Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 898 count you have a conscience

Chapter 898 count you have a conscience

"Zhuge Yunxi, Princess Furong of the former Shu Kingdom, will be promoted to the Protector of Anxi from now on, with a third-rank official position. She will be mainly responsible for the establishment of the official system of the three continents and 36 counties in the original Shu Kingdom. She will be responsible for the appointment and delegation of various departments. Senior official..."

Lu Hao turned to Princess Furong and announced loudly.

Princess Furong was stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped forward to thank her, which made her feel overjoyed.

After all, there are still many old ministers in Shu who need to be settled. Letting her set up an official system and appoint and delegate officials at all levels is a complete green light for her.

"Sima Tianxin, the former Princess Heshuo of the Jin Kingdom, has been promoted to the Protector-General of Anxi from now on, with a third-rank official position. She is mainly responsible for the establishment of the official system of the three continents and 36 counties in the former Jin Dynasty, and is responsible for the appointment and delegation of various departments. Senior official..."

Lu Hao looked at Princess Heshuo and announced loudly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Princess Heshuo was very happy.

"As for the original land of Shu, Xuanyuan Lingyu led the first main army of the Central Army to recapture it, while the original land of Jin was recaptured by Liu Ruxu, who led the second main army of the Central Army..."

"You two are the Protectors. You only need to be responsible for the personnel arrangements. As for the officials' salaries, they are in accordance with the standards of the Chinese Empire, which is about ten times their original income..."

Lu Hao said loudly.

What?About ten times?
If this is the case, those old ministers of Shu and Jin will be found. Of course, if they are reused, the Chinese Empire can quickly control the territories of the two countries.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to serve the empire!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd stood up.

"If you want to become an imperial official, it will be reviewed by Zhuge Yunxi. You can go to her to sign up."

Lu Hao looked at the beautiful princess and motioned for her to handle the matter.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The guy quickly thanked him.

Lu Hao looked at Su Yifei, as if he wanted to make her an official, but she didn't seem to be very interested.

"Su Yifei, if you like to do business, I will give you a big house and help you set up a chamber of commerce. You can do business in various places in the empire in the future."

Lu Hao walked over slowly and said with a smile.

"Okay, I just like doing business."

Su Yifei smiled, obviously very satisfied.

In fact, Lu Hao wanted to include her in the harem, but Su Yifei's character must not be calm, so letting her do business may be the most suitable thing for her.

Sure enough, the beauty was very satisfied with this arrangement, and with Lu Hao's golden name, it would be easy to do business in the future.

"As for your commission this time, according to the nine points mentioned before, 7000 million taels of silver. I will help you stay in the palace temporarily. You can come and get it whenever you need it. After all, with such a large amount of money, I am worried that it will be dangerous for you to hold it. .”

Lu Hao approached her and whispered.

"Are you really willing to give us a commission?"

Su Yifei thought Lu Hao would eat their share.

"Of course, I keep my word and I won't treat you badly."

Lu Hao nodded heavily.

"You have a conscience!"

Su Yifei showed a smile.

Soon, Lu Hao transported the gold back to the palace and immediately held a brief meeting.

Fortunately, the food purchased from the Chinese Empire has now been shipped. As long as other cities are brought back, those refugees can survive.

The only problem is to immediately establish an official system to ensure effective management in the future and truly implement the laws and regulations of the empire.

Under Lu Hao's instructions, Xuanyuan Lingyu divided her troops into three groups. An army of [-] went west to attack the Zhou Dynasty, and an army of [-] went south to drive the Yue Kingdom out.

The remaining [-] troops, together with Liu Ruxu's [-] troops, launched a war against the Xixia Dynasty at the same time.The war across the north is about to break out!
Lu Hao is now sitting in Jindu City, commanding the entire battle remotely, so he can also rest for a few days.

Xuanyuan Lingyu personally led an army to attack the city occupied by the Zhou Dynasty, fully demonstrating the fierceness of this violent woman, and no one could stop her.

General Zhou Yuan led an army of [-] people to go south, mainly to recover the cities occupied by the Yue Kingdom, and encountered minimal resistance.

The problem now is that General Kong Xin in Xunyang City sent news that the Zhou Dynasty and the Yue Kingdom wanted to redeem those prisoners.

This time, Lu Hao did not rip them off and let General Kong Xin decide on his own and let them go back to celebrate the New Year with some money.

Of course, this casual point is 1000 taels of silver per person, which is 5000 million taels of silver.

After bargaining between the two parties, the deal was quickly concluded for 2000 million taels of silver.


The news that the Zhou Dynasty was robbed of more than 20 billion taels of gold by Lu Hao quickly spread throughout the Western Regions.

Of course, in the arms and supplies transaction, the Zhou Dynasty still received about one billion taels of strategic materials.

As for the final deal, he wanted to take advantage of it, but was severely cheated by Lu Hao. When the other countries in the Western Region learned about this situation, they all looked gloating.

This incident brought shame to the Zhou Dynasty and became a big joke in the Western Regions.

Yuan Minglang swallowed his anger and first went to the Western Han Dynasty to seek their help. He wanted to join forces and invited Ni Guangming of the Guangming Sect to come out to deal with Lu Hao.

The Western Han Dynasty was not stupid. They knew the meaning of death and coldness, so they immediately agreed to their proposal.

However, the New Year is coming soon, so the time has been postponed until after the New Year.

On the other side, the city of Shu occupied by the Great Zhou Dynasty was retreating steadily under Xuanyuan Lingyu's fierce offensive, and was unable to fight back.

Not to mention the Yue Kingdom. When they heard that the Chinese Empire's army was coming to kill them, they immediately abandoned the city and fled for their lives.

The only one who was relatively tough was the Xixia Dynasty in the north. Liu Ruxu led the second main army to advance with great resistance, and there were two encounters.

The rifles and grenades of the Chinese Empire drove the troops of the Xixia Dynasty to flight.

"Your Majesty, the Xixia Dynasty has sent a special envoy! They say they want to negotiate peace with us."

Sima Tianxin walked slowly over and reported.

"Negotiating a peace? We've already started fighting, so what's the point of negotiating a peace? Let them get lost! I've warned them a long time ago and asked them to withdraw their troops as soon as possible, but now it's too late!"

Lu Hao was not prepared to meet the special envoy of the King of Xixia.

"Your Majesty, there is a princess from Xixia. She is very beautiful. Are you not going to meet her?"

Sima Tianxin said with a smile.

"No! I have two such beautiful princesses here now. Why do I need Princess Xixia? Do you really think that I am a big pervert?"

Lu Hao decisively refused.

"You have us sisters waiting on you every night, aren't you a big pervert?"

Zhuge Yunxi pursed his lips and snickered.

"It's because you can't bear it yourself, so you sisters come together. How can you blame me for this?"

Lu Hao smiled evilly.

"Your Majesty is too fierce! Otherwise, why don't we keep this Xixia princess and have her measure her body?"

Sima Tianxin joked with a smile.

"Okay, let's see how I eat you!"

Lu Hao pretended to be fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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