Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 819 The Kingdom of Zheng must perish

Chapter 819 The Kingdom of Zheng must perish
Since news came from the coalition forces, Zheng Yuanjie quickly stood up and said loudly: "I am Zheng Yuanjie, the leader of the Zheng Kingdom. What did General Ji say?"

"Are you the leader of the Zheng Kingdom?"

The two soldiers were shocked.

"Yes, I am the leader of the Zheng Kingdom. Does General Ji have any news for you to bring here?"

Zheng Yuanjie asked anxiously.

"Reporting to the Lord, General Ji has died in battle! The allied forces of Zhou and Yue were ambushed by Emperor Yongtai in the Jilin Mountains, and the entire 30-strong army was destroyed!"

One of the soldiers fell to the ground and cried loudly.

What?General Ji died in battle?The entire army was destroyed?

Zheng Yuanjie was completely confused!

General Wu was completely stupid!

The rest of the people were also completely killed!

"You...what did you say? The 30-strong army...was completely destroyed? Impossible! How is this possible!"

Zheng Yuanjie murmured to himself and shook his head vigorously.

"Please tell me clearly, general, what happened? Why did Emperor Yongtai go to Jilin Mountain? Wasn't the army he led digging a hole outside the city?"

General Wu was so angry that he grabbed the soldier by the collar and lifted him up.

"General Wu, Emperor Yongtai led the second main army of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire. They ambushed us in the Jilin Mountains. The two coalition forces were completely destroyed. Even the soldiers who survived, all surrendered."

The soldier explained with tears.

"The second main army? Isn't it still in the Jin Kingdom?"

General Wu couldn't believe his ears.

He has been sending people to inquire about the whereabouts of the second main army of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire, and the news came back that it was still in the Jin Kingdom and had no intention of going south. How could it suddenly appear in Jilin, thousands of miles away to the west? What about mountainous areas?

"Then how did you escape?"

General Wu questioned their identity.

"It was Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire who sent us to deliver a message to the Lord of Zheng."

The soldier didn't dare to hide anything.

"what did he say?"

Zheng Yuanjie finally stabilized his shaky body and shouted loudly.

"He...he said that the Zheng Kingdom must...must perish! And...he also...asked the king and the soldiers guarding the city away for their lives!"

The soldier responded hesitantly.

"If he wants me to abandon the capital, he is daydreaming! I will not leave Xunyang City even if I am killed!"

Zheng Yuanjie roared at the top of his lungs.

At this time, the two men on the carriage lifted the bodies of the two generals from the carriage.

"General Ji...General Su..."

Ling Zhongxian recognized the two generals at a glance and stumbled over.

When he saw the two men being beaten into a hornet's nest, with bullet holes all over their bodies, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, completely dumbfounded.

"Master Prime Minister, are you sure this is the leading general of the two countries?"

General Wu looked at the Prime Minister, rushed over and shook him vigorously with a dull look on his face.

"Yes, that's them!"

Ling Zhongxian nodded numbly, feeling as if the end of the world was coming.

"Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire is so despicable! They were ambushing in the Jilin Mountains. You sent people to urge them several times. General Ji felt that time was tight and asked us to march in a hurry. As a result, we stepped into their ambush circle. The hillsides on both sides were full of them. The soldiers, we had nowhere to escape, the soldiers fought bravely, corpses were scattered on the ground, and blood flowed like rivers..."

The soldier burst into tears. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry... Zheng Yuanjie, you coward, you know how to push all the time. Now it's better. General Ji marched in a hurry, and he was ambushed by Emperor Yongtai. You are a fool! A fool!"

Ling Zhongxian pointed at Zheng Yuanjie and started to curse.

"You old man, how dare you call me a fool, I will kill you!"

Zheng Yuanjie pounced directly on Ling Zhongxian, punching and kicking him.

"Tyrant! Zheng Guo is dead! Zheng Guo is about to perish! Hahaha..."

Ling Zhongxian laughed wildly.

"You old guy, if you still dare to confuse people with your lies here, I will beat you to death! Beat you to death!"

Zheng Yuanjie vented his grievances while scolding and beating him.

"My lord, calm down! My lord, calm down!"

Seeing that the Prime Minister was beaten to death, General Wu quickly stopped him.

"General Wu, what are you doing? Do you want to rebel?"

Zheng Yuanjie roared at General Wu.

"Your Majesty, please calm down! General Wu has no intention of rebelling."

The Minister of War quickly stepped forward and pulled General Wu away.

The prime minister on the ground, Ling Zhongxian, was too old. He had just witnessed the tragic death of the two generals and was furious. Now he was beaten violently, his face was covered with blood, and he was lying on the ground dying.

General Wu quickly helped the Prime Minister up, but the latter's eyes were lifeless, as if he had lost his soul.

"Master Prime Minister, Lord Prime Minister..."

General Wu shouted loudly.

He was an official in the same court as the Prime Minister, and his heart was broken for Zheng Guo. Unexpectedly, he would end up like this.

Even if he went to break up the fight, he would immediately be accused of wanting to rebel, and he might be dragged out and executed by this foolish king.

The two veterans were heartbroken. They looked at each other and squeezed out a wry smile at the same time.

The other civil and military ministers looked at the scene in front of them and did not dare to come forward to persuade him, but chose to remain silent.

Huang Zhengming, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, finally persuaded Zheng Yuanjie to get on the carriage. Everyone looked at the direction in which the carriage was leaving. They breathed a sigh of relief and immediately turned into birds and beasts.

The four Zhou soldiers who came to report the news turned around and drove away, leaving only the bodies of General Ji and General Su behind.

"General Wu, Zheng Yuanjie, a coward, sent people to urge General Ji three times in one day, causing General Ji to march in a hurry, and finally fell into Emperor Yongtai's trap, resulting in the destruction of the entire army. There were no reinforcements in Xunyang City, and Zheng Guo must perish! Zheng Guo must perish! Die!"

The Prime Minister's mouth was bloodshot and his face was ashen.

"This general really can't understand. The previous king of the country was not such a person. He was also a man of great talent and strategy. He wanted to expand the territory. I didn't expect that after the Chinese Empire came over, he turned into a coward!"

General Wu also smiled bitterly.

"Such a country's leader is not worthy of the efforts of the soldiers, nor does he know the loyalty of all civil and military officials. As the head of the officials, the Prime Minister will resign from the position of prime minister from today on, retire and return to his hometown to take care of himself!"

Ling Zhongxian was heartbroken and didn't want to work for Zheng Yuanjie anymore.

"Master Prime Minister, if you return to the palace to resign, I will be worried that you will not be able to leave."

General Wu's face looked a little heavy.

"If the state wants to kill the veteran, then go ahead. Xunyang City can't be defended anyway, and the State of Zheng will die sooner or later! The veteran will die for the country!"

Ling Zhongxian was stubborn and prepared to commit suicide.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, you were seriously injured by the king. You need to be recuperated in the palace. You send someone to the palace to tell the king that you need to recuperate and are temporarily unable to handle state affairs. Ask the king to send another talented person. You know what you are doing." What do you mean, General?"

General Wu told him in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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