Chapter 727
In today's battle, the three generals achieved the greatest victory at the smallest cost.

Therefore, they were so impressed by Lu Hao's military use that they were completely convinced.

"Get up, we have a tough battle to fight tonight."

Lu Hao waved his hand and motioned them to come to the map.

On the table, there is a map of the Shu Kingdom, and this map is centered on the Jindu City of the Shu Kingdom.

The surrounding cities have basically been divided up, leaving only the two cities leading to the Jin Kingdom in the east. It is estimated that they will soon fall into the hands of other dynasties.

To be precise, Jindu City, the capital of Shu Kingdom, is an isolated city.

In fact, the current situation of Jin and Shu is similar. If the leader of Jin had not made a decisive decision, the capital of Jin would have fallen long ago.

However, even so, the leader of the Jin Kingdom could not hold on for long, because the Xixia Dynasty in the north and the Zheng Kingdom in the south had already sent troops to carve up the Jin Kingdom's cities.

A large area of ​​territory and cities in the north has fallen into the hands of the Xixia Dynasty, and the south has been occupied by the Zheng State. The rest are the chess pieces arranged by Zhou Lifeng, and they are also the source of civil strife.

They occupied several cities and were still besieging the Jin capital. Apparently they wanted to capture the capital before Zhou Lifeng arrived, so as to claim credit from Prince Feng.

"A tough battle? Are they going to attack the city tonight?"

General Zou asked.

"Yes, the Xixia Dynasty and the Yue Kingdom have reached an agreement and will launch a night attack at midnight tonight."

Lu Hao didn't hide it, he told it frankly.

"Night attack? Want to attack the city at night? I'm afraid it will be more difficult than during the day."

General Peng also said.

"Yes, but they sent people to sneak into Jindu City and will set fire to cause chaos tonight. I suspect these people are hiding among the refugees, so we have to..."

Lu Hao's voice became smaller and smaller.

The three generals nodded after hearing this and immediately took the order and left.


In the military camp of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Lifeng's attack on Jindu City was continuously frustrated, and he was now in a very bad mood.

He originally had more than 3 troops, but now only half of them were left. It would be very difficult to capture Jindu City.

The most depressing thing is that the civil strife in the Jin Kingdom has begun. He originally thought that he could quickly capture Jindu City and open up the way to the Jin Kingdom in the west.

Unexpectedly, being blocked here by Lu Hao, he was unable to make any progress. He missed the opportunity to annex the Jin State's city, but instead gave Xixia and Zheng Guo an advantage.

However, as long as he takes Jindu City, he will definitely not look good on the other two countries, and will also make them spit out the cities they have eaten.

Therefore, he immediately began to mobilize all the armies of the Zhou Dynasty from the cities he occupied from behind, and asked the King of Zhou Dynasty to send reinforcements as soon as possible.

To be honest, if he knew that the other two countries were going to send troops for a sneak attack, he would definitely join in the fun.

However, transportation and information in this mountainous area are too limited, and he has no intention of cooperating with the other two countries.

The guys who poisoned him last night were people from the world who had taken refuge in him and were his disciples. However, such a few idiots actually allowed him to destroy an army of [-] in vain.

In a rage, Zhou Lifeng took a few guys out and chopped off their heads. After calming down and thinking about it, he forgot to interrogate who had leaked the news.

However, after carefully recalling the whole process today, only these guys and General Yi knew about the poisoning.

There was no way General Yi was joking with his own life, so it must be one of them.

Based on the principle of preferring to kill by mistake rather than letting anyone go, Zhou Lifeng killed them all.

"Your Majesty, many soldiers are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. They are suspected of being acclimatized." Wei Hua, Zhou Lifeng's dog-headed military advisor, came in and reported.

This guy has been following Zhou Lifeng for many years and has given him many vicious strategies. The poisoning was his handiwork.

However, this kid put all the blame on a few poisoned retainers and saved himself.

Zhou Lifeng still trusted him very much and asked him to take charge of all military affairs. Starting this afternoon, many soldiers suffered from vomiting and diarrhea.

Wei Hua thought it was due to acclimatization, or that some soldiers were infected with wind and cold, and regarded it as a common illness.

However, in the evening, more and more soldiers showed such symptoms, and they became more and more severe, so that he no longer dared to hide it from the prince.

"Acclimatized? How is that possible? How far away are we from Shu? How come the soldiers from before didn't show up?"

Zhou Lifeng didn't believe this rhetoric at all.

"We specially checked with the doctors in the army, but they didn't find anything wrong. It's probably due to acclimatization..."

Wei Hua explained with a grimace.

"Wait, what did you say? Are you acclimated? Are you saying they were poisoned?"

Zhou Lifeng made a bold guess.

"Poisoning? Probably not. If it is poisoning, it is impossible that the doctor cannot detect it, and there are no other symptoms of poisoning."

Wei Hua explained again.

"Send someone to check our water source immediately, hurry up!"

Zhou Lifeng seemed to have thought of something.

Since Lu Hao could make the soldiers pretend to be poisoned and lure General Yi into the city, he might have a poison expert around him.

Considering that his soldiers suffered from widespread vomiting and diarrhea, it was understandable that Zhou Lifeng suspected that they were poisoned.

If poison is to be poisoned, it must be put into their drinking water source.

However, when Wei Hua just rushed out of the Chinese army's tent and went to check the water source, soldiers in the military camps along the way began to fall to the ground, apparently poisoned.

Zhou Lifeng of the Great Zhou Dynasty was also a general who marched and fought, so naturally he would not set up camp here in confusion.

Behind this hillside, there is a mountain spring, which is enough to serve as a drinking water source for the army.

With this kind of flowing water source, the enemy doesn't know when you will get water, so if you poison it, you need good timing, otherwise, even if you poison it, it will have little effect.

How could Wei Hua find anything when he checked this flowing water source?

"Your Majesty, it's not good, many soldiers fainted, they seemed to be poisoned!"

General Shi came in a hurry and reported loudly.

Sure enough, as he expected!
"Lu Hao, you despicable villain, I will cut you into pieces!"

Zhou Lifeng rushed out angrily.

In the current military camp, many soldiers fell to the ground while walking, and many soldiers staggered around, as if they were drunk, and finally fainted to the ground and could never get up again.

General Shi stepped forward, stretched out his hand to check his breathing, turned to look at Zhou Lifeng, and reported: "Dead! No more breath!"

Zhou Lifeng's face was livid, his teeth were clenching, and his red eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

The death of soldiers in such a large area must be caused by poisoning, and it must be man-made, and it must be done by someone sent by Lu Hao.

Zhou Lifeng originally wanted to poison Lu Hao, but unexpectedly he was poisoned instead. Wasn't this just shooting himself in the foot?
(End of this chapter)

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