Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 780: Soldiers Arrive at Hanzhou City

Chapter 780: Soldiers Arrive at Hanzhou City

General Ning and a group of soldiers guarding the city stared dumbly at the goshawk falling from the air, their minds buzzing.

They knew very well that the killing range of this kind of powerful weapon was too far, and they could be killed by everyone on the wall without even getting close to the city wall.

As a die-hard member of Zheng Guo, General Ning could not instigate rebellion with just a few words.

"General Cao, don't think that because your weapons are powerful, I will give up Dan City to you! Let me tell you, if you want to take Dan City, you will have to step on my general's body!"

General Ning's attitude is very tough.

In this case, Cao Ming raised his hand and raised his rifle, aiming at General Ning on the city wall.

A sharpshooter with perfect accuracy, with one shot, the bullet pierced the sky and hit General Ning on the city wall.


The bullet hit General Ning between the eyebrows, and he was shot dead by Cao Ming.

"General Ning, General Ning..."

All the soldiers were immediately in chaos.

"General Ning said that if you want to take Dancheng, you need to step over his body. Now that he is dead, who of you can make the decision? Stand up and speak!"

Cao Ming asked loudly again.

"I am General Ning's lieutenant, and I have the final say in Dancheng now!"

A general stood up.

"Very good, I'll give you a chance to survive. Kaicheng surrenders, otherwise I will order an attack on the city!"

Cao Ming's voice was still as cold as frost.

"Don't even think about it! If you want us to surrender in Kaicheng, you are dreaming!"

The lieutenant shouted back.

"Since you are stubborn, I will send you to see the King of Hell!"

Cao Ming immediately became angry.

He turned around to look at the soldiers of the Chinese Empire and immediately began to form their troops.

"The first team of 1000 men approached [-] steps and suppressed the enemy on the left side of the city wall..."

"The second team of 1000 men approached [-] steps and suppressed the enemy on the right side of the city wall..."

"The third team of 1000 people is preparing to attack the city gate and blow it open..."

"The fourth, 5000-man brigade, follow the steps of this general and enter Hanzhou City..."

Following the orders, each thousand-man brigade began to take action.

"All soldiers, take Dancheng and kill them!"

Cao Ming waved the rifle in his hand and shouted an order.

bang bang bang...

Intense gunshots rang out, and dense bullets were shot towards the city wall. Suddenly, the defenders on the city wall were shot one after another.

"Dodge! Shield defense!"

The generals guarding the city shouted orders one after another.

"Suppress the enemy on the left and right sides, the third team, move in!"

Cao Ming ordered loudly.


The third thousand-man brigade rushed towards the city gate.

"The enemy wants to open the city gate, counterattack! Archers! Archers..."

The deputy general who defended the city roared.

It turned out that the archer behind him had been killed by bullets at some point.

The archers who finally survived were shot to pieces by dense bullets just as they were about to stand up and draw arrows.

The suppressive power of a rifle cannot be resisted by a bow and arrow.

As long as someone shows up, they will be targeted by seven or eight guns, and then they will be beaten into a hornet's nest.

The city guard deputy general looked at the dead and injured soldiers on the city wall, his mind was buzzing and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Grenade preparation! Free throw!"

The leading general of the third thousand-man brigade shouted an order.Under normal circumstances, this kind of grenade can be thrown five to 60 meters. If it is thrown from a horse, it will have an impact acceleration and will be farther.

Hundreds of grenades were thrown at the city wall at the same time, which was a complete coverage saturation strike.

bang bang bang...

Countless explosions sounded on the city wall, and the remaining soldiers guarding the city also completely lost their lives in this round of explosions.

Among them was the stubborn lieutenant general.

bang bang bang...

More than a dozen grenades were thrown at the city gate. How could such a wooden city gate block the attack of the grenades? In a series of explosions, it was eventually blown into countless pieces of wood.

"All soldiers, enter Dancheng! Kill..."

Cao Ming led a large army to cover up the attack and rushed directly into the city gate, as if entering a deserted land.

"Those who surrender will not be killed! Those who surrender will not be killed..."

the soldiers of the Chinese Empire shouted in unison.

Many soldiers guarding the city, seeing that the general guarding the city was dead and the city gate had been breached, they immediately wisely threw away their weapons and automatically raised their hands in surrender.

However, there are a few die-hard elements who still charge at the soldiers of the Chinese Empire with various weapons.

bang bang bang...

After the intensive bullets, there was just a pile of corpses on the ground.

There was no bloody massacre in Dancheng. After all, there were only a small number of soldiers who were not afraid of death. Therefore, more than 3000 enemies were captured in this battle, but only more than 1000 were killed.

Since these people are willing to accept the rule of the Chinese Empire, let them take up arms and continue to defend Dancheng.

However, what was flying on the tower was no longer the national flag of Zheng, but the horse flag of the Chinese Empire.


The first main force of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire, led by Xuanyuan Lingyu, arrived at Hanzhou City.

At this time, on the wall of Hanzhou City, there were densely packed soldiers guarding the city, with neat military appearance and murderous intent.

Last night, after Yan City was breached, Hanzhou City naturally received the news.

On the one hand, General Tian, ​​who was guarding the city, sent people back to inform the king. On the other hand, he began to deploy defenses and build Hanzhou City into a strong fortress.

"I am the Yongtai Emperor of the Chinese Empire!"

Lu Hao rode on the horse and said loudly.

The sound was not very loud, but it seemed to ring in the hearts of all the subjects of Hanzhou City and echoed in the sky above Hanzhou City.

"What? Emperor Yongtai? He is really the murderous tyrant!"

"I didn't expect him to be the emperor of the Chinese Empire. He looks very young!"

"This Emperor Yongtai is said to have been transformed by a demon and is a demon king. I heard that the Guangming Cult is going to send someone to purify him!"

"I've also heard about this. It seems that only the God of Light can destroy this devil!"


The common people throughout Hanzhou City were talking and whispering.

General Tian, ​​who was guarding the city, had obviously known of his existence for a long time and was not the least bit surprised.

“Emperor Yongtai, I’m the general guarding the city of Zheng State, General Tian Rumu!”

General Tian clasped his fists in salute.

"General Tian, ​​Kaicheng surrenders, I will give all of you a chance to survive."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Tian is responsible for protecting his family, his country, and his territory. There is no way he will open the city and surrender! You'd better stop daydreaming!"

General Tian's attitude was even more determined.

Of course, he was so confident because he felt that his defensive deployment would definitely be able to stop the Chinese Empire's army.

Knowing that the rifles of the Chinese Empire had a long range last night, he asked the soldiers to prepare many shields, and also brought many large pots from the homes of civilians in the city to use as shields.

It has to be said that this kind of iron pot made of steel can definitely block bullet attacks and can also protect two to three people.

"General Tian, ​​I'm not here to tell you about the principles of protecting our country. Since you are obsessed with it, I don't mind going on a killing spree!"

Lu Hao didn't want to play coy with him and was ready to attack directly.

(End of this chapter)

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