Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 706 Do not open the city gate

Chapter 706 Do not open the city gate
Although Zheng Guo issued a statement explaining that this was a misunderstanding, Prince Zhou Lifeng did not think it was a misunderstanding. Instead, he thought it was a premeditated assassination by Zheng Guo against him.

Zhou Lifeng was a prince with great military exploits in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he had a large army. He once led an army to attack Zheng Guo. Although Zheng Guo surrendered and avoided the war, Zheng Guo may also have a grudge against this incident.

If the Chinese Empire had not plundered the Zheng State, it might have been charged with treason and treason.

However, even so, there are rumors that the Chinese Empire bribed Zheng's spies and deliberately gave Zheng Yuanpei false information to ambush Zhou Lifeng.


It was getting brighter.

In the black pine forest, the first mission of the Chinese Empire prepared and set off for the capital of Shu.

There are two roads from Jin State to Jindu City, the capital of Shu State, and Lu Hao chose the north road, which is also the shortest route.

The carriage slowly set off on the road, Lu Hao was still sitting in the carriage and did not come forward.

In fact, the entire mission had no idea that these things had happened. Even when they hid in the black pine forest last night, they thought they were going to spend the night in the black pine forest.

It wasn't until Zhou Lifeng led his army in pursuit that everyone seemed to understand this magical move.

General Zou and his soldiers thought that all this was Master Deng's planning, and they respected him even more now.

Master Deng was secretly frightened. He didn't know how the emperor could be sure that Zhou Lifeng would be detrimental to the mission and leave immediately.

The most terrible thing is that the emperor actually knew that Zhou Lifeng would come after him, so he happened to hide in the black pine forest to avoid Zhou Lifeng's army.

What made him even more unexpected was that Zhou Lifeng also encountered an ambush by Zheng's army, and almost the entire army was destroyed. If it weren't for twice the number of soldiers, Zhou Lifeng would have died on Yuwangpo.

When the delegation passed by Yuwangpo, everyone saw corpses on the ground and rivers of blood. Only then did they realize that they had escaped death last night.

Lu Hao ordered the corpses to be submerged before setting off again, but it took a lot of time.

By the time the Chinese Empire's mission arrived at the capital of Shu, it was already dark and the city gates were closed.

"The Minister of Honglu Temple of the Chinese Empire has led a delegation to request an audience with the Lord of Shu!"

Master Deng stood at the city gate and shouted loudly.

"The king has said that he does not dare to receive envoys from the Chinese Empire now, and he invites you to go to other dynasties."

A loud voice came from the tower.

"General Shen, what do you mean? A delegation from the Chinese Empire is coming, why don't you open the city gate?"

Princess Furong's voice came.

"Your Highness the Princess, the Lord of the Kingdom has given instructions, and the general will not dare to open the door!"

General Shen responded with a grimace.

"Open the city gate to welcome the Chinese Empire's envoys into the city. My father will blame me and I will bear the blame."

Princess Furong shouted loudly.

"Princess, please atone for your sins. If the general lets them in, their lives will be at risk!"

General Shen said with his fists clasped.

"This princess is going to kill you right now!"

Princess Furong suddenly pulled out her sword and pressed it directly against General Shen's neck.


General Shen wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Open the city gate! Didn't you hear?"

Princess Furong shouted.

"Come here, listen to the princess and open the city gate!"

General Shen finally gave in.

Quack... The city gate opened wide, and Princess Furong appeared at the door with her people.

"Meet Princess Furong!"

Master Deng quickly bowed and saluted.

"Master Deng, welcome!"

Princess Furong smiled a little reluctantly.

"Princess, if the king really doesn't welcome us, then we will go to other dynasties to avoid the princess being in trouble!"

Master Deng looked embarrassed.

"Master Deng, it's okay. It's just that Zhou Lifeng of the Zhou Dynasty came to threaten my father at noon and asked him not to receive the imperial envoys. However, this kind of proper diplomatic etiquette is the internal affairs of the Shu Kingdom. Why should they, the Zhou Dynasty, Pointing fingers.”

Princess Furong was a little indignant.

"In that case, we will go to the city and stay for one night and leave tomorrow."

Mr. Deng didn't want the princess to be in too much trouble.

"Master Deng, you can stay in the post house with peace of mind. I will go to see your father personally."

Princess Furong is quite confident.

"Princess, the emperor asked Wei Chen to bring you a gift, please accept it."

Master Deng took out a brocade box.

"Did the Emperor give it to me? Thank you so much!"

Princess Furong was very happy.

However, she was not in the mood to open gifts now. Instead, she planned to send Master Deng and his party to the post house to settle down, and then immediately enter the palace to see her father.

The situation in Shu seems to be even more difficult than that in Jin. There are only a few beggars on the streets, which are deserted and miserable, and it is unbearable to look at them.

In such a difficult situation, how could they dare to offend the Zhou Dynasty?

Princess Furong withstood the pressure, which was considered a great favor to Lu Hao.

There is nothing wrong with the strategy of sending envoys to various dynasties in the Western Regions, but they should not come to Jin and Shu and put the two princesses in a very embarrassing situation.

Originally he had good intentions and brought them some gifts, but he didn't expect that the Zhou Dynasty was so guarded against the Chinese Empire that he actually wanted to destroy them as soon as they entered the Western Regions.

In this case, Lu Hao is not going to go to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, to the west of Shu is the Zhou Dynasty, to the south is the Yue Kingdom, and to the north is the Liyang Dynasty.

The problem now is that we can neither go south nor west. We can only go north to Liyang Dynasty to see the situation.

I don’t know if the second mission to the north has now entered the Xixia Dynasty?Are they in bad shape too?
In Lu Hao's mind, the Xixia Dynasty was bordering the empire, and they did not dare to deal with Lord Chiang's mission easily, otherwise they would have to bear the wrath of the Chinese Empire.

As expected, the Xixia Dynasty did not dare to attack the second mission. However, due to the arrival of the Prime Minister of Yue, some small changes occurred.

The emperor of the Chinese Empire looted the Yue Kingdom with his naval fleet. At this critical moment, the Yue Kingdom sent its prime minister to the Xixia Dynasty. It would be unreasonable to say that it was not a mission aimed at the Chinese Empire.

Lord Chiang was not a fool and immediately reported the matter to the imperial cabinet. The imperial cabinet immediately gave an order to General Wu Cangui to station troops on the border and prepare to invade the Xixia Dynasty at any time.

Naturally, the Xixia Dynasty was no match for the Chinese Empire, and they did not dare to detain the envoys at will, let alone harm the members of the envoys.

Prime Minister Dou of the Yue Kingdom believed that with his sharp tongue, he could persuade the King of Xixia to detain or kill the Chinese Empire's envoys.

However, he had no idea that the Chinese Empire's army was pressing down on the border, making the King of Xixia unable to move.

Master Deng took his people into the post house to stay, and Princess Furong immediately went to the palace to see her father.

Lu Hao sat in the room, released his powerful soul power, and followed Princess Furong into the palace.

The palace of Shu Kingdom was not big, and Princess Furong was very familiar with it. She headed directly towards her father's palace.

(End of this chapter)

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