Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 838 Why worry about failing to achieve great success?

Chapter 838 Why worry about failing to achieve great success?
Emperor Yongtai is the pillar of the Chinese Empire. Once Lu Hao, a grand master, is killed, the Chinese Empire's army will be defeated without a fight.

At that time, the Zhou Dynasty will also be able to obtain huge benefits from it, but it is still not as comfortable as relying on external forces to succeed.

Since the two priests agreed to take action, there was nothing to worry about.

"It's just that idiot Zheng Yuanjie is too inexperienced. How could he not hold on for even a day? Are the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Chinese Empire really that high?"

Zhou Likun brought the topic back and wanted to ask the Prime Minister what he thought.

"Your Majesty, the firearms used by the soldiers of the Chinese Empire are called rifles. They are powerful, have a long range, and can change bullets very quickly. Therefore, the combat effectiveness is estimated to be ten times, or even more, that of our soldiers."

"Advanced weapons and advanced fighting methods have become their magic weapon for victory. If we want to confront them head-on, we must think of a better way, otherwise, our casualties will be quite heavy!"

Yuan Minglang obviously had a comprehensive understanding of the enemy and analyzed it very clearly.

"Can we, the Great Zhou Dynasty, manufacture this new type of weapon?"

Zhou Likun asked.

"To be honest, Your Majesty, I have sent experts to Xunyang City. I want to steal a few rifles and see if we, the Great Zhou Dynasty, can make them?"

Yuan Minglang responded in a deep voice.

"Hahaha... Prime Minister, you are indeed wily and scheming. That's very good!"

Zhou Likunle laughed.

"The old minister asked them to blend in with the people going to negotiate. If Lu Hao is killed, we will negotiate with the Chinese Empire and find ways to rescue those prisoners. If they escape, we will take the opportunity to steal a few rifles and come back..."

Yuan Minglang spoke eloquently, he was rigorous and experienced, and he was indeed an old fox.

"Well done! Well done! Prime Minister, with your help, I have no need to worry about failing to achieve my great cause!"

Zhou Likun was extremely happy and praised loudly.

"Thank you very much for your compliments, Your Majesty. I am willing to serve the Zhou Dynasty till my death!"

Yuan Minglang bowed again.

"As for the prime minister of Yue, don't worry about him. Let them go back and wait for news."

Zhou Likun thought of Prime Minister Dou of the Yue Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, the country of Yue is in serious decline. They have always wanted to cling to the big tree of Zhou. They are obviously worried that the Chinese Empire will send troops to attack them. At the same time, they also want us to help them rescue their captives."

"If we rescue those prisoners, how does your Majesty think we should return them?"

Yuan Minglang asked with a smile.

Zhou Likun understood what he meant instantly and said with a smile: "Prime Minister, just take care of this matter, right? How much can you knock?"

"The old minister understands."

Yuan Minglang nodded and smiled gloomily.

If the Zhou Dynasty really rescued those prisoners, if the Yue Kingdom did not shed some blood, they would definitely not go back.

Although the four countries in the Western Regions formed a temporary and loose alliance in response to the invasion of the Chinese Empire, they all have their own interests when it comes to national interests.

If the prisoners of Yue were released, wouldn't Yue be stronger?When we want to annex Yue in the future, won’t there be greater resistance?
It is a pity that Zhou Lifeng, the younger brother of King Zhou Likun of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was killed by Lu Hao. If he was still alive, Zhou Likun would not have to rely too much on the Prime Minister.

Moreover, Zhou Lifeng was a conspirator and had already laid out plans in the country of Yue. Once there was a problem in the country of Yue, another civil strife might break out.

At that time, the Zhou Dynasty sent troops under the banner of saving the Yue State, and it would be able to annex the Yue State without any effort. …

In the imperial palace of Xunyang City.

Behind the Qinzheng Hall is a long two-row corridor. At the end of the corridor is the Jinghua Palace chosen by Lu Hao.

Further back is the huge Imperial Garden. Although it is not as good as Yandi City, it also has rockeries, small bridges and flowing water, making it a relaxing place.

What Lu Hao didn't expect was that there was actually a steamy indoor hot spring here, which immediately made him ecstatic.

The weather is getting colder and colder now. It would be great if there were hot springs!
After dinner, Lu Hao was in high spirits, jumped directly into the hot spring, and soaked comfortably.

After these days of continuous fighting, he was indeed a little tired. Now he had to calm down and think about it, what should he do next?
This afternoon I received news from Wu Qingyu that the Zheng Kingdom was destroyed, which caused panic in the entire Western Region. Rumors were spread everywhere that the Chinese Empire was about to destroy the Western Region.

If it is passed down like this, the entire Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu will probably unite to fight against the Chinese Empire.

More importantly, Wu Qingyu got the news that the Holy See of Light sent two master-level experts to kill him.

According to intelligence, one of them has advanced to the level of Xiaoyao Tian, ​​and the other one should be at the level of freedom.

Although Lu Hao relied on the strength of his soul to cross the realm of Xiaoyao Tian, ​​but if two such powerful enemies come, it may still be a bit difficult.

The main problem is that this time he came out without his sniper rifle and Guqin "Yiyin", which seemed to be a bit of a disadvantage.

Fortunately, his current "Huan Tian Wuxiang Divine Seal" has entered the realm of great achievement. He can create tens of thousands of void palm seals with one palm. Coupled with the "Huan Tian Yu Feng Jue", he should be able to compete with the two masters.

Of course, if he really can't beat him, he can also escape with the help of the super-powerful light kung fu technique of "shrinking the ground into an inch".

If he can practice the "Huan Tian Wuxiang Divine Seal" to the Great Perfection, he will be able to perform a more powerful "teleportation". By then, even a hundred more masters may not be able to kill him.

To be precise, "teleportation" is not a light skill, but a kind of control over space, which creates an illusion.

This kind of battle that ignores space is also the most terrifying "no distance" battle. It is estimated that one has to enter the true realm of fugue to truly start to form a control over space.

Lu Hao thought of the strange "Red Blood Demon Sword" again. It could be seen, but could not be sensed by his soul. Although this strange attribute cannot be explained, it must not be ordinary.

The solid murderous aura released from above makes people's hearts palpitate just thinking about it.

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps and noise outside the bathroom.

The door of the hot spring bathroom was pushed open, and what came into view was a beautiful woman with a beautiful country.

"Ninth Princess, why are you back?"

Lu Hao quickly retracted his body into the water.

"Your Majesty, I don't want to go to Yandi City, I want to be with you!"

Princess Ninth said loudly.

"If you don't want to go, don't go. You go out first, I still want to take a bath!"

Lu Hao was depressed.

"Your Majesty, it's too late to save you!"

Kong Xin also rushed in with several personal guards.

(End of this chapter)

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