Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 786 Love the country but also love the beauty

Chapter 786 Love the country but also love the beauty

The leader of the Zheng Kingdom sent the nine princesses to ask for peace, hoping that the Qin and Jin Dynasties would always be friends with the Chinese Empire in exchange for the survival of the Zheng Kingdom.

"Hehe... If you want to use a princess to delay time, I'm not afraid at all. Anyway, the more enemies there are, the greater the effect of heavy weapons will be."

Lu Hao saw through Zheng Guo's intention at a glance and sneered.

But what should this beautiful princess do?

Accept it?The soldiers thought that Emperor Yongtai might really be a pervert. If they didn't accept it, they would have no choice but to continue fighting.

In fact, when the Zheng army retreated today, Xuanyuan Lingyu should have sent people to pursue them and completely defeat their main army. However, the chance has been lost now.

For Lu Hao, conquering the Kingdom of Zheng was effortless. Only by letting the Zhou Dynasty and the Western Xia Dynasty work on expeditions while he waited for the hard work, could he obtain the maximum benefits.

If the main armies of the two dynasties can be destroyed in Zheng State, they will be able to occupy the two dynasties faster in the future.

Of course, this was an excuse to send troops to the two countries, especially the Xixia Dynasty. If they sent troops just because they once wanted to carve up Jin and Shu, it seemed a bit far-fetched.

As for this Ninth Princess, it is just a chess piece, but it can be used to make some moves.

Lu Hao's mind was racing rapidly, and the corners of his mouth curved.

"General Zhou Yuan, send someone to tell Master Zheng that I want to think about it."

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Your Majesty, are you really planning to take the princess of Zheng?"

General Zhou Yuan asked with a grimace.

"What's wrong? Are you questioning my decision?"

Lu Hao smiled and looked at General Zhou Yuan.

"The Emperor's wisdom and power must have a deeper meaning, but the general cannot understand it."

Zhou Yuan said with a blushing face.


Lu Haole laughed loudly and said, "General Zhou Yuan, you just don't understand. If you understand, then my enemies will understand too."

"Your Majesty, forgive me. I will finally realize my mistake."

General Zhou Yuan apologized.

"Zheng Guo will not negotiate with us. He is just stalling for time and waiting for reinforcements. However, I also want to wait for my work and gather reinforcements! I told you, you may not understand, but you can just follow the instructions."

Lu Hao explained casually.

"The general is ignorant, but the emperor is wise! Then...should we bring the princess into the city?"

General Zhou Yuan asked with a blushing face.

"That's not necessary. It's okay to let this delicate little princess suffer a little. The most important thing is to give them the illusion that I love both the country and the beauty!"

Lu Hao laughed happily.

"The Emperor is wise! The Emperor is mighty! I will admire you greatly!"

General Zhou Yuan bowed and was sincerely convinced this time.

"Your Majesty, how about you give me an illusion too?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu walked out from behind and had changed into a clean dress.

"What illusion did it give you?"

Lu Hao was slightly startled.

"Don't you love both country and beauty? Which one do you love more?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu joked.

"Of course I love you more."

Thief Lu Hao chuckled evilly.

"Don't come here, I don't believe it."

Xuanyuan Lingyu smiled shyly, but she was filled with joy.

General Zhou Yuan knew about the relationship between the two, and when he saw the two flirting, he quickly retreated.

Lu Hao stretched out his big hand and pulled Xuanyuan Lingyu over to sit on his lap, looking at the beauty in front of him with a gentle expression.

"Why did you change your skirt today? Don't you like wearing skirts?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"If I don't wear a skirt, you will treat me like a man!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu smiled charmingly. "You are so beautiful, how could you be a man? Have you ever seen such a beautiful man?"

Lu Hao joked happily.

"Come on, you men are so virtuous that you can't move your legs when you see a beautiful woman."

Xuanyuan Lingyu rolled her eyes at him.

"Okay, I know you are jealous. I will accompany you tonight to make it up to you."

Lu Hao said and put his mouth together, wanting to taste the beautiful woman's kiss.

"Don' would be bad to be seen by outsiders!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu was embarrassed and struggled.

"Why don't you want it? If a woman says she doesn't want it, then she wants it!"

Lu Hao wanted to be a bully and bowed forcefully.

The two started to fight, and their laughter soon spread throughout the city lord's palace.


Outside the west gate of Hanzhou City.

General Zhou Yuan brought the message to Kuang Wuya and then returned to the city.

"What did Emperor Yongtai say?"

In the luxurious carriage, the Ninth Princess, who had been waiting for a long time, asked loudly.

"Reporting to the princess, Emperor Yongtai said that we should consider it."

Kuangwuya responded in a deep voice.

"What? Are you still thinking about it? This princess doesn't dislike him, so why should he dislike me?"

Nine princesses said angrily.

"Princess, that is because he has not seen the princess's peerless appearance. If he had seen her, he would definitely come to greet you right away."

Kuang Wu Ya comforted.

"National Master, what should we do now?"

The ninth princess is still angry.

"Although Emperor Yongtai won't receive us, we can go into the city and wait."

Kuangwuya looked towards the city gate.

"Those soldiers on duty will let us in?"

Princess Ninth looked through the window at the soldiers standing guard at the west gate.

"We can go in, but these guards will definitely not be able to go in."

Kuangwuya responded.

"Then let the imperial guards go back. I want to go into the city. Imperial Master, please find a better inn. I want to take a bath and change clothes."

Ninth Princess said angrily and loudly.

"Okay, princess."

Kuangwuya smiled bitterly.

On the other side, Zheng Guohua led the defeated troops and retreated to Baiya City. This city was not small, almost the same as Hanzhou City.

This city is completely the east gate of Xunyang City, the capital of the Zheng Kingdom. Once this city is lost, there will be only a small city behind it, which cannot stop the army of the Chinese Empire.

This tragic defeat made Zheng Guohua realize that his own army alone could not defeat the Chinese Empire.

Therefore, he decisively accepted the peace policy proposed by the Imperial Master in order to delay time and wait for reinforcements from the Zhou Dynasty and the Xixia Dynasty.

What he didn't expect was that the current Great Zhou Dynasty was already in such turmoil.

The war faction, the peace faction, and the neutral faction all have their own unique opinions. Therefore, the King of Zhou was also a little undecided.

A luxurious carriage drove into Hanzhou City, and the Imperial Master took the Ninth Princess into the largest and most luxurious inn in Hanzhou City, next to the city lord's palace.

The princess was a golden girl. She only brought four maids with her this time. She entered the inn with such great fanfare that she immediately attracted crowds from the people of Hanzhou City.

News that the ninth princess of Zheng State was to marry Emperor Yongtai spread quickly, and the people of Hanzhou City seemed to be less panicked than before.

After all, the beauty of the Ninth Princess is well-known far and wide. She is the goddess in the hearts of men in Zheng State, and her admirers are as numerous as the crucian carp crossing the river.

My Fair Lady and Gentleman are so good!
The men from the State of Zheng who came after hearing the news had already surrounded the inn, obviously wanting to see the princess's beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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