Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 807 Buried with your daughter

Chapter 807 Buried with your daughter

Xunyang City is worthy of being the capital of the Zheng Kingdom. Although the Chinese Empire's army is now pressing down on the border and a curfew has been implemented at night, the curfew time has not yet reached and many people on the streets are purchasing various supplies.

As for where these materials came from, it is estimated that only the big merchants in the Western Regions have secret channels. Just like when Lu Hao sold war horses in Jindu City, some big merchants came and bought them quietly.

Lu Hao walked slowly on the street, strolling towards the palace in the middle. Firstly, he wanted to see the situation in Xunyang City, and secondly, he wanted not to attract other people's attention.

Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, he wants to come in to get a very important piece of spy information.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!
Wu Qingyu had already sent people to sneak into Xunyang City and had a complete understanding of the situation in Xunyang City. Of course, as for the specific military deployment, this important intelligence still needed someone to go into the city to get it.

Lu Hao was originally going to the city to rescue people, so he naturally stopped by to collect information.

Fuyuan Inn is located on the main road outside the imperial city. Businessmen from all over the world like this inn the most.

Now is a period of war. The wealthy nobles and ladies around them have fled to Xunyang City, so they naturally choose good inns to stay temporarily.

Especially in Hanzhou City and Boya City in the east, many wealthy people took refuge in Xunyang City.

Of course, there are also a small number of cowards who continue to flee to the west, hoping to avoid this battle.

Lu Hao walked slowly into the inn and walked to the counter.

"Sir, do you want to stay at the hotel?" the waiter greeted.

"I am a relative of your shopkeeper. I came from my hometown and want to find your shopkeeper An."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Coming from my hometown? Okay, then you come with me."

The waiter said politely.

After the two of them went upstairs, the waiter arranged him in a room, and then went to ask the shopkeeper An.

After a moment, a middle-aged man walked in slowly.

"I am Shopkeeper An. I wonder where the guest officer comes from?"

Shopkeeper An introduced himself.

"I'm from my hometown, and I came here specifically to do your satin business."

Lu Hao responded with a smile.

"Sir, I haven't been in the silk and satin business for a long time. I wonder where your satin comes from?"

Shopkeeper An was secretly happy.

"Satin comes from the East and comes in two colors: red and yellow."

Lu Hao followed the code word.

"Finally we are waiting for people. I heard that our army has arrived outside the city, but we can't get out of the city at all. We are still worried about this matter."

Shopkeeper An was very happy.

"Shopkeeper An, Mr. Wu sent me here. I wonder what kind of spy it is?"

Lu Hao mentioned Wu Qingyu.

"please wait a moment."

After hearing this, shopkeeper An was sure that Lu Hao was one of his own, and then went out to get information.

After a while, he returned to the room, holding a box in his hand, and handed it to Lu Hao solemnly.

Lu Hao took it and opened it. There was a map inside.

"This is the defense plan for Zheng's army in the city. You must hand it over to the emperor!"

Shopkeeper An explained.

"Shopkeeper An, you've done a good job! Now just lurk and wait for the emperor to attack Xunyang City."

Lu Hao was extremely happy.

"You should also be careful! Take care!" Shopkeeper An said sincerely.

"The same goes for you, take care!"

Lu Hao said goodbye and left.

Although he got the city defense map, Lu Hao was no fool. He immediately found a quiet place, released the power of his soul, and began to confirm the authenticity of the intelligence.

After all, it is impossible for more than 30 troops to be concentrated in one place, and even to defend the city, it is impossible to send all the soldiers there.

Therefore, these soldiers have their own garrison in the city, to be precise, their stronghold.

Sure enough, only a few of the Zheng soldiers' marked positions on the city defense map were not very accurate, but it had nothing to do with the overall situation.

If you attack Xunyang City at night, this picture will be very useful.

In this picture, even the location of the imperial palace is marked. Where is the meeting hall?Where is the emperor's palace?
Lu Hao also didn't expect that the spy arranged by Wu Qingyu was so reliable. There were also some detailed introductions to the characters, including Prime Minister Ling Zhongxian, Minister of War Huang Zhengming and other important figures.

Since he came to rescue people, Lu Hao was not in a hurry. Instead, he walked around the palace, checked the terrain, and prepared to wait until midnight before taking action.

Of course, Lu Hao is not afraid of the enemies in the palace, and no matter how many people there are, they can't stop him. The most important thing is to make the ninth princess's mother, Concubine Xi, disappear without anyone noticing.

Lu Hao released the power of his soul and determined first the Yuqing Palace according to the previous map, and then the royal study room of the Lord of Zheng...

At this moment, Concubine Xi of Yuqing Palace was missing her daughter, and Zheng Yuanjie walked in with a bad look on her face.

"Meet the king!"

Concubine Xi bowed slightly and saluted.

"Yuan Zixi, your good daughter is so stupid. I just asked her to delay Emperor Yongtai for a few more days. I didn't expect that she couldn't even handle this little thing!"

Zheng Yuanjie said coldly with a dark face.

"Master, hasn't Xinyue been delayed for three days? How can she, a weak woman, stop Emperor Yongtai's army?"

Yuan Zixi felt a little aggrieved and argued.

Originally, her daughter was unhappy when she went to get married and serve the tyrant Emperor Yongtai. Now that the king actually blamed his daughter, she was naturally angry.

"I asked her to devote herself to Emperor Yongtai, but she actually cursed Emperor Yongtai in public. Don't think that I don't know what she thinks? Did you teach her to do this?"

Zheng Yuanjie asked angrily.

"No, I just asked her to serve Emperor Yongtai well. Don't anger Emperor Yongtai, lest Emperor Yongtai kill her in anger!"

Yuan Zixi immediately denied it.

"No matter how you argue, I have long said that if she fails to complete the mission, I will kill you! Now that her mission fails, you will be buried with your daughter!"

Zheng Yuanjie was as cold as ice and murderous intent emerged.

"There's no need to accuse anyone. If you want to kill him, just kill him. Anyway, if Xunyang City is attacked, it will be a dead end!"

Yuan Zixi broke the jar, but she still had some integrity.

"You want to die, don't you? I will help you! Come on, drag me down and chop him!"

Zheng Yuanjie vented his anger on Concubine Xi.

Who made her precious daughter fail to complete the task assigned by the king?

"Lord, please calm down! People in the harem are now in panic. If I kill Concubine Xi now, I'm afraid..."

The commander of the Imperial Guard stepped forward and whispered.

The Chinese Empire's army is pressing down on the country. Once the city is broken, the palace will definitely be purged. Now, everyone in the harem wants to escape.

However, due to the fact that the emperor defended Xunyang City, the concubines in the harem did not dare to escape.

If Concubine Xi is killed now, it will make the already panic-stricken harem even more dangerous, and it will not be good then.

Zheng Yuanjie obviously understood this truth. He nodded slightly and said, "You can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty!"

(End of this chapter)

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