Chapter 71

"Dong Zhaoyi donated all the gold and silver jewelry last time. I know this very well. In order to thank Dong Zhaoyi, I specially gave Mingyue Palace ten pieces of silk and satin, a piece of gold jewelry, and two pieces of porcelain..."

Lu Hao added something on the spot as a way of giving back to Dong Zhaoyi.

"Thank you sir!"

Thank you very much, maid.

"Don't thank me. This is the Emperor's grace. You must remember the Emperor's goodness!"

Lu Hao did not take the credit for himself.

"Slave, on behalf of the master, thank the emperor for his grace!"

The maid said loudly, and happily took the money and things and left.

The news soon spread throughout the palace, and the concubines and nobles in the palace were very excited. They were grateful to the emperor and sang his praises.

Murong Yuan was overjoyed when he heard the compliments and secretly praised Lu Hao for a job well done.

Of course, he was still worried that Lu Hao would not be able to support the huge expenses of the royal family members and concubines.

After Lu Hao distributed the monthly money and salary to the royal family members and concubines, he also distributed money to the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When I finally looked at the number, I was shocked.

"It seems that I have to help the emperor make money!"

Lu Hao smiled bitterly in his heart.

Judging from the resources controlled by the royal family, there are many mines and land, and there is no need to invest too much.

After lunch, Lu Hao took a carriage to inspect the mines and lands around the imperial capital.

In fact, the Ministry of Internal Affairs controls mines across the country, especially coal and iron ore.

Perhaps there is insufficient understanding of rare metals such as copper ore, manganese ore, phosphate ore, tin ore, and vanadium ore, and there is basically no mining.

The smelting level of Qianyuan Continent is very backward. Perhaps because the temperature is not enough, the steel produced from iron ore has more impurities and is not very hard and strong.

Therefore, Lu Hao decided to improve the smelting technology of iron ore.

The first step is to use coal to refine coke, then use the coke to smelt iron ore to reduce the carbon content, and finally refine steel with high hardness and strength.

This improvement in smelting technology directly led to a qualitative leap in the armaments and weapons of the entire continent.

Yu Wenji, the Minister of War, saw the strength and hardness of steel and immediately reported it to the Ministry of Revenue to replace the previous weapons such as swords, spears, bows and arrows.

On the other hand, Lu Hao uses distillation to purify refined salt, which improves the taste and naturally increases the price a lot.

Since the salt mine is government-run, Lu Hao directly doubled the price and made a lot of money.

Of course, having money, Lu Hao not only enriched the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also gave him the funds to build his own power.

In particular, the improvement in the production and quality of steel has allowed him to make a qualitative leap in the thermal weapons such as pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, bullets, grenades, and landmines that he later created.

It took Lu Hao a tiring day to explain these things. He dragged his tired body and got into the carriage to go back home.

In the carriage, Lu Hao leaned against the window, blowing the night breeze.

The two sisters Yi Ruyan and Yi Rushuang, one on the left and the other on the right, were also sleepy-eyed.

Just as he was about to reach Dongzhimen of the outer city, Lu Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.


Lu Hao shouted in a deep voice.


Arrows pierced the sky,

The driver of the car was a guard from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was shot through the chest by an arrow and fell down with a scream.

More than a dozen guards responsible for protecting Lu Hao swarmed up and surrounded the carriage.

"There is an assassin! Protect your lord! Retreat!"

The guard leader Lei Jie shouted loudly.


Dense arrows fell from all directions like raindrops.

"Ah! Ah..."

The screams came one after another.

Fortunately, they did not completely enter the assassin's circle, otherwise, after such a round, the guards would have been dead long ago.

Because Lu Hao discovered the assassin in time, the guard leader Lei Jie reacted in time, cut off the horse's reins, and pushed the carriage back.

The two horses were instantly shot into hedgehogs, and half of the guards died on the spot.

What a ruthless method!

Yi Ruyan and Yi Rushuang got out of the carriage one on the left and the other on the right, and blocked all the flying arrows with their swords.

"Into the woods!"

Lu Hao jumped out of the car.

It turned out that there was a low forest on the right side of the road.Under his leadership, a group of people rushed towards the woods. The Yi sisters stepped back to block the flying arrows.

"Kill! Kill..."

In the darkness, assassins appeared one after another and chased them.

Lu Hao was carrying two guns, but he had no intention of shooting. After all, this was a secret weapon and he didn't want to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Signal for help!"

Reggie yelled loudly.

A guard reacted and took out a firework signal from his arms.

Fireworks flew into the sky and exploded violently.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen assassins had already covered him up.

"Kill! Kill..."

The Yi sisters and Lei Jie rushed forward with their men, and the two sides fought hand to hand.


An arrow pierced through the air.

Lu Hao reacted quickly and turned to one side to avoid the arrow.

However, the arrow carries strong energy.

Lu Hao felt a stinging pain on his arm, and the energy actually penetrated the silk armor and hurt him.

Careless!Too careless!

In fact, with Lu Hao's reaction and skill, he could completely avoid Qi Jin, but just now he wanted to make a handsome dodge move, which caused him to be injured.

Lu Hao's face darkened, murderous intent overflowing, and he could see the assassin in the darkness clearly as far as he could see.

The assassin was now nocking an arrow and drawing his bow, as if preparing to shoot him again.

court death!

Lu Hao raised his hand and shot.

Bullets pierced the night sky and hit the assassin leader in the distance.

The bullet hit the assassin leader between the eyebrows.

In the dark night, when the assassin leader sensed danger, he was unable to react.

Get shot in the head!
The assassin leader's body straightened up and fell.

"There are masters! Withdraw!"

one of the assassins yelled.

When the other assassins found out that their leaders were dead and heard that there were masters, they were so frightened that they fled.

The Yi sisters and Lei Jie returned to Lu Hao and did not pursue the assassin.

They were caught in a melee just now, with clanging and clanging sounds, and it was in the dark. No one noticed that Lu Hao shot and killed the assassin leader.

"Master Lu, are you okay?" Yi Ruyan asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm slightly injured." Lu Hao said, showing his arm.

The arm injured by Qi Jin was blood red and now swollen.

"Master Lu, please forgive me. It's all our sisters' fault for not protecting you!"

Yi Ruyan felt a little guilty.

"Master Lu, let me bandage it for you."

Yi Rushuang came over.

"There is no need to bandage this small injury. Just apply some medicine and the swelling will subside automatically in a few days."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"The general is not well protected! Your Excellency is frightened!"

Lei Jie also apologized.

"I'm fine, Lei Jie. Please take someone to see the brothers who were killed."

Lu Hao had a gloomy face.

This time, many guards died to protect him.

This blood debt!
Lu Hao vowed to get it back from the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, he still doesn't know who wants his life.

These assassins came and went without a trace, and immediately escaped without a hit, making it impossible to catch them.

Maybe even if he is caught, he will take poison and commit suicide, and will never reveal the person behind the scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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