Chapter 667 Enduring prosperity
The development of science and technology will directly affect the progress of the empire. If we want to truly enter the industrial age, Lu Hao alone will definitely not be enough.

However, Hengyang City's technology is advancing rapidly under the guidance of Lu Hao. It is conceivable that the next technological explosion will be enough to greatly enhance the entire national power of the Chinese Empire.

There weren't many adults in Hengyang City gathering together. Many of them were the ones Lu Hao had met with when he came two months ago, and they were usually working on their own projects.

"Your Majesty, Weichen has produced assault rifles and submachine guns. After the actual shooting a few days ago, there are still many problems, such as easy jamming, the recoil is still very large, and there are also problems with the accuracy of continuous shooting."

Mulianqi reported loudly.

As a guy who studies firearms, he has already fully entered the state. It took him more than three months to complete the prototype of the submachine gun, which is pretty good.

The shooting principle of this kind of submachine gun is similar to that of a rifle. However, after the bullet jumps out of the shell, there is a continuous impact mechanism to keep the submachine gun in a continuous firing state.

"Mulianqi, you have done a good job. As for your several problems, I will help you solve them one by one. The jamming problem is mainly the insufficient rebound force of the spring and the insufficient suction volume of the piston chamber, which leads to the airway failure. Smooth..."

Lu Hao immediately gave a sufficiently professional opinion.

"Your Majesty, I understand now and will make improvements immediately."

Mulianqi was so surprised that he ran away.

"This boy just has a bad temper. Your Majesty, don't blame him."

Liu Rufeng said with a grimace.

"Okay, I don't care about these little details."

Lu Hao smiled calmly.

"Your Majesty, the cannon's current range can reach two kilometers, and mass production has begun. It can be equipped on armored ships in the future..."

Gu Chongjiang stood up and reported loudly.

"This kind of cannon is too large. It will be transported to Qiongzhou Port through the Grand Canal in the future, but it will take some trouble to get from here to the imperial capital..."

"Each ironclad ship is equipped with 25 cannons. Let's do this. We will temporarily produce [-] cannons to equip [-] warships. If it is not enough, we will increase it when the time comes."

Lu Hao explained.

This kind of cannon is too old-fashioned and its combat capability is not very strong. It can only be regarded as making do. However, if you want to produce cannons and howitzers, the current technology needs to go further.

Lu Hao decided to draw the drawings first and let Gu Chongjiang study it on his own, but it took a little longer.

"Follow the emperor's will!"

Gu Chongjiang responded loudly and retreated.

"Your Majesty, the technology of steam engines has matured, and great progress has been made in the development of gasoline and diesel engines. Prototypes are being manufactured and we hope to complete them within two months."

Meng Ping went forward to report.

Gasoline engines and diesel engines are internal combustion engines. The principle is still to use the piston to push the connecting rod to do work. Although Lu Hao gave the drawings, it is already very good to be able to build a prototype so quickly.

In fact, this is mainly because Master Peng has been helping Meng Ping, and he has accumulated rich experience in steam engine research for so long.

"So fast?" Lu Hao asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, Master Peng has been helping me, otherwise, it would not have been so fast."

Meng Ping was not greedy for merit and told the truth.

"Hehehe... Master Peng, thank you for your hard work!"

Lu Hao also looked at Master Peng.

"Your Majesty, it is the ultimate mission of every craftsman to be able to create a new machine. Wei Chen just did his part."

Master Peng behaved very modestly.

"Meng Ping, Master Peng, after the prototypes of gasoline and diesel engines are manufactured, they need to be tested. All parameters must be recorded so that problems can be found."

Lu Hao explained with a smile.

"I will obey the emperor's will." The two men responded immediately.

Next, Huang Zheng reported on the situation of cement production, and had already contacted Master Dong, the Minister of Industry, to build cement plants across the empire.

Hengyang City's cement production has reached a new level, and the streets across the empire have begun to harden. From now on, the ground in each city will be completely different.

Yao Hua is in charge of rubber production and sales, which is a big money-making project and has a strong monopoly.

In order to maintain the cement road, the carriage must use tires, and the horses' hooves must be equipped with soft rubber pads as a buffer.

Therefore, with the extension of the imperial cement road, tire products are a long-lasting business.

The tire business is even more popular than the match business, and it has penetrated into other parts of the mainland. Even people from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu came to Hengyang City to buy tires.

After all, most of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu were on mountain trails, so this type of tire was more needed for shock absorption, and the wear and tear was not as severe as that of wood or iron.

Speaking of the match business, Tianyin Pavilion now has a monopoly on this business and only gives Lu Hao a portion of the profits, but it is enough for Tianyin Pavilion to make a lot of money.

With the promotion and use of matches, many people who go out will basically prepare a few boxes, and they have been sold all over the mainland. Even the Wei Empire across the South China Sea has sent people to buy some to take back.

After listening to everyone's reports, Lu Hao was very satisfied and arranged for Liu Rufeng to hold a banquet. He would entertain everyone personally and give each adult a series of awards.

After this wave of operations, officials at all levels in Hengyang City felt as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood and were full of energy.


The night wind is cool.

It's almost September. After autumn, the weather is no longer so hot.

On the open-air balcony of the City Lord's Mansion, Lu Hao was leaning on a chair, enjoying the breeze of nature and tasting the fragrant tea.

"Yan Xi pays homage to the emperor."

The beauty came slowly.

She was arranged by Liu Mu to be a spy, but after being caught by Lu Hao, she had no choice but to submit to the empire.

Liu Mu once sent someone to assassinate her. Fortunately, Lu Hao noticed and smashed the enemy's assassination plot and finally saved her.

Now that even Liu Mu has surrendered to the empire, naturally no one cares about her anymore.

"Yan Xi, are you okay here?"

Lu Hao asked casually.

"Your Majesty, Yan Xi is doing well here. Now he is working with the Imperial Master and has found the value of life. Finally, his life is worth living."

Yan Xi replied with a smile.

"What did the Imperial Master ask you to do?"

Lu Hao couldn't help but ask.

"The Imperial Preceptor is very busy. I follow her and do everything. Mostly I serve as a herald. Everyone respects me."

It is normal for Yan Xi to be respected by others. After all, she is regarded as the personal secret of the national master, and her status is aloof.

"Yes, everyone wants to be respected and understood, but how many people can we really rely on?"

Lu Hao couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Master has something to do, so I will ask my servant to serve you."

After Yan Xi finished speaking, her pretty face turned red.

"Serve? That's not necessary. I can take care of myself. You can go and rest."

Lu Hao immediately refused.

(End of this chapter)

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