Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 695 Envoy to the Western Regions

Chapter 695 Envoy to the Western Regions
Lu Hao had a photographic memory, and after reading the Poison Sutra, he had no intention of keeping it as his own.

Although this poison sutra is very domineering, it is not an easy task to truly use poison to enter the Tao.

Besides, this Poison Book records the mutual interdependence of all things in the world. Since it can poison people to death, it can also detoxify and save people. It also has some pills that can enhance one's own strength.

However, the old man with blood poison was only interested in poison, but he did not spend his time on the research of elixirs.

Lu Hao is now his master, so he can naturally control his thoughts and let him specialize in detoxification and saving people, and then refine some elixirs to enhance his strength.

He was originally a heinous person, but now he quickly turned into a good person because of Lu Hao. It's really incredible.

Lu Hao's most urgent problem now is how to restore his martial arts.

Judging from the records in the Poison Classic, several very precious medicinal materials are needed, two of which are in the deep mountains southeast of the Sui Empire.

There are two medicinal materials located on the snowy ridge in the west of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu, separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. If he really wants to go, Lu Hao has no martial arts, so it will definitely be very hard.

However, if you don't go, how can you regain your strength?
Besides, Lu Hao also wanted to visit the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu on the spot, examine the strength of these dynasties, and see how to open a breakthrough to Western Chu?

The change of imperial dynasties is a process of historical development. It is not that simple for Lu Hao to restore the glory of the Chinese Empire.

Therefore, Lu Hao ordered the bloody old man to go to the Sui Empire to collect medicinal materials, and he was going to visit the major dynasties in the Western Regions.

"Blood poison, you should stop using blood to nourish poison in the future, and turn to research on elixirs and life-saving antidotes..."

"From now on, you must hide your identity. After you recover from your injuries, go to the Sui Empire to help me find those two precious medicinal materials..."

"If you find medicinal materials, you can send messages to me through your soul, but you must ensure your own safety..."

Lu Hao began to explain.

"As ordered!"

The bloody old man took the order and turned around.

After he left, Lu Hao went to see Zhao Xingyuan and Zhou Yi. They were seriously injured and their own strength was low. If they stayed, they would easily attract others' attention.

Lu Hao readily gave them two shots and sent them on their way, then asked Yi Ruyan to drag them out and bury them.

This kind of little guy is not even worthy of being his soul slave. If he stays, he will only harm others. It is better to help them get rid of him.


It's getting late.

After receiving Lu Hao's order, Du Ze, the Minister of Rites, quickly went back to select the members of the envoys to be sent to various countries in the Western Regions.

This mission to the Western Regions was led by Lord Deng, the minister of Honglu Temple in the Chinese Empire, and his deputy, Lord Chiang.

After entering the Western Regions, the troops were divided into two groups. Each envoy was responsible for eight dynasties. The entire team had about 400 people.

In the evening, Du Ze sent the list to the palace, mainly for Lu Hao to conduct final review and confirmation.

"Master Du, there is nothing wrong with the members of the mission. Just follow this. However, you have to tell the two adults that if the situation is not right, then run away quickly."

Lu Hao nodded slightly and explained specifically.

"This is the first time that the Chinese Empire has sent envoys to various countries in the Western Regions. They don't even know this etiquette, right?"

Du Ze said with a grimace.

"That's not certain. I looted Zheng and Yue. If they know that the Chinese Empire sent a mission there, do you think they will take revenge?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"The large area of ​​mountainous areas in the Western Region is suitable for ambushing us. If the two countries are determined to retaliate against us, it will be very dangerous."

Du Ze frowned.

"So, you have to explain clearly to the two adults, and also ask Mr. Wu to provide them with the support they requested at any time."

Lu Hao explained with a smile. "Your Majesty, if they don't complete their mission, you see..."

Du Ze hesitated to speak.

"If the situation is special and the task is not completed, I will naturally not punish you."

Lu Hao gave him a reassurance.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding!"

Du Ze was overjoyed.

"However, I still have something to tell you, and this matter must be kept confidential."

Lu Hao waved to him and motioned for him to come forward.

Du Ze stepped forward and leaned over. Lu Hao whispered in his ear and motioned for him to go down and make arrangements.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will make sure everything is properly arranged."

Du Ze bowed and retreated.

The next day, a wealthy second-generation man from the imperial capital named "Mr. Lu" got into a carriage and set off with the mission.

This "Mr. Lu" is very mysterious. He wears a veil hat, also called a curtain hat. It has wide brim and drooping black silk mesh around it. The person's face cannot be seen clearly.

He basically stayed in the carriage and rarely came out. However, Lord Deng and Lord Jiang, the ministers of Honglu Temple, respected him very much.

Hundreds of people set off in a mighty manner. Although they were all horses and carriages, the speed was not very fast, and they usually stopped to rest in the middle.

The route selected this time will pass through Hangu Pass, go straight into Chen Lin's territory, cross the Baowo Plain, and directly enter the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Shu.

After arriving here, the two adults will divide their troops into two groups, one going to the south to the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Shu, and the other going to the north to go to the Kingdom of Xixia.

If we continue to the south, we will pass through Zheng State and Yue State. This section is also the most dangerous.

Master Deng, the minister of Honglu Temple, chose this dangerous road and wanted Lu Hao to follow Master Jiang to the north.

However, Lu Hao insisted on following Mr. Deng, hoping to use soul power to help the mission get out of trouble.

The two missions set off to visit various countries in the Western Regions, and naturally the Zheng and Yue states also received the news.

The two dynasties immediately sent people to hold a secret meeting in the border town. The main topic was how to kill the Chinese Empire's mission?

From the State of Zheng came Zheng Yuanpei, the younger brother of the leader of the State of Zheng, and from the State of Yue came the Prime Minister Dou Ningqing.

The town is located at the border between the two countries and is called Renhe Town. Although there is no war disaster here, there are not many families.

Zheng Yuanpei and Dou Ningqing met at an inn in the town and immediately began to discuss how to deal with the Chinese Empire's mission?

"Prince Zheng, did the Chinese Empire really send an envoy to the Western Regions? Is this source reliable?"

Master Dou asked first.

"Master Dou, this matter is absolutely true! A week ago, the Chinese Empire sent a mission of more than 400 people, starting from Yandi City and heading straight to our Western Regions. It is said that they wanted to convey to the major dynasties that the Chinese Empire Yongtai Emperor’s kindness and kindness…”

Prince Zheng explained in detail.

"What? Friendly and well-intentioned? You robbed us, and now you are being friendly and well-intentioned. How shameless!"

Master Dou cursed angrily.

"The Chinese Empire naturally knows that it has offended us. Therefore, according to the information we have received, the mission sent by the Chinese Empire will not come to our two countries..."

Prince Zheng was about to speak but stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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