Chapter 670 Free People
Nani?Why did the beauty escape under the covers?

"Yan Xi, you...why are you in my bed? I don't need you to serve me."

Lu Hao was a little angry.

"My slave is ordered to serve the emperor tonight. Please don't dislike my slave."

Yan Xi slowly poked her head out.

It was obvious that she was hiding under the covers and must be naked at this time, or perhaps only wearing some underwear.

"Yan Xi, you are not goods or things. You are a living person. How can you do this to yourself? I just told the Master that I don't need you to serve me tonight, so you should get up."

Lu Hao spoke righteously and said loudly.

"Your Majesty, are you like a servant like Pu Liu? Your Majesty looks down on you?"

Yan Xi asked with a grimace.

"Silly girl, how can I look down on you? No, these are two different things. Now listen to me and hurry up. I will tell you slowly."

Lu Hao felt that he should talk to her about human emotions.

Yan Xi's situation is completely different from Qiu Ju's. She is an independent individual with a free body, and she is not Liu Rufeng's personal maid.

In fact, if she was really Liu Rufeng's personal maid, Lu Hao thought it would be acceptable to ask the personal maid to help when she couldn't bear it on the bed. However, Yan Xi's situation was completely different.

Although she used to be a spy sent by Liu Mu, after joining Lu Hao, Lu Hao always regarded her as a free person with independent personality.

Liu Rufeng also lacked consideration. How could Yan Xi come to serve him?
Yan Xi put on her clothes at Lu Hao's urging, with an aggrieved look on her face, feeling that she had been greatly humiliated.

After all, he took the initiative to take off his clothes and go to bed to serve the emperor, but he justly rejected him.

"Yan Xi, since you surrendered to me, I have never felt that you are inferior to others. You are an independent person with a free body. In the past, it was to protect you that I let you stay with the Imperial Master so that she could protect you. .”

"Now that Liu Mu has surrendered to the empire, your threat has been removed. You can pursue your own life. You can leave Hengyang City and go to many places. You can find someone you like and have a vigorous love affair..."

Lu Hao began to explain earnestly.

Yan Xi was deeply moved when she learned about the emperor's painstaking efforts. She no longer felt the grievance she felt before, but was extremely grateful to Lu Hao.

"Your Majesty, love is just a luxury wish for spies like us."

Yan Xi looked gloomy.

"Look, you're here again, why can't you abandon your previous identity? You are a free person now, and you are no longer a spy? You are just an ordinary woman, a woman who needs people to feel sorry for you!"

Lu Hao laughed happily.

"Your Majesty, you are the only one who treats us as human beings. I am so touched!"

Yan Xi was so moved that she wanted to cry.

"Go ahead, I'm going to draw some drawings."

Lu Hao waved her hand to indicate that she could leave.

Judging from the current situation in Hengyang City, if the cannon is improved into a cannon, it will be more powerful in the future and the attack distance will be longer.

Therefore, Lu Hao planned to make the drawings first and let them study them later. After all, he didn't have that much time.

As for assault rifles and submachine guns, they will soon be put into actual combat after live ammunition testing. The guns should be sufficient for use.

After the steam engine, the gasoline engine and diesel engine, once successfully trial-produced, will provide the empire with powerful power, enough to support the empire's struggle for hegemony over the entire continent.

However, there is a difference between a large diesel engine and a small diesel engine, and it will definitely take a long time.

However, the navy's ironclad ships cannot be built in a day or two. Judging from the time, it should be able to keep up.

Lu Hao hopes to use the products of the industrial age to reduce the dimensionality of other empires, so that the unification of the continent can be truly completed.

Of course, it would be even more perfect if it could generate electricity and lead mankind into the electrical age.

Unfortunately, modern industry also requires the development of the metal and semiconductor industries, which cannot be accomplished by him alone.

When the two large industrial bases in the south are established, various metals will be smelted there, and then alloys will be smelted, which will greatly improve the entire steel industry.The production of cement and rubber is already on track, but rubber is limited by the number of rubber trees along the coast.

Although large-scale planting has been ordered, a rubber tree does not grow up in a day or two.

The production of cement is not a big problem, but the pollution problem may not be solved in an instant.

With the economic development in all aspects of the empire, more money is needed. As an emperor, you must make money for the empire.

Therefore, Lu Hao planned to go to the south and start mining gold mines as part of the empire's source of funds.


two hours.

Lu Hao not only completed the cannon drawings, but also designed several new pistols and rifles, as well as new grenades.

As a firearms expert, it is basically not difficult to draw several new types of pistols, rifles and grenades based on my memory.

After intense investigation, Liu Rufeng seemed to have caught the little mouse. He was in a good mood and opened the door directly.

"Your Majesty, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Liu Rufeng asked with a smile.

"You haven't slept yet, I can't sleep."

Lu Hao smiled.

"Why don't you want Yan Xi to serve you? That girl is quite beautiful. Are you in bad health?"

Liu Rufeng joked with a smile.

"What? My body is not good? If I hadn't seen you feeling unwell, I would have let you try my strength."

Lu Hao stepped forward and hugged the beautiful Imperial Master, and said with a evil smile.

"Your Majesty, I am not feeling well! Please stop tormenting me."

Liu Rufeng pouted and said coquettishly.

"You know you're not feeling well and you're still working so hard? Don't you know how to rest? I'm going to feel bad for you if you tire your body out like this."

Lu Hao's face was as tender as water.

"Your Majesty, the traitor has been caught. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare come back to see you!"

Liu Rufenghui reports.

"Okay, I know you worked hard, so I have a big surprise for you."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Surprise? What surprise?"

Liu Rufeng became interested.

"I got a few secret books, and they are for cultivating the power of the soul. I hope they can be helpful to you."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Secrets for cultivating soul power? Is it true or false?"

Liu Rufeng asked happily.

"Of course it's true, come on, sit down, relax and close your eyes."

Lu Hao pulled her to sit on the bed and asked her to relax.

Liu Rufeng knew that the secret book must be very precious, but the fact that Lu Hao could share it with her was enough to show how important she was in Lu Hao's heart.

Lu Hao stretched out his finger and pointed on the beauty's eyebrows. A powerful soul force penetrated into the beauty's brain, and countless information entered her memory like a trickle.

(End of this chapter)

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