Chapter 725
"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

General Yi led the army to cover up the palace.

In their opinion, Lu Hao and the two princesses must be living in the palace, so after taking down the three of them, the remaining soldiers are no longer of concern.

The army advanced very quickly, and in a fan-shaped manner, it headed towards the center of the city.

General Yi rushed all the way. Although he found that there was no one on the road, he didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't until he found that the way ahead was blocked by someone that he suddenly woke up.

"No! We've fallen into a trap! Retreat quickly!"

General Yi shouted an order.

It's a pity that the whole street is now full of Zhou warriors, densely packed, and the ones behind are still pushing the soldiers in front.

At this moment, countless archers appeared on the rooftops on both sides of the main street.

"Fire arrows!"

General Peng shouted loudly.

The archers standing on the rooftops on both sides aimed at the enemies on the street, and arrows fell like raindrops.


Arrows rained from the sky, and the soldiers below became lambs to be slaughtered and fell to the ground one after another.

"Retreat! Retreat..."

General Yi roared loudly.

It's a pity that now everyone is in a mess and rushing towards the back. Many soldiers are pushed to the ground, and they are trampled directly by the soldiers behind. They are seriously injured even if they don't die.

The alley on the other side was even more crowded than the main road here. Under the ambush of the archers, many soldiers had been nailed to the ground alive in almost a few breaths.

There were so many people crowded together on these main streets that they became living targets.

On the roof, many soldiers without bows and arrows picked up stones and sleepers and smashed them down.

At the intersection of several main streets, tung oil was poured down and quickly ignited, dividing and surrounding these Zhou soldiers.

General Yi was now trapped and dead at the end of a street, which was a dead end blocked by several carriages.

"Breakout! Climb up to the roof! Climb up..."

Before General Yi could finish his words, he was hit by an arrow and fell from his horse.

These poor Zhou warriors did not carry shields or armor, and had little defensive power at all, allowing bows and arrows and stone sleepers to exert their maximum lethality.

One-sided massacre!massacre!

"Fire the arrows! Fire the arrows...Stone sleepers...hit them hard..."

On another street, General Zhao's voice echoed through the sky.

Lu Hao was stationed at the west gate. After all the soldiers entered, General Zou led the pistol team to rush out and directly cut off the enemy's retreat.

The gate slowly closed, and General Zou led the pistol team to occupy the high places on all sides of the west gate. Those Zhou soldiers who luckily escaped were just a group of living targets.

bang bang bang...

Gunshots rang out one after another, and the entire Ximen once again turned into a purgatory of death.

Many Zhou warriors wanted to climb up to the roof, but they were attacked by spears and spears. As soon as they climbed up, they were pierced through the heart by a spear and fell down.

On the dozens of main streets at the west gate, the defenders on the rooftops used their highs to defeat the lows. They killed seven or eight of the Zhou warriors without much loss at all.

Even those who are not dead are now seriously injured and lying on the ground, without any combat effectiveness. What awaits them is final death.

Cries of killing, screams, roars, and roars intertwined together, and the entire Ximen was caught in the flames of war.

In about half an hour, most of the enemies had been wiped out, and only a few were still lingering.

General Peng and General Zhao led their troops to clear out those who were not dead, either with a sword, a shot, or a spear, leaving no one alive at all.

They were soldiers of the Shu Kingdom and hated the Zhou Dynasty deeply. How could they be given a way to survive now?
After a bloody massacre, only more than 50 soldiers defending the city were slightly injured, and no one was killed. This is a miracle.

On the other side, Zhou Lifeng was in the Chinese army's tent, sipping fine wine and quietly waiting for the good news from General Yi.

"My lord, it's not good, it's not good..."

His deputy, General Shi, rushed in. "What's wrong? How can you behave in such a panic?"

Zhou Lifeng scolded.

"Prince, General Yi was ambushed and the entire army was destroyed!"

General Shi reported loudly.

"What? What did you say? Ambush? Whose ambush?"

Zhou Lifeng was immediately dumbfounded.

"Yes, General Yi rushed into Jindu City and was ambushed by Lu Hao. The entire army was destroyed and no one escaped."

General Shi added again.

"Impossible! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Zhou Lifeng felt his head was buzzing and he slumped down on the chair in anger.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers in Jindu City were not poisoned at all. They were all pretending. After our soldiers entered the city, they immediately closed the door and beat the dogs. It is said that General Yi's [-]-strong army was divided and surrounded in more than a dozen streets. Go up, the rooftops on both sides are full of enemy archers..."

General Shi explained in detail.

Zhou Lifeng felt his eyes darken and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, General Shi quickly supported him.

"How did he know we were poisoning? How did he know? Is there a traitor?"

Zhou Lifeng murmured to himself.

"The general is not sure, but few people know about the poisoning. I believe it will not be difficult to find the traitor."

General Shi responded in a deep voice.

"Only the poisoners and General Yi know about the poisoning. It must be... General Shi, execute the people who poisoned last night immediately!"

Zhou Lifeng gave the order loudly, obviously to vent his anger by killing people.

"The last will obey!"

General Shi turned around and walked away.

When Zhou Lifeng thought that the [-]-strong army was gone, he slapped his head hard, feeling filled with regret.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Jindu City. His red eyes were shining like fire, as if they were going to burn the entire Jindu City to the ground.

"Lu Hao, I am going to skin you, cramp you, crush your bones and spread your ashes!"

Zhou Lifeng slapped the handguard of his chair hard.


The chair instantly fell apart.

Zhou Lifeng sat down on the ground and fell onto his back.


Jindu City.

Several generals were cleaning up the battlefield, collecting a lot of dry food, swords and other weapons, digging holes to bury the remaining corpses, and sending people to clean the streets.

For those damaged houses, those that can be repaired will be renovated, and those that cannot be repaired will be compensated and subsidized.

Lu Hao was sitting on the tower, looking at the headquarters of the Zhou Dynasty to the west, a cold murderous intention flashed across his face.

Princess Heshuo and Princess Furong came hand in hand, their faces full of joy.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you knew that Zhou Lifeng was poisoning, so you used a trick to bring them into the city, and then closed the door and beat the dogs. It's really powerful!"

Princess Furong smiled and praised.

"Your Majesty, now this princess believes that you can indeed defend Jindu City."

Princess Heshuo also echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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