Chapter 944 Destroy Yue first

Since they cannot destroy their alliance, they can only forcefully conquer the three dynasties.

In fact, the comprehensive national strength of the Chinese Empire was enough to compete with the three major dynasties. However, after all, it was an expedition with labor and did not occupy a geographical advantage.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

Everyone looked at Lu Hao.

"Actually, it's not that difficult to attack the three dynasties."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

What?Not difficult?
Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"The Kingdom of Yue is a piece of cake for us. As long as we set out from Xunyang City and form a linkage with the navy, we can annex the Kingdom of Yue."

"Once we annex the Yue Kingdom, we can send troops from land and sea to form a pincer attack on the Western Han Dynasty. According to the range of our cannons, we can cover all the large and small ports along the coast of the Western Han Dynasty..."

Lu Hao's fingers traced the coast of the Forbidden Sea.

The Western Han Dynasty had many port cities along the coast, which were also the economic center of the Western Han Dynasty.

"As you can see, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty, Saint Ding City, is right on the seaside. Once we attack the sea, they will definitely take the lead in fighting us at sea..."

"However, under the powerful offensive of our empire's first and second naval fleets, their naval power will suffer a devastating blow..."

Lu Hao pressed his finger on the location of Saint Ding City.

"The Emperor wants to mobilize the Second Fleet of the Navy?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu said in surprise.

"Of course, I am planning to mobilize the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet, sail upstream through the Qianyuan River, go to the Imperial Port to help the logistics headquarters transport guns and ammunition, and then pass through the Grand Canal to the South China Sea..."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, do you mean to destroy the navy of the Western Han Dynasty first? Then attack Shengding City from a flank?"

Liu Ruxu frowned and looked at Shengding City.

"No, I mean to create the appearance of besieging Shengding City. However, we don't need to forcefully attack Shengding City. Instead, we will send our troops north to prepare to deal with the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Lu Hao said with a thief smile: "As long as the navy is destroyed, the Western Han Dynasty will definitely return troops to defend the coast, and they will not be able to spare many troops to support the Zhou Dynasty."

Everyone nodded slightly, understanding his strategic intentions, and looked towards the Haojing City of Dazhou.

"On the frontal battlefield, the two legions marched directly north from Yingzhou City and Jindu City to attack the Xixia Dynasty on both sides. They must destroy Xixia in the shortest possible time!"

Lu Hao's finger moved up to Xijin City, the capital of the Xixia Dynasty.

Judging from the map, if the two armies move north, the Xixia Dynasty will definitely not be able to stop it. As for when the Xixia Dynasty can be destroyed, it depends on the actual battle situation.

"Once the southern army destroyed the Yue Kingdom, it would threaten the borders of the Great Zhou Dynasty and contain the armies of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If the Liyang Dynasty wanted to send troops, they would also attack from the Xixia border."

"Therefore, the Northern Route Army must divide its forces to block the Liyang Dynasty's army supporting Xixia. As long as we have sufficient guns and ammunition and occupy a solid city wall, it will be difficult for them to break through in a short time."

"Of course, if the Liyang Dynasty does not send troops, the Xixia Dynasty will be dead!"

Lu Haole laughed and explained.

"Your Majesty, judging from the intelligence of the ministers, the relationship between the Liyang Dynasty and the Xixia Dynasty is not very good. It is estimated that they will not send troops. Even if they send troops, they will not sincerely support them."

Wu Qingyu quickly added.

"I believe everyone has understood my strategic intentions. What else do you want to ask?"

Lu Hao smiled and looked around.

"At the Emperor's disposal!"

All the generals responded loudly.

"If that's the case, then why don't you start choosing your own tasks? Is there anyone who wants to destroy the Yue Kingdom?" Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Your Majesty, our Third Army is willing to fight in the front line and destroy the Yue Kingdom first!"

Dong Xiaojun couldn't wait to stand up.

"Your Majesty, I will also go and destroy the Yue Kingdom."

General Pei Yong also took the initiative to ask for a fight.

The Third and Fourth Army Corps of the Central Army did not go on an expedition last time, so they need to do it quickly this time, lest they take away all the credit.

"I order that the third army will be led by General Dong, and the fourth army will be led by general Pei. They will separate their forces from Xunyang City. The third army will fight towards Fuyang City, the capital of the Yue Kingdom, and the fourth army will go south towards Mia City."

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

Mia City is located in the middle section of the Pro River. The last time the imperial army arrived here and carried out a large-scale looting.

Once this city is captured, the entire southern army will be under attack from the Imperial Navy and Army, leaving no room to fight back.

"General Ding, you lead the Empire's First Fleet to capture Pulu Port, the mouth of the Puluo River, and assist the army to destroy the Yue Kingdom first."

"After the Yue Kingdom is destroyed, we will head east along the coastline, prepare to attack the coastal ports of the Western Han Dynasty, and finally approach the city of Saint Ding!"

Lu Hao turned to General Ding Rumo.

"The last general takes orders!"

General Ding responded loudly.

"Northern Army, Liu Ruxu led the second legion from Yingzhou City and attacked the Xixia Dynasty northward. Xuanyuan Lingyu led the first legion from Jindu City and went all the way north. The troops were divided into two groups to attack to prevent the Liyang Dynasty from advancing. Come to support!”

Lu Hao looked at the two beautiful generals.

"The last general takes orders!"

The two beautiful generals responded.

"General Situ, the materials from your logistics headquarters can be transported to the front line through the Navy's Second Fleet. However, I am worried that the soldiers in your logistics headquarters cannot adapt to sea navigation. Therefore, your logistics team can set off from land and follow the main army. .”

"As for the guns and ammunition that need to be carried, we can ask the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet to help transport them to Pulu Port, and then go to Pulu Port to receive the military supplies."

Lu Hao turned to look at Situ Tianyin and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. In order to adapt to sea transportation, the general has prepared a team of sailors that can be transported by sea. They are well-trained and will ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Situ Tianyin responded loudly.

"Oh! In this case, the logistics troops can go there by boat, which will save a lot of time."

Lu Hao was extremely happy.

He straightened up, looked around, and said loudly: "Generals, I will give you seven days to prepare. Once the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet arrives, we will fully launch!"

"Follow the emperor's will!"

All the generals responded loudly.

"In order to be able to properly command this large army for coordinated operations, I will bring a soul crystal ball. There may be some delays in the empire's intelligence. Mr. Wu, this time, you will go with me on the expedition. Your task is to keep the intelligence system open. "

Lu Hao looked at Wu Qingyu and explained loudly.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that Wei Chen will fully activate all secret spies in the Western Region to carry out operations and ensure the provision of timely intelligence."

Wu Qingyu was extremely happy.

He has been hidden away in Yandi City by the emperor, and has never had the opportunity to go out and make contributions. Lu Hao was able to take him with him in this Western Expedition, which shows that this Western Expedition is very important.

Of course, this also shows that the espionage system is very important, and he is also very important.

(End of this chapter)

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