Chapter 892 Unethical
Now that he already knew that the enemy was ambushing on both sides, Lu Hao directly sent a soul message to General Zhou Yuan who was infiltrating on the border, and asked her to bring people to respond.

As for the location of the ambush, it was thirty miles away. With the speed of the cavalry, they could reach it in just ten minutes.

More than an hour later, Lord Tang Jue brought the gold to the east gate of Yinzhou City.

When he saw the densely packed mountains of large siege equipment in the square outside, he felt his head buzzing and he almost jumped with excitement.

However, he still had strong self-control and took a deep breath to calm down his frantic heartbeat.

The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Guard had never seen so much military equipment before, and they were all dumbfounded.

Even Su Yifei and Su Xingyue looked confused and completely dumbfounded at this time.

On the hillside in the distance, war horses of various colors are chewing dry grass leisurely all over the mountains and plains, like a beautiful scene of herding horses on the grassland.

"So many war horses? That's great! Hahaha..."

Lord Tang Jue burst into deafening laughter.

How could he not be happy when he thought that so many war horses would soon be his?
Bringing back so many war horses and military supplies must be a great achievement. Rewards will be given based on merit, and promotion to a higher rank is a sure thing.

"Master Tang, can we trade now?"

The bloody old man stood in the air and asked loudly.

"of course can!"

Master Tang said with a smile.

"Then let's send someone to start inspecting the goods, right?"

The bloody old man still followed the procedure.

Both parties immediately sent people to inspect the goods, but Mr. Tang looked into the distance with a cold smile on his lips.

In fact, Su Xingyue had someone inspect the gold since it was shipped here, but now it's just a formality.

Of course, the inspection was just to delay time. Lord Tang Jue took the opportunity to quietly send a signal to General Wang Jie.

well deserved...

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and the armies of the Zhou Dynasty surrounded them from three directions.

"Master Tang, are you trying to take advantage of others?"

The blood-poisonous old man's face changed drastically and he asked coldly.

"The black man eats the black man? That's right! I want to eat the black man today!"

"Blood poison, I know that you are good at using poison, but I am afraid that even if you use poison today, you will still be doomed!"

Lord Tang Jue saw that he had a chance to win, so he admitted it generously.

"Shameless person! You will die an ugly death!"

The blood-poisonous old man's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Hahaha... If you want to kill me, you don't look in the mirror. Don't think that a ninth-grade master is great. I can still kill you!"

Lord Tang Jue laughed happily.

As soon as he finished speaking, five ninth-grade masters rose into the air and immediately surrounded the blood-poisonous old man.

"Master Tang, you are so unethical! Who will dare to do business with the Zhou Dynasty in the future? Aren't you afraid that this matter will spread?"

The blood-poisonous old man's face darkened, showing no fear at all.

Since Lu Hao turned him into a soul slave, he pulled him back from the edge of being obsessed with poison and asked him to refine more miraculous elixirs, mainly to increase his skill and soul power.

After this period of training, he already vaguely felt that he was about to break through to the Grandmaster level. Therefore, he was now considered a ninth-grade extreme powerhouse. If he wanted to deal with several ninth-grade masters, even if he couldn't win, he could still use poison. deal with them.

Using poison to enter the Tao does not mean blindly studying poison, but a more transcendent state of mind, transcending poison techniques, and completely integrating with poison.

In the past, he was too obsessed with things and was stuck in the same place. After Lu Hao's guidance, he changed a lot. He has become detached and his state of mind has been greatly improved.

"Hahaha... Blood Poison, to tell you the truth, I want both these military supplies and this batch of gold. As for you people, you will all die! Do you think this matter can be spread?" Tang Master Jue laughed wildly with joy.

Because he had already seen General Wang Jie leading his army to attack and surrounded the place from three directions.

In front of the army, these little shrimps led by the bloody old man will all die here.

Although Su Xingyue knew that they wanted to take advantage of others, she still looked angry when she saw Master Tang Jue turning his back. She was about to say something, but was stopped by Lu Hao.

"Master Lu, what should we do now? I'm afraid they will kill us too?"

Su Xingyue asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I said I will protect you, so don't worry."

Lu Hao didn't panic at all.

"It seems I can't go back to Haojing City?"

Su Xingyue said with a grimace.

"Who says you can't go back? I promise you that this time next year, I guarantee you will be able to sit in the Haohe River and enjoy tea."

Lu Hao comforted with a smile.

He planned to gradually annex the Zhou Dynasty in the next year's war, so he said such words.

Moreover, just now, he had sent an order from his soul to General Zhou Yuan who was lurking in.

With the speed of General Zhou Yuan's cavalry, reinforcements can arrive in half an hour at most.

Su Yifei had been standing next to him, and the pale-faced Cui'er was supporting her, obviously very frightened.

"Tui'er, don't worry, we'll be fine."

Su Yifei smiled and comforted.

She chose to believe in Lu Hao without any reservation, and stood firmly by Lu Hao's side, not being frightened by the sight in front of her.

After all, Lu Hao's martial arts skills were unfathomable. He was able to block those vicious assassins with just a guqin.

Who are these soldiers?

Besides, the army led by General Wang Jie was obviously aimed at the bloody old man and the group of guys who were transporting materials.

"Everyone obeyed the order and retreated to the top of the mountain for defense according to the original plan."

The bloody old man gave an order, and the guys escorting the military supplies rushed towards the top of the mountain.

These people looked well-trained at first glance, completely different from the civilians who escorted supplies twice before.

It turned out that at least half of these escort guys were pretending to be General Zhou Yuan's subordinates.

They had already prepared a lot of guns and ammunition on the top of the opposite mountain, and also built strong defenses.

As long as they block General Wang Jie's army, General Zhou Yuan will lead his army to kill them.

As for the other ordinary people responsible for the escort, they can only follow and run to the top of the mountain.

About 700 soldiers, after rushing to the top of the mountain, immediately took out their weapons, pointed their guns downward, and prepared for defense.

"According to the original plan? Did you already know that we were going to take advantage of others?"

Lord Tang Jue couldn't help but be shocked when he heard what the bloody old man said.

"Hehehe... Of course, how can you hide this little trick from the master?"

The bloody old man sneered again and again.

"Even if you were prepared, you will definitely die today!"

Lord Tang Jue was full of evil spirits and shouted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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