Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 961 Abandoning Haojing City

At this moment, the warships in Yuzhu Harbor are like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

All they had were the old bows, arrows and crossbows. The ranges were too far apart, so they had no choice but to be beaten passively.

bang bang bang...

Huge roars resounded across the sky, countless cannonballs fell into the port, and the warships that had not set sail were quickly blown into ruins.

As long as those small fighting ships are hit, they will definitely fall into pieces and then slowly sink.

Countless soldiers were fleeing for their lives, and the entire Yuzhu Harbor became a purgatory on earth.

Lu Hao stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the sea of ​​fire at the port opposite, knowing that the Western Han Dynasty would no longer be able to compete with the Chinese Empire's navy.

I originally thought that by gathering the navy, I could compete with the Chinese Empire, but I didn't expect that this would be a crushing blow.

Zheng Xinyue was immersed in the roar of the cannon, leaning tightly into Lu Hao's arms, her whole delicate body trembling.

She had never imagined that the Chinese Empire still had such a powerful weapon, and she was stunned and trembling.

There was no way, every huge roar and explosion in the harbor made her feel scared.

"Hehehe... What's wrong? Are you scared? Don't be afraid! I will protect you!"

Lu Hao hugged her and laughed happily.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this cannon is so terrifying!"

Zheng Xinyue's voice was trembling.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. This was developed by me. Isn't it amazing?"

Lu Hao's face was filled with embarrassment.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty is so talented and powerful. He is truly gifted. He is actually able to create such a terrifying thing. I... I admire you very much."

Zheng Xinyue praised sincerely.

"Hahaha... Do you think my cannon can sweep across the Western Region?"

Lu Haole asked haha.

"This cannon is so powerful that it will definitely be able to sweep across the Western Region."

Zheng Xinyue nodded firmly.

The huge roar continued, and the Mengchong battleship had completely sunk all the warships on the sea. It was estimated that there were at least 50 ships.

These Mengchong battleships did not stop, but turned towards the harbor to wipe out the remaining forces. The cannons on the building ships also began to spread their fire, shelling the defenses inside the harbor.

Watching the strong fortifications collapse under the gunfire, many soldiers inside were killed and injured and began to flee for their lives.

There was nothing they could do, they had never seen such a terrifying weapon, it was like a thunder from the sky, they were frightened out of their wits, and they only regretted that they had lost two legs.

The entire military port was under the bombardment of artillery fire, and no one would stay to resist. They all turned around and ran away.

It's a fight without suspense.

After this bombardment, the Mengchong battleship had wiped out all the enemy forces in the port.

At the same time, the Marine Corps also began to land, attacking all parts of the port with a tidal wave of offensives, wiping out those soldiers who were lucky enough to survive.

The powerful navy that the Western Han Dynasty was proud of was completely destroyed by the artillery fire of the Chinese Empire.

At this point, the Chinese Empire occupied a long coastline and ensured subsequent transportation lines for military supplies.

After this battle, the Imperial Navy occupied Yuzhu Port, and the Marine Corps immediately began to move north, preparing to join forces with the Fourth Army of the Imperial Central Army to attack the main army of the Western Han Dynasty.

The Western Han Dynasty was not a soft persimmon. After receiving the news from King Zhou Likun of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it ordered to send troops decisively.

This time, they mobilized three legions, with a total strength of more than 50, to face the Fourth Legion of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire.

However, General Ding Rumor led the Marine Corps northward and successfully cut off the retreat of the 50-strong army.

At the same time, the Third Army of the Imperial Central Army in the middle was also blocked by the Zhou Dynasty army, and the entire war to conquer the Western Regions entered the second stage.However, the Second Army of the Imperial Central Army from the north also penetrated deep into the territory of the Zhou Dynasty and launched a powerful offensive, forming a north-south pincer attack with the Third Army.

"What? The important northern town was lost?"

When King Zhou heard the news, he was so angry that he collapsed on the dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, the Second Corps of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire, led by Liu Ruxu, broke through our defenses and headed towards Haojing City..."

Prime Minister Yuan Minglang said with a grimace.

"Prime Minister, what do you think we should do now? What should I do?"

Zhou Likun, the king of the Great Zhou Dynasty, looked desperate and had completely lost the confidence to resist.

"Your Majesty, Haojing City has strong walls. We can defend Haojing City to the death."

Yuan Minglang responded in a deep voice.

"Sturdy city wall? What a joke. Do you think the city wall of Xijin City is not as strong as our Haojing City? It was not broken by the Chinese Empire."

General Wang Jie sneered again and again.

"Then what should we do according to the general's words?"

Yuan Minglang turned to look at General Wang Jie.

General Wang ignored him and looked at Zhou Likun instead.He said loudly: "Your Majesty, this time the Chinese Empire used a small firearm that can fire cannonballs, and it is powerful enough to raze our city to the ground. The general will not be able to win this battle. Your Majesty should consider giving up. Hao Jingcheng.”

"Abandon Haojing City? General Wang, Haojing City is the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, how can we give up?"

Zhou Likun said with a frown.

"Your Majesty, there is a saying that if you keep green mountains, you will not have to worry about running out of firewood. We are no match for them now. The only way is to avoid the war and flee to the Western Qin Dynasty in the west of the empire to seek asylum!"

General Wang Jie advised.

"Your Majesty, we still have so many troops. We may not be able to destroy the Chinese Empire. We must not give up Haojing City!"

Yuan Minglang objected loudly.

The Prime Minister knows very well that after successive defeats, the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty have no morale. If the King of Zhou Dynasty also escapes, then who of these soldiers will still have the heart to defend the city?

"Haojing City is the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If I give up, I will give up the inheritance of my ancestors. How will I see my ancestors after my death?"

King Zhou Likun closed his eyes in pain.

"Your Majesty, the Third Army of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire has also come up from the south. Once the siege of Haojing City is completed, there will be no chance to leave."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will stay and defend Haojing City. I will be willing to live and die with Haojing City! This is to repay Your Majesty for your kindness!"

General Wang Jie said loudly.

"If you stay to defend the city, I will feel relieved. But if I leave, will there really be no problem?"

Zhou Likun frowned deeply, but he was very moved.

"Your Majesty, you must not give up on Haojing City!"

Yuan Minglang spoke to stop him again.

"Master Prime Minister, are you going to let the king die in Haojing City?"

General Wang Jie asked coldly.

"General, the king is the king of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If he goes to seek refuge with the Western Qin Dynasty, what does that mean?"

Yuan Minglang argued.

"Why do you want to go to Western Qin? Can't you go to Mosa City, our important town in the west of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

Zhou Likun asked rhetorically. (End of chapter)

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