Chapter 850
How can you make money by doing business?
If you want to make money, then start a war. Looting is the real way to make money. There is no other way.

Just like Lu Hao, the stolen war horses can be sold for a large sum of money, as well as the gold and silver jewelry in Xunyang City, each of which is priceless.

If we do business, even if we do it for 1 years, we still won’t be able to accumulate that much wealth!
Su Yifei is very angry and sad now. She feels that it is too difficult to do business as a girl.

However, she has been doing business with her father since she was a child, so she knows that profit is the bargaining chip to impress the other party.

Although the Qian family made excessive demands today, it only shows that Boss Qian still wants to strive for greater interests.

Besides, when she was doing business with her father, she had encountered all kinds of unreasonable demands, but she had to refuse them as long as they were unreasonable.

She always believed what her father said, wherever there are people, there is business!
Business is never finished. If you can't do business this way, then do something else.

When Su Yifei appeared at the gate, Lu Hao took a look and found that Miss Su was indeed stunningly beautiful and beautiful. No wonder the former boss Qian would make such a request.

Cui'er recognized Lu Hao at a glance, pointed at Lu Hao and whispered in Miss Su's ear: "Miss, look at that young man, why did he come with you?"

"Does he still need money? You can give him another ten taels of silver."

Su Yifei explained in a low voice.

"Miss, how can you be so good at distributing money? I'll ask you first."

Cui'er said, running towards Lu Hao.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Tweety is not polite at all.

"I heard that Miss Su is from the Xingyue Chamber of Commerce, and I want to do business with her."

Lu Hao said straight to the point.

"What? Business?"

Cui'er looked up and down at the ragged Lu Hao, then suddenly covered her mouth and laughed, "Hahaha... What kind of business are you doing like this? I think you are a liar!"

"How does this young master look like a liar?"

Lu Hao looked at his clothes and felt embarrassed.

"Okay, tell me honestly, is the money I gave you not enough? The lady asked me to give you some more money, but you are not allowed to follow us anymore."

As Cui'er said, she took out a few pieces of broken silver and handed them to Lu Hao.

"No! I want to see your young lady."

Lu Hao did not go to pick up the silver coins.

"You don't really want to do business with our Su family, do you?"

Cui Er seemed to believe him a little.

"of course it's true!"

Lu Hao nodded.

"Okay, if you dare to lie to my young lady, I will crush you!"

Cui'er said, working hard, the silver in her hand actually became flat.

Wow!I can’t tell!

It turns out that this little girl has actually practiced martial arts, and it seems that her martial arts is not weak.

"Miss Su has given me a gift of silver. I will never dare to deceive her!"

Lu Hao added again.

"Come with me."

Tweety finally agreed.

The two of them walked towards Miss Su, and then Cui'er explained something in Su Yifei's ear in a low voice.

"Young Master is polite. My wife, Su Yifei, I heard that Young Master is also a businessman. I wonder what I call Young Master?"

Su Yifei bowed slightly and asked with a smile.

"Miss Su, my surname is Lu, from Mainland China!"

Lu Hao only gave his last name, not his first name.

There was no way, Lu Hao's name was now a nightmare in the entire Western Region, he couldn't scare Miss Su's family.

"Mr. Lu, I wonder what kind of business you want to do?"

Su Yifei asked. "Miss Su, why don't we find a place to chat slowly? What do you think of the Xingfeng Restaurant opposite?"

Lu Hao pointed to the opposite side and suggested.

"Okay! I just need to go to the tailor shop next door to change your clothes first."

Su Yifei said with a smile.

"Hehehe... what Miss Su said is true, I will come as soon as I go."

Lu Hao turned around and headed towards the tailor shop opposite.

"Tui'er, let's go over and take a look together."

Su Yifei said and followed with her maid.

Lu Hao went into the tailor shop and bought a new set of clothes. After putting them on, he straightened his messy hair and washed his face.

When he appeared in front of Su Yifei, he had transformed into a handsome young man from a noble family.

Su Yifei looked at the handsome and impressive man in front of her, and felt her eyes light up with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Miss Su, let's go."

Lu Hao walked over slowly and said with a smile.

Su Yifei suddenly came to her senses and quickly responded: "Well, let's go."

After the two went out, they went directly to the restaurant opposite and asked for a luxurious private room. They ordered a few side dishes and started chatting while eating.

"Mr. Lu, I wonder where your home is? What kind of business does your home do?"

Su Yifei asked with a smile.

"To be honest, young lady, I am from Xunyang City, and my family is mainly engaged in jewelry business."

Lu Hao slightly changed his voice, mixing it with the local accent from the Xunyang City area.

"Xunyang City in the State of Zheng? I once went to the State of Zheng with my father and met with the leader of the State of Zheng."

Su Yifei had been to Xunyang City and was immediately excited.

"Is it the Lord of Zheng who met at the Qinzheng Hall?"

Lu Hao asked rhetorically.

"Yes, I was in Qinzheng Hall at that time, but it's been a long time and my memory is a little blurry."

Su Yifei was filled with emotions.

"Then Miss Su, do you still remember the big locust tree opposite Qinzheng Hall?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, there seems to be a big tree outside the hall, but I seem to have heard that Xunyang City has been captured by the Chinese Empire. I wonder if Mr. Lu appears here for this reason?"

Su Yifei thought he had escaped.

"Of course not. To be honest, Miss, although the Chinese Empire captured Xunyang City, it did not burn, kill, loot or torture. Instead, it activated the Prime Minister of Zheng, Ling Zhongxian, to establish the Anxi Protectorate in Xunyang City."

"Our Lu family's relationship with the Prime Minister is business as usual. We have also heard from him and received a lot of supplies. My son came here this time to expand business."

Lu Hao started telling lies, half truths and half lies, so that Miss Su couldn't find any flaws at all.

"A lot of supplies? What supplies are they?"

Su Yifei suddenly became interested.

"Hehehe... there are a lot of supplies, such as bows and arrows, crossbows, shields, and various swords and other weapons that are in short supply now..."

Lu Hao moved his fingers and said to the beauty.

Su Yifei heard her head buzzing and felt that her world view had completely collapsed.

Is this guy really in the jewelry business?Why does it look like he's in the arms business?

However, arms are obviously more profitable than jewelry!

Su Yifei swallowed hard, feeling her throat was a little dry.

"Of course, if Miss has the channels, there are also war horses, chariots, crossbows, ladders, trebuchets and other large siege equipment..."

Lu Hao talked so eloquently that Su Yifei and Miss Cui'er almost died in battle.

(End of this chapter)

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