Chapter 681 Soul Sound Blade
Lu Hao was able to control so many sound blades to chase him, and there were so many of them, and the number continued to increase with the sound of the piano.

Now he was actually able to use his soul power to attack Dugu Sword Master's soul sea, which really surprised him.

Faced with the sudden attack, Dugu Swordsman decisively gave up chasing Lu Hao, instantly circulated the soul sea, activated soul defense, and blocked Lu Hao's soul attack.

The "Sky Sword" lost control and crashed directly into the opposite mountain peak.


The mountain peak exploded, and the sword energy sank directly into the mountain. It was unknown how deep it was. In short, the mountain began to collapse from the inside and was eventually razed to the ground.

After the soul curse technique was activated, Lu Hao waited for Dugu Sword Master to defend himself against the soul attack. Countless sound blades attacked Dugu Sword Master from all directions.

chi chi chi...

The two inner and outer killing formations composed of the Five Elements Sound Blade sealed Dugu Sword Master, leaving him with nowhere to escape.


Dugu Sword Master's eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty.

I saw him suddenly retracting it, the soul sea blocked the invading soul needle, and the soul power exploded.

"Soul protection!"

Dugu Sword Master roared angrily, forming an invisible wall of energy around him.

The first wave of the Five Elements Sound Blade Killing Formation arrived instantly and struck directly on the Five Elements Soul Protecting Qi wall.

chi chi chi...

The Five Elements Sound Blade was actually blocked by the soul guard.

Lu Hao's face also darkened, and with a thought, the five-element sound blades surrounding him changed instantly. They no longer struck at Dugu Sword Master, but collided with each other.

The Five Elements Sound Blade collides instead of five weapons, and the sound produced is definitely more complex than the sound of weapons colliding, and the waveband is also weirder.

The moment the sound blades intertwined and collided, the strange syllables turned into new soul attacks, which just happened to wrap up Dugu Sword Master.

This weird killer move that uses voice changes to carry out soul attacks is hard to guard against.

Dugu Sword Master thought that he could block Lu Hao's sound blade with his super internal strength and soul protection, but unexpectedly, the sound blade behind him did not attack directly at all.

The strangest thing is that these sound blades actually collided directly together, as if there was something wrong with Lu Hao's soul control.

If there is a problem with the soul controlling the sound blade, can it be understood in disguise that Lu Hao's soul power is not strong enough to control the two waves of the Five Elements Killing Formation?

Just when Dugu Sword Master thought that Lu Haojiang had exhausted his talents and was running out of souls, countless strange syllables pierced his ears and acted directly on the sea of ​​souls.

"No! This is also a soul attack!"

Dugu Sword Master woke up suddenly and hurriedly defended himself.

However, the soul attack was pervasive, not to mention that he was careless and allowed the soul attack to hit the soul sea.

Suddenly, the soul sound blade that penetrated deep into the brain struck the soul sea from all directions.


Dugu Sword Master's soul sea surged into huge waves, rolling back towards these sound blades, hoping to destroy these invading soul sound blades.

chi chi chi...

The soul sound blade slashed with all its strength, and the huge sound wave forced down, completely suppressing the wave that had just been set off.

What's even more weird is that these sound blades are completely chaotic and have no human control at all. They just rely on their powerful destructive power to wreak havoc in the mind of Dugu Sword Master.

If Dugu Sword Saint's soul sea is strong enough, he will be able to turn the tide and destroy all the invading sound blades when they first invade.

However, he has now missed the best time to counterattack. Countless sound blades are transmitted through his ears again, penetrating the soul defense and directly entering the soul sea.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
This is Lu Hao’s fighting style!
Therefore, his hands had no intention of stopping. Countless sound blades formed a five-element killing array and swept in again. "What a weird soul attack! My soul sea is about to be forcibly split apart!"

Dugu Sword Master wailed in his heart.

He was careless for a moment, but he allowed the sound blade to invade his soul sea. This huge mistake made him very passive now.

As soon as the sea of ​​souls surged, it was forcibly split apart by the sound blade. If it continued like this, I'm afraid it would have no choice but to be slaughtered by others.

"No! I can't sit still!"

Dugu Swordsman made an instant decision, that is, to run away quickly.

Leave the green hills, don't worry about no firewood!
Today, he accidentally fell into Lu Hao's path. The soul sea was attacked, and he would definitely not be able to resist the sound blade's killing move, so he could only avoid it for a while.

Therefore, he decisively flew back, rose into the air, and flew rapidly towards the territory of the Sui Empire.

What's happening here?Dugu Sword Master actually escaped?

Jiu Jianxian stared at the scene in front of him with his mouth open, completely confused.

Is Lu Hao so strong?Actually defeated Dugu Sword Master?I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Old thief Dugu, you can't escape?"

Lu Hao shouted coldly and actually chased after him.

What's the situation?
Lu Hao actually went after Dugu Sword Master?If people knew this, wouldn't they be shocked?

"Huan Tian Yu Feng Jue" was cast at full speed, leaving only afterimages in mid-air.

What Jiujianxian didn't expect was that the assembled sniper rifle on the ground actually rose into the air and flew towards Lu Hao.

At this time, the Dugu Sword Master, because the soul sea was being attacked by the invading soul sound blade, not only did he not distract himself from resisting, but he also controlled his body to fly.

Therefore, his speed was seriously affected, and he was soon blocked by Lu Hao.

What made Dugu Sword Master even more depressed was that Lu Hao's hands never stopped, and countless sound blades swept in from all directions.

"The old man is fighting with you!"

Dugu Sword Master roared violently.

I saw that his beard and hair were spread out, his internal energy was running at full speed, and the sea of ​​souls surged into huge waves, rewinding the invading sound blades and intertwining in the air.

chi chi chi...

In the sky above the soul sea, the two forces started a duel, and the fight was inextricable.

The first time he was careless, he let Lu Hao's soul sound blade penetrate into the soul sea. The sound blades that were chasing after him must not be allowed to enter.

Dugu Sword Master's soul sea was running wildly, and soul power spread out from his body, forming soul defenses.

A part of the soul was allocated for defense, and the soul sound blade that had been suppressed counterattacked again.

"What a weird and terrifying soul attack!"

Dugu Sword Master was shocked.

Originally, his soul power was not as strong as Lu Hao's, and now he had to divide his forces to fight. The soul sea could not withstand the impact of the soul sound blade.

Dugu Sword Master only felt dizzy for a while. Fortunately, he had rich combat experience. His body flashed backwards and escaped towards the deep valley of the two mountains.

"Want to run? You have no chance!"

The sniper rifle flew from behind Lu Hao and instantly pulled the trigger.

A bullet pierced the sky, and with the blessing of the soul's power, it suddenly surged, forming a huge storm with a diameter of ten meters, and pursued Dugu Sword Master.

(End of this chapter)

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