Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 929: Conform to Public Opinion

Chapter 929: Conform to Public Opinion
Tantai Xiyao knew that this was another princess-level figure brought back by Lu Hao, and that it was related to the rule of the East Turks, so she would not neglect the princess and arranged a luxurious palace for her.

Princess Ashi Zenmei had never thought that she would live in such a big palace and have more than a dozen maids to serve her.

Not to mention the delicacies, various rare treasures, and precious gifts sent by the concubines.

Ashi Shanmei didn't expect that Lu Hao had so many beautiful women, and the relationship between the concubines was very good.

Lu Hao handed the princess over to the queen and immediately went to Chongyang Palace to discuss state affairs with the cabinet ministers.

"Meet the emperor!"

Tantai Mingyue and the cabinet ministers bowed slightly.

"Be flat!"

Lu Hao said, walking towards the dragon chair in the center of the hall.

After he sat down, Lu Hao took a deep look at Tantai Mingyue. Both parties knew it well, but pretended that nothing happened.

"I have been to the Eastern Turks in the past few days. I have killed the leaders of the three rebellious tribes, quelled the rebellion of the three tribes, and frightened other tribes who were trying to make trouble..."

Lu Hao roughly put down the rebellion of the Eastern Turks.

"I didn't expect that the emperor put down the rebellion by himself. It's really gratifying and congratulatory!"

Xuanyuan Dingyuan said with a smile.

As the Minister of War, if troops were to be sent to quell the rebellion, he would have the most things to do. Now that the emperor could handle it all by himself, he would be much more free.

"Your Majesty, the official road leading to Wolabach is only half-constructed. Construction will continue after spring. It is estimated that it will be fully completed in three months. If cement is laid, it is estimated that it will take another three months..."

Reported by Mr. Dong, Minister of Industry.

After all, if the official channels are cleared, the empire's cavalry can quickly reinforce the Far Eastern Prairie and prevent those tribes from rebelling.

"Master Dong, you don't have to worry. They can't come up with any new tricks. The progress of the project can be carried out according to the original plan. The official road from Yanjing City in the north to Silver Moon Beach and Shadow Moon Beach will not be started until after the New Year. By then, the passage connecting the two grasslands will continue to be built..."

"The official road from Wangchuan City to Yanjing City in the west, as well as the official road directly to the Central Plains, are also proceeding as planned. If these official roads cannot be opened, we will be very passive once there is war on the border."

"As for the official road from Hengyang City to the west all the way to Zheng State, I will personally run it through it. However, I will mobilize manpower from the Western Regions to build this official road, and I am also prepared for the funds."

Lu Hao talked about it and planned the infrastructure construction for next year.

Now the roads between states and counties in the country have been decentralized to the major state governments, and the focus of the Ministry of Industry has also shifted to the empire's major projects.

The construction of several important roads in the north could only be temporarily suspended due to the influence of weather. However, the construction in the south was not affected by the severe cold weather, and the progress of the project was still very smooth.

"Your Majesty, the construction of Jinling City in the south, as well as the construction of steel plants and cement plants, has been fully launched, and a large amount of ore resources have begun to be mined from the Yunmeng Mountains..."

"In addition, the steel plant and gold mining in Neguse in the southwest are also going well. The main road from Neguse to the south has been connected, and the transportation is now very convenient..."

Mr. Dong reported again.

The mining of iron ore and coal in the Yunmeng Mountains has been handed over to the Moyi people due to Princess Shanmei's relationship.

Of course, the Moyi people will definitely gain huge benefits from the mining of these raw materials.

However, Lu Hao is not a stingy person. He doesn't care who mines. The result he wants is to build Jinling City and make it a heavy industry base in the south.

The Sui Empire in the south may have been in decline. Since the last time His Highness Prince Nangong Zhen sent people to steal guns failed, there has been no movement during this period.

"Your Majesty, our Ministry of Household Affairs has formulated a budget table for next year's budget expenditures according to the progress of the project. Please take a look at it."

Tang Yu, the Minister of Household Affairs, handed over a thick financial budget sheet.

As such a large empire, the expenditure for every major project must be planned in advance.If there is no budget, it is just messing around. Therefore, the Ministry of Accounts will submit a financial budget every year.

Lu Hao took it, read it roughly, handed it directly to Tantai Mingyue, and said: "Sir Tantai, let the cabinet members hold a meeting to discuss it and see if it is suitable? Then report it to me!"

"Follow the emperor's will."

Tantai Mingyue responded loudly.

Lu Hao looked at Xu Liting, the Minister of Rites, and said loudly: "Master Xu, how did you complete the official assessment?"

"Reporting to the Emperor, 90.00% is now completed and will be completed soon."

Xu Liting responded loudly.

"According to what I said before, we must keep a close eye on them. Anyone who is unqualified will be removed from office!"

Lu Hao is very concerned about the administration of officials.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will never be lenient."

Xu Liting responded loudly.

Lu Hao turned to look at the Minister of Justice and found that this guy seemed to be the most relaxed now.

There is no way, now the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the country is rich and the people are strong, there are not even a few thieves, the Ministry of Punishment is of course the easiest.

"For your information, Your Majesty, this is the amnesty list drawn up by the ministers."

Zhang Zhongwei immediately handed over a thick list of names.

Lu Hao thought that the Chinese Empire had just been established, and he had only just ascended the throne, so he should grant amnesty to the world and comply with public opinion.

Therefore, he asked Mr. Zhang to prepare a group of executioners to prepare for amnesty.

Lu Hao took it and looked at it. They were basically death row prisoners. Of course, those heinous criminals could not be pardoned.

Many of those on these lists were people who were forced to kill people and were forced to commit crimes with extenuating circumstances.

"It's up to you to decide on these lists. I won't ask you any questions."

Lu Hao handed the list back to him.

"Follow the emperor's will!"

Zhang Zhongwei responded loudly.

"Your Majesty, now that the rebellion has been put down, let's prepare for the Spring Festival celebration. Our Ministry of Rites intends to start the celebration three days in advance..."

Du Ze, the Minister of Rites, stood up and reported.

"Of course, starting from tomorrow, the whole country will enter the Spring Festival celebrations, and various celebration activities can be held everywhere..."

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

"Your Majesty, this royal celebration is divided into five stages. The first stage is to worship ancestors and heaven, calculate the fortune of the country in the coming year, and pray for good weather; the second stage is for the Emperor Zhengyang Palace to entertain civil and military officials; the third stage is to hold a celebration in the palace The harem concubines and their families are invited to the dinner party..."

"In the fourth stage, a lantern festival will be held throughout Yandi City, which will last for half a month and last until the New Year's Eve. During this period, various activities will be held throughout the imperial capital; the fifth stage is the New Year's Eve The final thank-you banquet, as well as song and dance performances..."

Du Ze, the official secretary of the Ministry of official affairs, gave the details.

(End of this chapter)

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