It was so easy to conquer the Sui Empire this time. One can imagine how terrifying the Meiyue Clan's Soul Curse technique is.

Lu Hao planned that after he completely took over the Sui Empire, he would follow the same pattern and make the Wei Empire surrender automatically.

Although there was no opposition in the court, there were still many voices against surrender among the people.

It wasn't until the soldiers who escaped from Lishui City personally recounted the shelling of Lishui City by the Chinese Empire that many people shut up completely.

After all, it is definitely not a wise move to risk death when you clearly cannot defeat someone.

After receiving Lu Hao's order, the Fifth Army of the Imperial Central Army immediately marched eastward and rushed non-stop to the eastern capital of the Sui Empire.

The Imperial Navy's Second Fleet moved south along the coastline to receive port cities along the coast of the Sui Empire.

As for Xuanyuan Hongzhi, Lu Hao asked him to station in Lishui City, control the border, and wait for the three major armies of the empire to arrive in the Sui Empire.

In the past two days, Lu Hao had been accompanying Nangong Ruoxue, and Emperor Sui Yang and Concubine Qing even came to visit them in person.

However, Lu Hao had a special status and did not show up to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Emperor Sui Yang, who was originally determined to resist the Chinese Empire, suddenly changed his attitude and directly surrendered to the Chinese Empire, which many people did not understand.

However, Emperor Sui Yang's attitude was very firm, and if he objected, he would be arrested directly. Who would dare to stand up?
After a week of hard work, the Empire's Fifth Army finally arrived at the Eastern Capital City.

When Chen Xiang came here, the soldiers of the Sui Empire did not stop him at all, and they were like brothers with them.

After all, even Emperor Sui Yang chose to surrender. These soldiers could only obey the emperor's orders, and naturally they no longer dared to be enemies of the Chinese Empire.

After Chen Xiang arrived, he directly ordered to take control of the entire Dongdu City.

At the same time, the other three legions of the empire had already entered the territory of the Sui Empire and were heading towards the eastern capital.

At this time, Lu Hao took Nangong Ruoxue into the palace hall.

"The last general pays homage to the emperor!"

Chen Xiang and other generals knelt down collectively.

"No courtesy! Let you take control of Dongdu City. How is the situation now?"

Lu Hao walked over slowly and asked casually.

"Reporting to the Emperor, we have completely controlled the palace and the entire Eastern Capital City. The former city defense troops and imperial guards have been sent home."

Chen Xiang responded loudly.

Lu Hao nodded slightly and led Nangong Ruoxue to the throne of Sui Yang Emperor.

"The minister of the subjugated country pays homage to the Emperor!"

Emperor Sui Yang knelt down and handed over his credentials with both hands.

This explains the power of the Chinese Empire and the great achievements of Emperor Yongtai. Emperor Sui Yang joined the Chinese Empire on behalf of the Great Sui Empire and voluntarily gave up his royal status, just to be able to enjoy his old age.

"Hahaha... Although you are no longer Emperor Suiyang, you are still Nangong Ruoxue's father and the head of state, so there is no need to be too polite."

Lu Haole laughed.

Nangong Ruoxue also didn't expect that her father, who was usually so powerful, could be as well-behaved as a rabbit?
However, she couldn't see the fishiness in it, so she could only accept the facts before her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty quickly thanked him.

"My lord, you will still live in the palace from now on. Other members of the royal family outside the palace can enjoy their own property and fields in accordance with the law, but some of their previous titles must be removed..."

"As for the operation of the empire, it will be temporarily managed by the original officials. The officials of the Chinese Empire will send people to take over the management of the empire..."

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

Emperor Sui Yang responded loudly.

Next, Lu Hao commended some court ministers who supported the Chinese Empire this time.

Of course, those guys who were locked up were basically princelings.

Lu Hao had no intention of killing them, but wanted to wait until the political situation stabilized before considering letting them go.After all, when everything is settled, they won't be able to make any trouble.

The other armies of the Sui Empire were being disbanded in an orderly manner. To this end, the empire's treasury provided a large amount of gold and silver before all those soldiers were dismissed.

Now all communications in Qianyuan Continent rely on roaring. Once they are sent home, it may not be that simple to regroup.

Of course, in the future, if an army with advanced weapons is stationed in the Eastern Capital City, even a young man will not be able to shake the Chinese Empire.

Besides, Lu Hao has now advanced to the Fugue Mysterious Realm and his lifespan can reach at least five hundred years. With him in charge, he is naturally not afraid of any enemies.

That night, Lu Hao held a royal banquet in the palace to entertain the ministers and Chen Xiang and the generals of the Fifth Army.

It was not until three days later that the [-]st, [-]rd, and [-]th Corps of the Imperial Central Army also entered the Eastern Capital City.

"Meet the emperor!"

All the generals knelt on the ground and saluted with clasped fists.

"Free gift!"

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, you conquered the entire Sui Empire by yourself, how embarrassing it is for our legions!"

Dong Xiaojun complained with a grimace.

"Hehehe...what's going on? Do you still want to kill someone?"

Lu Haole laughed.

"Your Majesty, I originally thought it would be a tough battle, but I didn't expect that now we have captured the Eastern Capital City without spending a single soldier. This gap is a bit big!"

Dong Xiaojun looked depressed.

"Hahaha... Wouldn't it be better not to fight now? Why do so many people die? As long as the Great Sui Empire can be merged into the territory of the Chinese Empire."

Lu Hao couldn't stop laughing.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next? Or send our troops south and directly destroy the Wei Empire?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu, a militant, actually wanted to attack the Wei Empire.

They have sufficient armaments and supplies this time, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. Now they can't find a place to throw grenades or fire artillery shells. Isn't it boring?

"Let's do this. You move out the mortar and perform it in Dongdu City for the people of Dongdu City to see."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"What? Put on a show?"

The three legion commanders all had black lines on their faces and almost wanted to hit someone.

However, since it was the emperor's request, they did not dare to refuse, so they could only deal with it first.

"Okay, Your Majesty, let's perform."

Dong Xiaojun took the initiative to undertake this task.

Soon, the news spread throughout the Eastern Capital City, and all the people rushed to the city wall to see the cannons of the Chinese Empire.

Lu Hao also took Emperor Sui Yang and a group of ministers and officials to the city tower to watch the fireworks that were about to bloom.

Dong Xiaojun arranged a hundred mortars in an array and aimed them at a hill outside the city.

"Mortar ready!"


Dong Xiaojun ordered loudly.

bang bang bang...

Hundreds of artillery shells were fired at the hills in the distance, falling like raindrops, and there were continuous explosions.

Emperor Sui Yang, the ministers, and the people in the city were stunned when they saw such terrifying shells. (End of chapter)

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