Chapter 764 High Pressure Policy
All civil and military officials were excited when they heard that the empire's territory was expanding again.

"Congratulations to the emperor! Congratulations to the emperor!"

Civil and military officials shouted in unison.

"Although Jin and Shu were merged into the Chinese Empire, the countries in the Western Regions, led by the Zhou Dynasty, are hostile to the Chinese Empire. They still occupy large areas of the two countries' territories and are unwilling to withdraw their troops."

"I declare that from now on, the Chinese Empire will declare war on the Zheng Kingdom, the Yue Kingdom, the Xixia Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Lu Hao was very domineering and announced loudly.

"Master Xuanyuan, the Minister of the Ministry of War, is responsible for this matter. He drafted a memorandum and accused several dynasties of burning, killing, robbing, and killing innocent people indiscriminately, so that the lives of the people were devastated and the people were in dire straits..."

"I will personally lead the first and second main legions of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire and march westward to attack the major dynasties!"

Lu Hao was filled with murderous intent.

As he said, as long as Jin and Shu gain a firm foothold, the door to the Western Region will be opened.

With the current military strength of the Chinese Empire, it is not a problem to destroy several major dynasties. Of course, several major dynasties will definitely stand still and wait for death.

This will be another bloody battle!
"The Emperor is wise! The Emperor is mighty!"

All civil and military officials shouted in unison, with great momentum.

"Most of the territory of Jin and Shu is in the hands of several major dynasties. This time I am personally conducting the expedition. The civil and military officials of the Chinese Empire should perform their duties, enforce the law impartially, and ensure the peace and stability of the empire..."

"At the same time, the imperial cabinet and the six ministers must be prepared. After the New Year, the major administrative departments will be stationed in the Western Region to implement the laws and regulations of the empire..."

Lu Hao's voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Follow the emperor's will!"

Civil and military officials responded loudly.

"It's almost the New Year. I have ordered that Concubine Xian will host this year's celebrations. Each state and county should also hold local celebrations, and the Imperial Ministry of Household Affairs will allocate funds to states and counties..."

"The Imperial Celebration will be based on the scale of 2000 million taels of silver, and each other state will receive 100 million taels of silver, and the counties will receive 50 taels of silver..."

"At the same time, the world is amnesty. Anyone who is not a heinous person can be dealt with as appropriate. The Minister of Punishment is responsible for this matter..."

Lu Hao announced loudly.

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"

All civil and military officials were excited and excited.

"The Ministry of Household Affairs must continue to follow up on the Jidong Prairie and Chimir Prairie, divide land according to population according to the method of dividing land into acres, and continue to promote the reform of the land system..."

"As for improving the status of women in the two grasslands, we must continue to supervise and implement it. Anyone who buys or sells women will be killed without mercy!"

"As for the matter of ethnic intermarriage, we still need to increase incentives and publicity, and all local departments in the empire must do these detailed tasks..."

Lu Hao focused on the two prairie grasslands.

Although there are still some rebel forces in the two grasslands under the high-pressure policies, as long as the basic political system is promoted effectively, the herdsmen of the grasslands will feel the benefits in the future, and they will naturally not participate in the rebellion.

However, this is definitely a long-term and tortuous process and cannot be achieved overnight.

"Master Dong, please give a general report on the empire's infrastructure projects so that all civil and military officials can have an idea."

Lu Hao looked at Mr. Dong and said.

"As ordered!"

Master Dong stood up and began to report on the empire's major construction projects.

Then the other six ministers introduced the work advancement efforts of their departments one by one, which was regarded as a work report to the civil and military officials.

Of course, in this way, Lu Hao naturally borrowed some methods from his previous life.

Site selection for the construction of primary and secondary schools in the empire's prefectures and counties has been completed and has entered the land enclosure stage. However, because the output of cement is not large yet, construction has not yet been officially put into operation.

University towns are still like this. They require a lot of cement and steel. It is estimated that construction will not start until after the Chinese New Year.

As for the construction of several main roads, it is for the prosperity of the empire's economy and trade. Therefore, efforts must be made to promote the progress of the project.

When everyone heard that the emperor was going to build a straight road from Hengyang City through Lingyun Mountain to the Western Regions, everyone felt incredible.

This matter is not so urgent. After all, preliminary planning and relocation work are still needed, and then Lu Hao can take action and directly open up those hills.Because the court meeting was too long, Lu Hao asked Tantai Xiyao to go back and rest midway. After all, she was pregnant and she still had to pay attention to her health.

After the court meeting, the civil and military officials left one after another, and the imperial cabinet ministers followed Lu Hao to the Chongyang Palace for work.

"Master Wu, come in with me."

Lu Hao walked into his study room.

Wu Qingyu hurriedly followed in.

"Tell me more about the secret spies in the two grasslands."

Lu Hao asked.

"Your Majesty, a businessman from East Turkestan entered the imperial capital in the name of doing business. He has bought a house where he collects intelligence and then sends it to the prairie via caravan..."

Wu Qingyu reports in detail.

"What kind of intelligence are you mainly collecting?"

Lu Hao asked coldly.

"Looking at it now, he is only collecting some basic information to pass back. However, he is contacting some court officials and probably wants to obtain some intelligence through them."

Wu Qingyu added.

"Monitor closely and investigate. Who is the person behind him?"

Lu Hao hit the nail on the head and asked the key point of the question.

"Wei Chen must do his best to dig out the person behind this."

Wu Qingyu replied loudly.

"If you find the person behind it, don't be too nervous. You just need to understand their situation. If they want to rebel, I can give them a chance."

Lu Hao groaned.

"Wei Chen understands!"

Wu Qingyu nodded in response.

"Someone has also sneaked into the Chimir Prairie. What is the specific situation?"

Lu Hao asked about the northern prairie.

"Your Majesty, several beautiful girls have come from the Chimir Prairie and have sneaked into places like Tianyin Pavilion and Baihua Building. They have not made any big moves for the time being, or we have not noticed their big moves."

"Wei Chen feels that they should obtain intelligence through imperial officials, or bribe officials who are instigating rebellion against the empire to provide them with intelligence."

Wu Qingyu reports.

"Very good, just monitor it. In addition, the Imperial Cabinet's Privy Council Supervision Department has issued an imperial confidentiality policy. Once anyone touches this bottom line, it will be treason and will be killed without mercy!"

"In addition, send people to sneak into the two grasslands and continue to collect intelligence from the major tribes to see if they have any signs of rebellion?"

Lu Hao explained in a deep voice.

"Wei Chen understands."

Wu Qingyu responded loudly.

"Okay, go down and let the Minister of Civil Affairs come in."

Lu Hao said.

After a while, Xu Liting, the official secretary, walked in.

"Meet the emperor!"

Xu Liting quickly bowed and saluted.

"Master Xu, no courtesy!"

Lu Hao said loudly: "The reason I let you in is because both prairie teams have sent people to sneak into the imperial capital to collect intelligence. However, this intelligence must have been obtained from civil and military officials."

(End of this chapter)

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