Chapter 773
These cannons are mainly installed on five-story ships. The general design is five cannons on the front deck and ten cannons on each side. A high-rise ship has 25 cannons.

However, there are too many five-story ships, so these cannons can only be installed separately.

Therefore, each of the ten main battleships is equipped with twenty cannons. However, these cannons with a range of two kilometers can be lined up in a row to carry out saturation strikes on land, giving full play to the super power of the cannons. power.

Although he arrived at the territory of the Xixia Dynasty, Lu Hao did not have that much time to stay. He released his soul power and wanted to feel the general situation of this dynasty.

Lu Hao was going to take a walk along the coastline to take a look at the actual situation of the Xixia Dynasty.

With his current sensing range of about 150 kilometers and an exploration depth of more than a thousand meters, Lu Hao was surprised to find that there are rich oil resources along the West Sea coast.

Originally, Lu Hao was planning to start oil extraction in the Great Bay Strait. However, this had to wait until the road to Negese was opened before he could continue to extend westward and finally reach the strait, and then oil could be extracted.

Judging from the topography of the Western Xia Dynasty, the areas along the coastline are basically plain areas, which are about [-] kilometers long and [-] kilometers wide. Five rivers originate from the Jin and Shu kingdoms.

These rivers run in a north-south direction and eventually flow into the West Sea. The plains formed have high crop yields. This is the reason why the Xixia Dynasty was relatively prosperous.

It was just dawning now. Lu Hao was hundreds of meters above the ground, and he was moving very fast, leaving only afterimages in the sky. Therefore, he did not attract the attention of ordinary people.

All the way to the west, suddenly, a large city appeared in front of it, and it was built on the sea. It had tall and solid walls. It looked like Xijin City, the capital of the Xixia Kingdom.

At this time, he discovered that there were actually two powerful auras in Xijin City. Although they were not as high as him, they were definitely at the master level.

No wonder the Xixia Dynasty was so powerful. It turned out that the royal family supported two great masters.

However, Lu Hao's perception range was too large, and his soul power was obviously stronger than the two of them, so he did not alarm the two of them who were practicing hard.

Lu Hao gathered his breath and began to turn and fly towards the south, wanting to explore the Xixia Dynasty's military deployment on the border between Jin and Shu.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!
What if you don’t understand your enemy and then negotiate to conquer him?

Lu Hao was very fast. With his strong perception, he quickly got a general understanding of the Xixia Dynasty's garrison situation.

Immediately afterwards, he went directly along the border between the Great Zhou Dynasty and Shu, mainly to understand the military deployment and movements of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Lu Hao rushed south along the cover of the mountainous terrain, then went south along the border between Dazhou and Yue, and came to the southernmost Forbidden Sea.

The Great Zhou Dynasty had many deep-water ports on the seashore, a powerful naval fleet, and inland shipping lines.

The largest inland river also originates from the mountainous areas of the Shu Kingdom. It winds all the way westward and flows into the plains of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It irrigates this land and makes the Great Zhou Dynasty the most powerful dynasty in the Eighteenth Dynasty. one.

After Lu Hao arrived at the seaside, he headed east along the coastline, passing the coastlines of Yue and Zheng, looking for the First Fleet of the Chinese Empire's Navy.

At this time, the Imperial Navy fleet had already passed through the Dawan Strait and was sailing along the coastline of Zheng State towards Qingwan Port, the largest port in Zheng State.

It was not until the afternoon that Lu Hao saw the flag of the Chinese Empire.

"General Ding, I'm here."

Lu Hao's voice sounded in General Ding Rumo's mind.

"Your Majesty, are you here?"

Ding Rumo was so excited that he rushed onto the deck.

At this time, Lu Hao just happened to fly over the fleet, overlooking the hundreds of imperial warships below.

"The last general pays homage to the emperor!"

General Ding led all the generals to kneel to the ground.

"Meet the Emperor!" The soldiers of more than 30 five-story ships and hundreds of Mengchong battleships knelt on the deck.

"All the generals are flat!"

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Your Majesty, the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy has 350 officers and men, 35 five-story ships, [-] Mengchong battleships, and [-] logistics transport ships for this expedition..."

"The main battleship is equipped with the latest cannons of the empire, equipped with 3000 new army soldiers, as well as more than 2000 officers and soldiers from the original navy fleet, plus more than [-] sailors and logistics personnel..."

General Ding reported loudly.

"Soldiers, the Zheng Kingdom and the Yue Kingdom originally reached out to the Chinese Empire and incited the ethnic minorities in the southwest of the empire to rebel. I also led people to loot the two countries and taught them a lesson."

"However, as the Jin and Shu states merged into the Chinese Empire, they extended their claws to the two countries and occupied large areas of the two countries..."

"However, the territory of Jin and Shu is now the territory of the empire. I have warned them many times, but they are still indifferent. This time I led a large army to regain the lost territory and destroy the two countries."

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Destroy the two countries! Destroy the two countries..."

All the soldiers shouted in unison, resounding throughout the Forbidden Sea.

"I have ordered the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy to set sail at full speed, seize the Qingwan Port of Zheng State, land at Qingwan Port, form a north-south pincer attack with the First and Second Fleets of the Imperial Navy, and strive to destroy the State of Zheng within one month. ."

Lu Hao's voice was full of domineering and murderous intent.

"The Emperor is wise! The Emperor is mighty!"

All the soldiers roared again, and their morale was like a rainbow.

"General Ding, you have full command of the fleet. I believe in your ability. The navy officers must unite as one. Anyone who disobeys orders will be killed without mercy!"

Lu Hao gave General Ding the authority to attack Qingwan Port.

Of course, he knew very well that with the cold weapons at Qingwan Port, there was no way he could cause any damage to the fleet.

Another purpose of giving General Ding full command is to see if he can command this expanded naval fleet so that he can independently command large-scale naval battles in the future.

After all, he is the emperor of the Chinese Empire and is not suitable to interfere with the command of front-line generals.

"The commander's decree!"

General Ding was overjoyed.

Lu Hao slowly landed on the flagship and said: "General Ding, I am almost exhausted and need a place to rest."

"Your Majesty, please come inside!"

General Ding led Lu Hao into a luxurious room.

Obviously, this was specially prepared by General Ding for the emperor.

Lu Hao continued to fight hard and roughly surveyed the enemy. He was indeed a little tired and soon fell asleep.

The First Fleet of the Chinese Imperial Navy, under the command of General Ding, headed towards Qingwan Port, the largest port in Zheng State, at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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