734 Confusion

The two beautiful princesses hugged him on one side and looked attached to him on the other, like two well-behaved little wives.

"What? Did I wake you up?"

Lu Hao felt heartbroken.

"With so many gunshots, not only did we wake up, but probably all the civilians throughout the process were also woken up."

Princess Heshuo responded with a smile.

"Your Majesty, are there many enemies? How did you defeat them? Tell us sisters quickly."

Princess Furong is very curious.

"Actually, it's very simple. If the enemy wants to sneak attack, I will let them in, then close the door and beat the dogs..."

Lu Hao said eloquently.

"Your Majesty, since we have robbed them of their food and grass, we can hold on for a long time."

Princess Heshuo said with a smile.

"Of course, and I also got a lot of war horses, weapons, bows and arrows this time..."

Lu Hao was very happy to have all his treasures.

"Your Majesty, you are so powerful! I will serve you forever!"

Princess Furong was so excited that she kissed him directly.

"Of course I am awesome, do you want to do it again?"

Lu Hao smiled evilly and climbed up to the majestic peaks.

"No more... Your Majesty... ah..."

Princess Furong said coquettishly.

Lu Hao directly sealed her peach cherry mouth and began to taste it.

"Your Majesty, my concubines also want it!"

Princess Heshuo also came over.


Princess Furong made a happy sound.

The two beautiful princesses are young and have strong recovery ability, and now they want it again.

Lu Hao loved the two of them extremely much and started his happy conquest again.


Early the next morning.

After breakfast, Lu Hao took the two beautiful princesses to the square in front of the palace.

The current square is filled with carriages loaded with goods, and there are many war horses standing side by side, waiting for inspection.

Around the square, all the refugees were watching, obviously wanting to see what was in these carriages.

"The final general will see the emperor!"

General Zou, General Peng and General Zhao knelt down on one knee.

"Okay, you guys, get up. Is this the result of last night's battle?"

Lu Hao smiled as he looked at the cartloads of logistical supplies.

"Report to the emperor, that's right!"

The three generals said in unison.

"Master Deng, Master Jiang, you are responsible for counting these supplies, storing grain and grass, bringing tents and bedding to distribute to the refugees, and handing over the remaining weapons, bows and arrows to the three generals for distribution..."

Lu Hao explained casually.

"Follow the emperor's will!"

The two responded happily.

"Your Majesty, there are two carts of precious food and wine. How about sending them to the two princesses?"

General Zou came up and asked in a low voice.

"Wine and song, what's life like! I didn't expect General Zhong to understand life so well, so let's just help him eat."

Lu Hao looked at the two princesses with a very guilty expression.

"Your Majesty, just play the zither!"

The two princesses looked at each other, understanding each other and hurried forward to check the ingredients in the car. They only heard a series of exclamations, and they didn't know what was in the car.

However, as long as they are happy, Lu Hao will be satisfied.

"Your Majesty, in addition to the captured weapons and grain, there are also more than 1 war horses. These war horses are military supplies in the Western Regions and are very valuable." General Peng came over and whispered.

What he said is true. The water and grass here are not as fertile as those in the Far East Prairie or Chimir Prairie. It takes more energy and money to feed a war horse.

Only the three dynasties that occupy the central part of the Western Region and have the largest plain in the Western Region have the strength to breed war horses on a large scale.

The Xixia Dynasty also had the strength to raise so many war horses after looting the Jin and Shu kingdoms last year, and the Yue Kingdom had even fewer war horses.

Most of the war horses captured last night were from Xixia, and only a few were from Yue.

"General Peng, how about selling these horses? Exchange them for gold or silver?"

Lu Hao had a look on his face.

"Your Majesty, the neighboring countries of Zhou, Xixia and Yue are at war with us. Selling it to them will undoubtedly increase their strength and be extremely detrimental to us."

General Zou added.

"How can you say that? How can war and trade be confused? We want to be divided into two. Isn't it stupid not to make money if we don't?"

Lu Hao disagreed.

If it were in the Central Plains or grasslands, he would definitely not sell war horses. However, in such mountainous areas, war horses are at most a means of transportation, and their own fast maneuverability is completely weakened.

However, gold and silver are hard currencies. You can buy them anywhere, and they are more convenient to take away.

"The emperor means..."

General Peng asked.

"Of course it's for sale, but it's a little higher than usual."

Lu Hao's hehe look looked very much like shopkeeper Wang from the small shop in Dongcheng.

"I will understand at the end!"

General Peng nodded heavily.

"Can it really be sold?"

General Zou came over with great interest.

"Of course, this war horse is a strategic military material in the Western Region and is easy to sell. Even if the three of them are unwilling to buy it, they can still sell it to the Western Region."

General Zhao also came over and added.

"If that's the case, let's exchange for some gold and silver. The soldiers have worked hard during this period, and we will give you some salary when the time comes."

Lu Hao made the final decision.

"Do you really want to pay salaries to the soldiers?"

General Peng said in surprise.

"Of course, why are we fighting? It's not just for survival, it's for money. Now that we have won, the soldiers deserve to be rewarded."

Lu Hao nodded heavily.

"Your Majesty, I will definitely take care of this matter."

General Peng was extremely excited.

"Okay, you can take care of the rest of the supplies. Take out the horse meat and wine from the ice cellar tonight to celebrate the victory. General Zhao will be in charge of the celebration. As for the refugees, we will also give them some meat today. , let everyone be happy together."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"The last general takes orders!"

General Zhao responded loudly.

Lu Hao treated his soldiers very generously, not only providing them with salaries, but also providing various rewards and rewards. Master Deng, General Zou and others were fully aware of this.

Even though Jindu City is now under siege and there are still more than [-] refugees, Lu Hao still holds a celebration to reward the soldiers, which shows how grand this emperor is.

The news quickly spread throughout the military camp and refugee camp. Everyone rushed to tell each other, and Jindu City suddenly fell into a sea of ​​joy.

I heard that Lu Hao once again defeated the armies of Xixia and Yue, and also captured a lot of food and supplies, and Zhou Lifeng of the Great Zhou Dynasty also sent his troops south.

The wealthy families in the city organized themselves and raised a lot of gold, silver, jewelry and supplies to reward the soldiers.

"Your Majesty, the parents of more than 100 wealthy families in the city have collectively requested to see you. They are over there."

General Zou came to report.

"They want to see me? What are they doing?"

Lu Hao said puzzled.

"They said they had raised some supplies to reward the soldiers defending the city."

General Zou reports.

(End of this chapter)

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