Chapter 817 Jilin Ambush Battle

"The shieldmen formed a formation, blocked the enemy's bullets, and broke out toward the mountain."

General Ji's roar spread far.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were well-trained, especially with a lot of shields this time. Therefore, they rushed towards the hillside according to the six-man iron barrel formation they had trained.

In this kind of iron barrel formation, the shield can block bullets on the outside, and it can also charge in groups.

Therefore, the shield soldiers who received the order from General Ji immediately organized a dozen iron barrel formations and launched a charge towards the hillside.

"General Kong, the enemy is coming!"

one of the Imperial soldiers yelled.

"Grenade ready! Throw!"

General Kong Xin shouted an order.


More than thirty grenades passed over the head and fell towards the formation of more than a dozen iron barrels.

bang bang bang...

The grenade exploded instantly, like countless flowers blooming, and the powerful air wave knocked the iron barrel array to the ground.

Another one landed in the middle of the iron barrel formation and exploded instantly. Six enemies flew out in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

Along with the explosion, countless screams intertwined. On the battlefield, there were broken limbs and broken legs, flesh and blood flying everywhere, and wailings continued.

General Ji looked at the successive explosions, and the shield and iron barrel array he rushed towards was instantly disintegrated.

"What kind of firearm is this? Why is it so powerful?"

General Ji was stunned, with cold sweat breaking out from his head.

At the same time, the only way to Xunyang City turned into the door to hell.

Every minute and every second, coalition soldiers fell down and could never get up again, and the entire avenue became a living meat grinder.

"Steady! Steady... Tietong Formation defense, retreat towards the back!"

General Ji did not dare to let his soldiers attack the hillside anymore, so he retreated backwards.

However, the army was defeated like a mountain. How could it be possible to hold on now? All the coalition soldiers retreated frantically towards the back. However, the soldiers at the back did not know the situation in front and were also pushing towards the front.

Many soldiers were pushed to the ground, and the soldiers behind them trampled them over, leaving them with only half a life left.

The bullets on the hillsides on both sides were like raindrops, accompanied by many grenades being thrown down, and the exploding "flowers" bloomed one after another. Many soldiers were overturned by the air waves, or were blown away, turning into superhuman flight.

"Hold the formation! Don't panic! Don't panic..."

General Ji roared loudly.

He was so loud that he immediately attracted the attention of the imperial soldiers, who turned their guns to point at him and pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang...

Several soldiers around General Ji were shot first. He reacted immediately and wanted to continue retreating. Unexpectedly, the soldiers behind him were rushing in crazily.


More than a dozen bullets hit his body, turning it into a hornet's nest.

"General Ji is dead! General Ji is dead..."

The coalition soldiers were so frightened that they screamed and ran away like headless flies, suddenly turning into a mess.

Liu Ruixu, who was stationed at the "Dragon Tail", cut off the enemy's retreat. Wang Rui, who was blocking the "Dragon Head", also tightened his pockets and used a move to close the door and beat the dog.

Just as Lu Hao thought, only by ambushing here can the power of the rifle be unleashed.

If we went for a sneak attack last night, due to the complicated terrain, the cavalry would not be able to exert its power at all. They might break the horse's leg, or injure one of our own men because of the darkness.In this one-sided situation, only the soldiers of the Chinese Empire can harvest the coalition forces, but the coalition forces cannot even rush to their positions.

The beautiful scenery of fireworks blooming one after another on the main road, the deafening explosions echoed in the valley, mixed with countless screams and wails, like a symphony of death.

"Generals, please pass on the order. Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

"Those who surrender will not be killed! Those who surrender will not be killed..."

The voices of Chinese soldiers rang out and echoed in the valley.

Many coalition soldiers threw away their weapons and fell directly to the ground, raising their hands in surrender.

Especially the soldiers who had only weapons in their hands and no means of defense, and who were still lucky to be alive, chose to surrender one after another.

Some shield bearers were able to block bullets, but they still resisted. The Chinese Empire soldiers threw grenades directly from the hillsides on both sides.

After the successive explosions, those diehards who survived no longer had the confidence to resist and raised their hands to surrender.

At least half of the 27 troops chose to surrender, and the remaining half were seriously injured even if they did not die.

Due to the lack of medical equipment, very few of the soldiers who were hit by bullets survived.

Of course, Lu Hao also taught them that they must remove the bullet and then bandage the wound, but this can only be limited to limbs and non-lethal parts.

If it hits the internal organs, there is nothing you can do but give him a bullet to avoid further torture.

In history, the famous Jilin ambush came to a successful conclusion.

Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire led the Second Army of the Central Army of the Empire to attack thousands of miles, annihilating 12 people from the Zhou Dynasty and the Yue Allied Forces, and capturing 15 people at the cost of one casualty and one accidental injury, continuing the legend in the history of war. .

Historians of later generations gave high praise: Emperor Yongtai made full use of the terrain advantages, abandoned the rapid maneuverability of the cavalry, and turned into positional blocking warfare. His eclectic and changeable strategies and tactics will surely be recorded in the annals of history and become a A classic battle in the history of war.

"Wang Rui, please send a few soldiers to Xunyang City to report the news, and take the bodies of the two generals with them to prevent Zheng Yuanjie from waiting!"

Lu Hao walked over slowly and shouted to Wang Rui, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"As ordered!"

Wang Rui loudly accepted the order and left.

Four Zhou soldiers were selected and asked to take the bodies of General Ji and General Su to Xunyang City to report to Zheng Yuanjie.

It's pretty good that they can survive now, so how dare they disobey?
Therefore, they readily took the two generals and drove a carriage towards Xunyang City.

"Generals, clear the battlefield! Put the prisoners into the nearby valley."

Lu Hao ordered again.

In fact, he went to check the terrain yesterday. In the nearby valley, surrounded by mountain walls, as long as the two exits are blocked, at least 10,000+ people can be detained inside.

These people were very valuable, so Lu Hao was reluctant to kill them all. He also wanted to exchange the prisoners for a large sum of money with the King of Zhou.

More than 10,000 corpses were dragged to another valley and buried to avoid the plague.

As for those weapons, they naturally became the trophies of the empire. Although these weapons were useless, they could be resmelted into steel and made into bullets.

Fortunately, a lot of war horses were captured yesterday, which can be used to carry supplies, which saves a lot of trouble.

"General Liu, leave 5000 men to guard the prisoners, and the remaining 5000 men will prepare for war and attack Xunyang City!"

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

"As ordered!"

Liu Ruxu responded loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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