Chapter 73 Shangguan Fengyi
The Empress Dowager Shangguan Fengyi.

Since entering the palace at the age of 16, she is now 55 years old.

It can be said that being able to become the final winner in the cruel palace struggle is not relying on luck, but relying on ruthlessness and lack of martial ethics.

Once it is determined that you are the enemy, then use every possible means to destroy it!

Just like this time, after identifying Chen Lin as an enemy, he immediately launched a crazy revenge operation and sent people to assassinate Chen Lin's son Chen Xiang.

Of course, the only person who can be her enemy is "Zhi Shuai", a thoughtful old fox.

Even if Chen Xiang was killed, the Empress Dowager still wanted to eliminate the root cause and sent people to intercept and kill Chen Lin on his way back to the fiefdom.

However, what she didn't expect was that Chen Lin's revenge would come so quickly.

Overnight, the three most promising descendants of his family were assassinated at the same time.

This is Chen Lin challenging her!
Also showing off to her!

"Chen Lin, you old fool! The Ai family will not let you go! The Ai family will kill your entire family!"

The Empress Dowager Shangguan Fengyi gritted her teeth.

The problem now is that Chen Lin left the Imperial Capital yesterday and has evidence of alibi.

And she was sure that Chen Lin would not leave any clues or traces when he sneaked back to the Imperial Capital last night.

If there is no evidence to arrest the Imperial Generalissimo, the army will definitely rebel.

The Empress Dowager's expression changed again and again, but she felt a little unable to move.

"The Emperor is here!"

Lu Hao shouted loudly.

Murong Yuan couldn't wait for the announcement to pick him up, and rushed into Cining Palace with rapid strides.

"Mother, do you know everything?"

Murong Yuan asked loudly when he saw his mother sitting in a daze on the main seat in the hall.


Shangguan Fengyi raised her head blankly and looked at Murong Yuan.

"My condolences, mother! I will definitely get to the bottom of this matter!"

Murong Yuan said angrily as he cut the metal and iron.

"Where can we find out what a ninth-grade master did? Even if we find out, is it so easy to arrest a ninth-grade master?"

Shangguan Fengyi hasn't come back to her senses yet, feeling a little lost.


Murong Yuan was speechless.

My son was murdered and the murderer couldn't be caught. What's the use of talking about it here?
Could it be that we want to use the hidden power of the imperial mausoleum?
Do you really want to ask the ancestor to come out?

However, the ancestor had spoken beforehand, and as long as the dynasty was not in danger of collapse, he would never take action.

"Your Majesty, the Ai family wants to go back to Shangguan's house for a visit."

Shangguan Fengyi suddenly twisted her eyes and became extremely ferocious, like a bloodthirsty tigress.

"Mother, I will accompany you back."

Murong Yuan also wanted to take a look.

Since the emperor wanted it, Lu Hao immediately ordered all the eunuchs and maids to take action.

Soon, the empress dowager and the emperor's luxurious carriage stopped at the entrance of Shangguan's residence.

"Sister... woo woo woo..."

Shangguan Cheng shouted and rushed forward.

Originally, because the fifth prince was killed, the emperor was so angry that he imprisoned Shangguan Cheng in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

Shangguan Cheng knew that the emperor would not kill him, so he was not in a hurry.

Today, the emperor ordered him to go home. Just when he was happy, he learned the sad news that his two sons had been killed.

From heaven to hell, just a moment.

Shangguan Cheng relied on the Empress Dowager's love to control the Imperial Guards of the Imperial City. Although the emperor put him aside, his influence in the Imperial Guards was deeply rooted.

In addition, the daughter of Shangguan Cheng's younger brother Shangguan Feng was none other than Shangguan Yuehua, one of the four noble concubines.

Therefore, Shangguan Cheng was pampered and spoiled, a little unscrupulous.

"Shangguan Peak pays homage to the Emperor and the Empress Dowager!"

