor of Wei is dead now, there are still many soldiers of the Wei Empire outside. Therefore, it is estimated that it will take some time to completely pacify the entire Wei Empire.

Lu Hao was also a little tired these past two days, so he leaned on his chair and sipped the tea.

About an hour later, Chen Xiang came in with a large group of civil and military officials.

"Your Majesty, among all the civil and military officials, these people are willing to surrender to the Chinese Empire."

Chen Xiang reported loudly.

"What position do you hold? Are you from the staff department?"

Lu Hao asked loudly.

"Your Majesty, I am the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Zhu Minggui."

A man stood up.

"Very good! From now on, you will appoint these officials to make the local government run."

Lu Hao explained directly.

"Wei Chen obeys!"

Zhu Minggui responded loudly.

"Zhu Minggui, after the appointment, the list will be submitted to me, and you will report to me in the future."

Lu Hao gave him some privileges.

"Wei Chen understands."

Zhu Minggui was overjoyed.

At this time, General Cheng Li of the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet walked in slowly.

"The final general has seen the emperor!"

General Cheng Li knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Be flat!"

Lu Hao responded casually.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet has taken control of the port of Nanyue City and has dispatched a reconnaissance ship. It is estimated that the surrounding Wei Navy will attack."

General Cheng Li reports.

"Who said you want them to fight? I want you to kill them!"

Lu Hao said in a deep voice.

"The last general takes orders!"

General Cheng Li was overjoyed.

"Cheng Li, there is no need to rush. Your navy and Fifth Army Corps will rest for three days before setting off to exterminate those die-hards!"

Lu Hao said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding!"

General Cheng Li quickly thanked him.

The Fifth Army Corps had been running long distances with them, so it was time to take a break and adjust their condition.

Besides, the Emperor of Wei was killed, and the news has not spread yet. After the news spreads, if someone comes to surrender, that will be a good thing. If no one comes, then sending troops to encircle and suppress him will make sense both emotionally and rationally.

"Your Majesty, this time we attacked Nanyue City, the Wei Empire's treasury was not transferred. There is a lot of gold and silver in it, as well as a lot of gold and silver jewelry, rare treasures..."

General Chen Xiang suddenly opened his mouth to report.

"The gold and silver in the treasury must be taken from the people and used for the people, so don't touch it for the time being! As for the gold, silver, jewelry, rare treasures, those will be rewarded to the soldiers when the time comes."

Lu Hao responded.

"As ordered!"

Chen Xiang said loudly.

Zhu Minggui immediately began to appoint new officials of the empire here. In fact, it was just to enable them to serve the Chinese Empire.

Of course, it's not a bad thing that they can understand current affairs, because they still have their own families to support. (End of chapter)

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