Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 872 People are like the sound of a piano

Chapter 872 People are like the sound of a piano
The sound of the piano is like that of people, and the people are like the sound of the piano!
The beauty's piano sound may just fit Qin Zhixuan's temper, as well as her persistence and pursuit of things. Like her piano music, she always wants to pursue the ultimate.

A standard perfectionist!
This is also the reason why she is interested in Lu Hao.

Because Lu Hao is versatile in both literature and martial arts, and is proficient in all aspects of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, he can be said to be a man approaching perfection.

It's a pity that she thought she was a hunter, but she didn't know that hunters often appear in the form of high-end prey.

Lu Hao is undoubtedly a higher-end hunter, and she is just a prey.

"Mr. Lu, your piano skills are obviously better than the little girl's. Are you saying that your piano skills are at their peak?"

Qin Zhixuan felt that Lu Hao was a little perfunctory with her.

"Miss Qin doesn't know. In fact, judging from the piano skills and music style, you have indeed reached the pinnacle. However, I found that the girl always wants to perfect her piano skills, but in the end she cannot achieve perfection. This is It’s a matter of state of mind.”

Lu Hao said seriously.

"A problem with the state of mind? What does this mean? I'm sorry that the little girl is not very talented and has little knowledge, so she can't understand?"

Qin Zhixuan suddenly became interested.

"Mood is actually a kind of accumulation and perception of life. However, the young lady has always been pampered and has no entanglements of love and hatred. Therefore, in the style of music, there is a lack of emotional investment, but only the pursuit of technical transcendence. Therefore, You will feel as if something is missing."

Lu Hao explained in detail.

"Indeed, I have always been too focused on technique, but lacked some emotional investment."

Qin Zhixuan seemed to feel a little bit.

"Emotions are a kind of experience and a life experience. When you are playing music and can empathize with it, your piano skills will enter a new realm."

Lu Hao spoke eloquently, and the beauty was stunned for a moment.

"Empathy? How to empathize?"

Qin Zhixuan asked again.

"Actually, empathy is the combination of tunes, tunes, and people's situations in order to achieve a nominal unity of nature and man. For example, if I were a general who had fought hundreds of battles, my tunes would It’s the sound of fighting and killing.”

"If you are a boudoir girl, you should be dressing up in the small window, missing you every day without seeing you, loving you every month, I still pity the flower that has passed away, and another year after the flower blooms and falls!"

Lu Hao picked it up at his fingertips, including quatrains, and the beautiful woman nodded repeatedly.

"In this way, when you play the piano, the listener can truly integrate into his own personal feelings, and finally achieve an emotional resonance, and then fully understand the sound of your piano, which is also your soulmate."

Lu Hao added with a smile.

"Master Lu, what do you mean by the unity of heaven and man? Is it really possible to communicate with heaven and earth?"

Qin Zhixuan wanted to explore further and asked.

"The unity of nature and man is a higher state. If you want to reach this state, you must know that your actions are one, your words and deeds are consistent, and you are not afraid of any external resistance, just like I scolded them in Mingxian Tower, fearless Fearless, capable of anything.”

"All things in the heaven and earth are operating in a mysterious and wonderful connection. The rhythm conforms to the laws of heaven and earth and echoes with all things. Then it can find its own path, become unique, and can establish a sect..."

Lu Hao explained in detail again.

With Qin Zhixuan's understanding, she was probably confused and unable to understand the meaning at all.

However, Lu Hao opened another door for her. This door was the door to entering the Tao through the sound of the piano. Once fully understood, it would be useful for the rest of her life.

Qin Zhixuan listened with great interest, her beautiful eyes shining with moving sparks, with a bit of fascination.

"A conversation with you is worth ten years of reading. Mr. Lu is truly a genius. My little sister is enlightened and has benefited a lot!"

Qin Zhixuan was very excited.The two of them were chatting happily in the small pavilion of Huixian Yaju, talking about the past and the present, and it was already noon before they knew it.

Now that it was lunch time, Qin Zhixuan invited Lu Hao to have lunch with her. At this time, Mr. Qin, the Minister of Household Affairs, also came back.

The in-laws, Qin Zhixuan's mother, Master Qin's concubine, and Qin Zhixuan's eldest brother Qin Xiangfeng were all here.

Mr. Qin, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, has been working diligently since he took charge of the Ministry of Revenue. He has not had many corruption and bribery stains, and he is loyal to the king Zhou Likun.

Everyone welcomed Lu Hao's arrival, and they also saw that Qin Zhixuan was interested in Mr. Lu.

However, now Lu Haoming is Su Yifei's fiancé, so everyone's enthusiasm has waned.

After lunch, Lu Hao was about to say goodbye, but Qin Zhixuan stayed behind to enjoy tea together.

At the same time, Lu Hao found that Mr. Qin followed the old man of the Qin family into the study, knowing that they must talk about something.

The power of the soul unfolded instantly, quickly locking the location of the two people, and heard their conversation.

"Tell me, you look bad. Did you quarrel with the king?"

The old man of the Qin family asked.

"Father, the king is crazy! Completely crazy! He actually wants to spend more than 30 billion taels of silver to buy military supplies. I tried my best to persuade him. Unexpectedly, the Prime Minister and the Minister of War Tang Jue actually strongly agreed to this matter..."

Mr. Qin said angrily.

"The Chinese Empire is pressing forward step by step. It has already destroyed the Zheng State and will attack at any time. Your Majesty's purchase of military supplies is also for the sake of the Zhou Dynasty. Why are you angry?"

Mr. Qin smiled.

"Father, you should know that Da Zhou's finances are not well-off. He finally accumulated a little wealth and spent [-]% of it in one go. Can I be angry?"

Mr. Qin was very depressed.

"Well, if military spending is too large, the budgets of many places next year will not be met, and it will indeed affect the effective operation of the entire national institution..."

Mr. Qin said thoughtfully.

"It is precisely because of this that I strongly opposed it. However, they all unanimously agreed with the king's approach. It seemed that I became a sinner."

Mr. Qin's face was livid and indignant.

"It seems that they should have communicated about this matter a long time ago and only informed you at the end. Since they are determined to buy military supplies, you should not object, otherwise the king will be unhappy."

"But, who has so much military supplies to sell? And where do so many military supplies come from? Your Majesty will not be deceived, right?"

Mr. Qin's face looked a little solemn and he guessed.

"I heard that the Su family was the matchmaker. The delivery location is in Fengye City, our border city. It is estimated to be in half a month."

Mr. Qin responded truthfully.

"Now that we have reached our border, has your Majesty not thought about taking advantage of others?"

Mr. Qin smiled evilly, as if he had thought of something.

"A gangster? You're right. Since all the military supplies have arrived at the border, we can just grab them!"

Mr. Qin seemed to understand what his father meant.

(End of this chapter)

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