Shangguan Feng fell to the ground and burst into tears.

This man is Shangguan Yuehua's father and Shangguan Lin's biological father. "Daughter pays homage to her father!"

Shangguan Yuehua stepped forward and knelt down in front of his father.

"Daughter, your brother is gone!"

Shangguan Feng stepped forward to help his daughter up, tears welling up in his eyes.

The two fathers and daughters were heartbroken, holding their heads and crying loudly.

"Yang'er Xun'er died so tragically, wuwuwu... Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, you have to make the decision for me!"

Shangguan Cheng also burst into tears.

The Empress Dowager tried her best to comfort her two younger brothers, and Shangguan Yuehua also supported her father into the hall.

There are three corpses placed in the hall now.

At first glance, it seems that the wound has been treated now.

However, it can be clearly seen that the throat is sealed with a sword.

The three Shangguan Lin brothers are all at level six or above, and they live in the military camp. They are definitely true masters if they can kill them silently.

As for what Eunuch Yan and Eunuch Hai said, it was definitely the work of ninth-grade masters. To be honest, Lu Hao couldn't tell at all.

Shangguan Fengyi and Murong Yuan had dark faces and stepped forward to check the wounds of the three of them. Their faces became more and more ferocious.

Being able to assassinate three people in the imperial city barracks without making a sound was definitely a ninth-level master, or even a grandmaster-level master.

It's a pity that "Wise Commander" Chen Lin fought on the battlefield all his life, and the weapon he used was a peerless spear.

Wasn't it Chen Lin's fault?
Shangguan Fengyi originally thought it was Chen Lin, but now she was shaken.

"Looking at the world, there are not many people with such swordsmanship."

Murong Yuan said coldly.

"Could it be the work of the killer organization?"

Shangguan Fengyi suspected that she had gone to the Xueyimen.

Because there are two masters of swordsmanship in the Blood Clothes Sect, and this organization recognizes money but not people.

The last time Chen Xiang was assassinated, it was the Blood Clothes Sect that Shangguan Fengyi contacted through the shadow.

Chen Lin is now using money to buy murderers, which is reasonable.

However, what Shangguan Fengyi didn't know was that Chen Lin's swordsmanship was no worse than his marksmanship.

It's not easy to deal with three minions.

"No matter who did it, I will definitely investigate it to the end. If it is a killer organization, I will definitely destroy him!"

Murong Yuan made up his mind to pay with blood.

At this time, Eunuch Yan, who was chasing clues, came back.

"Report to the emperor..."

Eunuch Yan looked around and hesitated to speak.

Murong Yuan understood and waved to Lu Hao and Eunuch Hai, indicating to take all the others out.

Shangguan Cheng, Shangguan Feng, and Shangguan Yuehua stayed as the victims.

The door was closed, and Lu Hao and others retreated ten meters away.

The Ouchi masters guarded the area around the mansion to ensure that no one could eavesdrop.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Lu Hao had amazing hearing, and he could hear what was said from this distance.

As a ninth-level master, Eunuch Yan will definitely gain something if he pursues the clues.

"Eunuch Yan, tell me, what did you find?"

Shangguan Fengyi couldn't wait and asked.

"Reporting to your Majesty, the Empress Dowager, this old slave inspected the wounds of the three Shangguan brothers on site and found that the wounds were so strong that only a ninth-grade master could achieve such a level of cultivation."

Eunuch Yan explained in detail.

That's it!

Lu Hao also suddenly realized this.

"The slave checked the scene. Although the killer was a sneak attack, Shangguan Lin's martial arts skills were relatively high and he responded promptly. He fought the killer twice. It was these two moves that allowed the old slave to get some clues."

"First of all, the killer's swordsmanship is very high, and his internal energy is strong. He first killed Shangguan Yang and Shangguan Xun, and then went to kill Shangguan Lin. Although the methods seemed to be the same, they were very different."

Eunuch Yan spoke eloquently.

(End of this chapter)

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