Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 747 Help us restore our country

Chapter 747 Help us restore our country

Sima Rui's family was able to have a reunion dinner. Fortunately, Lu Hao arrived in time. However, Sima Rui still had several concubines and princes missing.

However, now that the armies of the Zhou Dynasty were approaching, Lu Hao really had no time to look for them, and he also had to be wary of the armies of the Xixia Dynasty and the Yue Kingdom.

Since Zeng Yucheng confessed that Zhou Lifeng was behind the plan, it finally triggered civil strife in Jin and caused the destruction of Sima Rui's country and family.

Although the Zhou Dynasty is now blocked by Jindu City, Xixia and Zheng have almost divided Jin.

The remaining places, including guys like Zeng Yucheng, were all secret moves arranged by Zhou Lifeng.

After drinking and eating, Princess Heshuo asked her servants to take her younger brothers and sisters to rest, and then went directly to kneel down in front of her parents.

"Father, my daughter has joined the Chinese Empire on behalf of the Jin Kingdom. Please forgive me for your sins!"

Princess Heshuo said loudly.

"What? Join the Chinese Empire?"

Sima Rui exclaimed.

"Although I didn't discuss this matter with you, my daughter thinks that this is the only way out for the Jin State, and it can also save the people of the Jin State from being enslaved and humiliated by other dynasties."

Princess Heshuo quickly explained.

"To put it nicely, why join the Chinese Empire? If we don't surrender to the Chinese Empire, wouldn't the Jin Kingdom cease to exist?"

Sima Rui shouted angrily.

"Yes, the Jin Kingdom will no longer exist and will become part of the Chinese Empire."

Princess Heshuo said bravely.

"Heshuo, tell me, is this the condition for him to come to save us?"

Sima Rui thought this was a deal.

"No, joining the Chinese Empire was a decision my daughter made three days ago. At that time, the whereabouts of her father, queen and queen were unknown. My daughter also wanted to seek the protection of the Chinese Empire, so she decided to join the Chinese Empire."

Princess Heshuo explained.

"No! Your words cannot represent the Jin State. Moreover, I am still alive and can recover the country. How can it be incorporated into the Chinese Empire?"

Sima Rui decisively refused.

"Father, the Jin Kingdom has lost its people's hearts. All its subjects are living in dire straits. Our Jin Kingdom is riddled with holes and cannot sustain itself. Even if we don't join the Chinese Empire, we will be divided by other dynasties sooner or later."

Princess Heshuo advised.

"Partition? How is it possible? There are still troops in the north..."

When Sima Rui said this, he was immediately discouraged.

If the northern army was still there, how could General Mu of the Western Xia Dynasty hunt down their family?
"Father, since we were plundered by the Xixia Dynasty last year, our national strength has declined significantly. In addition, today's food harvest is poor and the national treasury is empty. We are simply unable to fight against other dynasties. It will only be a matter of time before we are divided by them."

Princess Heshuo continued.

Sima Rui knew that what his daughter said was true, but he was the leader of the country. Now that he no longer even had a country, what else could he be called the leader of the country?

How could he be willing to accept that the foundation laid by his ancestors was completely destroyed by himself?
“Can’t we let the Chinese Empire help me restore my country?”

Sima Rui wanted to use Lu Hao's power to restore his Jin Kingdom.

"Father, people will die in war. If Jin did not join the Chinese Empire, do you think their imperial cabinet would agree to send troops?"

Princess Heshuo was very depressed.

"Aren't you on such a good terms with Lu Hao? If you ask her to help us restore our country, our Jin Kingdom will follow his lead and pay tribute every year!" Sima Rui was still thinking about restoring our country.

"You think the Chinese Empire will help us restore our country just for the sake of a woman like me. You think too highly of me. Do you know how many concubines the emperor has? There are 72 concubines in the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard. What am I a weak woman?"

Princess Heshuo really doesn’t know how to explain it.

"Then you can persuade him, or find a way to get him to help us restore our country."

Sima Rui's attitude was very firm.

Princess Heshuo also didn't expect that her father would be so stubborn and didn't want to lose power at all. She also wanted Lu Hao to help her restore the country.

"The Chinese Empire has issued a statement that both Jin and Shu have been incorporated into the Chinese Empire and will send troops to protect the subjects of the two countries. There is no room for maneuver on this matter."

Princess Heshuo replied angrily.

Princess Furong, who was standing on the side, also stood up and said: "Our situation in Shu is similar. Therefore, I have joined the Chinese Empire on behalf of Shu."

"Fu Rong, your Shu country is Shu country, and our Jin country is Jin country. They cannot be confused. We, Jin country, still have a chance to make a comeback."

Sima Rui said loudly.

"After the three great dynasties invaded our Shu Kingdom, they looted the city, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. If Emperor Yongtai hadn't been here, Jindu City would have been breached long ago."

"Seeing countless refugees pouring into Jindu City, as a weak woman, I can only find a way out for the people of Shu, and joining the Chinese Empire is the best way."

Princess Furong explained with a grimace.

"Father, if you want to restore the country, then go and restore the country yourself and leave Tianyu Tianling behind. I will take care of them."

Princess Heshuo couldn't persuade her father, she just wanted to keep her younger brothers and sisters for protection.

"I asked you to find Lu Hao to help us restore our country, but you were completely unwilling. Well, now that your wings are hardened, you don't even listen to your father's words. It's a shame that your father always loves you!"

Sima Rui suddenly became even more angry.

"Father, last time you asked your daughter to get married, she went without saying a word. No matter how wronged she was, she endured it. This time, she also wants to find a way for the people to live. If you don't want to, forget it. , my daughter has done her best."

Princess Heshuo was so wronged that she burst into tears.

"Sister, don't cry!"

Princess Furong quickly comforted her.

"Sima Rui, you have been cowardly in your life and failed to govern the Jin State well, which has led to the decline of the Jin State's national power and the people's livelihood. Even if Zhou Lifeng hadn't been behind it, the Jin State would have collapsed sooner or later."

The queen suddenly spoke up and interrupted.

"Collapse? How did it collapse? The Jin Kingdom is fine, but Zhou Lifeng is behind it. Otherwise, how could so many people rebel?"

Sima Rui suddenly yelled at the queen.

"The Imperial Guards have no money to pay for their salaries. Do you think those soldiers will be loyal to you? If someone didn't provide the money, could the Imperial Guards open the city gate themselves and let Zeng Yucheng into the city?"

The Queen Empress responded directly.

When Sima Rui heard this, he thought that the guards had not been given salaries, and those soldiers had not been paid. No wonder they rebelled, and suddenly they stopped like a deflated rubber ball.

"The Jin State's treasury was empty, food and other daily necessities were scarce, and it was riddled with holes. It was unable to sustain itself. Zhou Lifeng just followed the trend and instigated some generals to rebel, and the Jin State completely fell into civil strife."

"The Xixia Dynasty and the Zheng Kingdom have been eyeing each other for a long time. They also took the opportunity to send troops to carve up the Jin Kingdom. We fled all the way east. You also saw that those Xixia soldiers burned, killed, looted and tortured. They were completely inhumane. Do you want the entire Jin Kingdom to do this for you? Will you be buried with him?"

The queen completely exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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