Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 947 Inspection of Hengyang City

Chapter 947 Inspection of Hengyang City

For the glory of the empire, Mr. Dong mobilized tens of thousands of people to start repairing the road, hoping to completely penetrate the road in three months.

In fact, if the cavalry can pass now, it is possible, but the road is not very solid and the horses' hooves are afraid of sinking in.

If the imperial army wants to pass through, it will definitely be very difficult now.

Because of some low-lying areas and deep valleys, Lu Hao forced the soil to be filled in from the side. These places still need to be filled with earth and rocks.

Among the 38 large and small rivers that pass through, many places can be crossed by drilling holes. Only five of them are slightly larger and require bridges.

With the current bridge-building technology of the empire, it was simply unable to meet the requirements. The emperor gave him a design plan for an independent bridge pier and the entire bridge body.

In fact, this was a simple bridge-building method used by Lu Hao in his previous life.

That is, the bridge piers are solidified with cement, and the bridge body made of reinforced concrete is laid on top, and then the bridge body is connected into one piece.

The piers and the bridge body are easy to pour, but the heavy bridge body cannot be moved even after it is poured!

However, Lu Hao told him that as long as the bridge body was completed, he would personally help and install it.

After all the technical problems were solved and a large amount of funds were injected from the Ministry of Accounts, Mr. Dong started to build the road.

With the completion of the four major cement plants, cement production has increased more than ten times, and it can basically meet the construction of the empire's infrastructure.

In particular, several large cement plants in the south will be put into production one after another after the beginning of spring. By then, cement will be continuously transported to build this road.

After all, the early renovation and ground compaction will take a long time, and sand and gravel must be prepared as raw materials for future cement pouring.

The next day, Lu Hao personally took a car to Hengyang City and inspected various advanced equipment being developed.

Although submachine guns have been mass-produced, the production of bullets still requires manual production. Many hand-made workshops have been built along the route from Hengyang City to Yandi City.

Every day, tens of thousands of people make bullets at the Imperial War Logistics Headquarters, and Situ Tianyin intends to continue to expand, so that the production of bullets can provide millions of rounds every day.

As for the produced cannons, they are now equipped on wheeled trailers, which has overcome the previous problem of being too bulky to carry.

Of course, the production of mortars can fully meet the needs of current wars.

As for the howitzer design plan given by Lu Hao, it has now entered the trial production stage, and it is estimated that it will take more than half a year to produce a prototype.

After the production and improvement of grenades, their reliability and power have become greater, making them a great weapon for individual combat.

The lethality of submachine guns, mortars and grenades has increased the combat effectiveness of the Empire's central army by at least ten times. Therefore, as long as they have these equipment, it will be easy to conquer the Western Regions.

Although submachine guns have been mass-produced, it is impossible to have one per person. Therefore, Lu Hao's opinion is that each legion should have three thousand submachine guns.

Besides, the bullet consumption of submachine guns is too scary. If you don't save money, there won't be enough bullets at all.

Even with a ratio of ten to one, once three thousand submachine guns are fired, the consumption of bullets is still terrible. Therefore, logistical support is very important.

Fortunately, the production of grenades this time has been greatly increased. Each soldier can be equipped with four grenades and one hundred rifle bullets.

There are no problems with the experimental models of gasoline engines and diesel engines. All that remains is to increase the size and increase the output of the two machines so that they can be used in tractors and cars in the future.As the latest power device developed, the steam engine has been basically mature after countless improvements.

However, if steam engines were to be used on railways, they would also need to build railways, which was another huge project.

Lu Hao meant to use steam engines on ironclad ships first. Therefore, at least one hundred steam engines needed to be produced.

To produce so many steam engines, it would take at least five years with the empire's current steel output and productivity.

However, as long as a steam engine is installed on an ironclad ship and conducted sea trials, it can be continuously improved and perfected.

With the improvement of cement production technology, the output has also been greatly increased. This technology is easy to copy, and the empire is very rich in iron ore, clay, limestone and other mineral resources.

With the large-scale mass production of cement plants and the formation of reinforced concrete panels, buildings can be built.

Lu Hao asked Liu Rufeng to first build a seven-story high-rise building in the center of Hengyang City as a model for the future and to provide a physical reference for the construction of future buildings.

After all, the university town east of Yandi City is currently undergoing renovation of its foundation and ancillary facilities. According to Lu Hao's idea, all future campuses will be built into buildings.

The production of rubber can no longer meet the needs of civilian and military use. However, these natural rubbers are all shipped from the south.

Situ Tianyin has begun to collect this kind of natural rubber from all over the world, and has also opened new rubber gardens in coastal areas, which can barely meet the current needs.

Although Lu Hao knew that synthetic rubber could be synthesized, it was impossible to obtain it with current technology.

The only way now is to destroy the Western Region and plant rubber trees along the entire coast of the Western Region.

Glass firing requires raw materials such as sandstone, soda ash, feldspar, dolomite, limestone, and thenardite. Lu Hao gave the raw materials for glass. As for how to bake it, Liu Rufeng could only find someone to slowly test it.

Once the glass experiment is successful, the lifestyle of the entire continent will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Relying on the basic knowledge he has mastered, Lu Hao hopes to bring Qianyuan Continent into the industrial era, which has begun to take shape.

If you take a bus from Yandi City to Hengyang City, you will basically see newly built factories along the way. Of course, they are also called handicraft workshops.

However, in general, immigrants who moved from the south and many people from the Meiyue tribe have become complete workers.

They go to the factory to work from [-] to [-], and the factory pays their wages, completely transforming from a farming life to a worker's life style.

Lu Hao stayed in Hengyang City for three days, mainly to solve some key technical problems, and also designed many new drawings.

Especially for architectural drawings, Lu Hao drew many. These drawings serve as the basis for building buildings and play a great guiding role in future construction.

In the past two days, Lu Hao also took the opportunity to accompany Liu Rufeng and Situ Tianyin, pampering the two beauties in turn, allowing them to enjoy the joy of women.

It was not until the fourth day that Lu Hao returned to Hengyang City and received news that all major legions were ready and wanted to set off immediately.

Since several major legions were about to be dispatched, Lu Hao naturally wanted to go back to support everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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