Chapter 652 Love Story
"Silly girl, you are so beautiful and kind. You endure humiliation for the sake of your tribe, and in order to save more lives on the prairie, you deal with me, lobbying, and persuading everyone to cherish their lives..."

"I have seen everything you have done, and I have kept it in my heart. You are such an outstanding girl, and I hope you can find someone who loves you and cares for you, someone who is worthy of embracing and staying together for the rest of your life!" "

Lu Hao's voice was deep and powerful, but full of pity.


Gongsun Meng burst into tears.

"Okay, don't cry. If you cry like a big cat, it won't look good."

Lu Hao said, retracted his hand, pulled the quilt and covered her with it.

"I'm not a tabby cat."

Gongsun Mengjiao said angrily, her tears turned into laughter.

"Alright, I've asked General Situ to brew the Millennium Ginseng. You can drink the soup later to make sure your energy is fully restored."

Lu Hao stood up with a smile and wanted to leave.

Suddenly, Gongsun Meng reached out and grabbed Lu Hao's hand.

"What's wrong?" Lu Hao had to turn around and squat down before the collapse.

"Your Majesty, close your eyes!"

Gongsun Meng said.

"What are you doing with your eyes closed? Do you have something good for me?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Close your eyes and I'll take it out."

Gongsun Meng insisted.

"Okay, I close my eyes."

Lu Hao had no choice but to close his eyes.

At this moment, he felt a soft lip on his mouth, and his mind suddenly exploded.

It was soft and raw, active and passionate, and the playful tip of his tongue slid in, making Lu Hao tremble all over.

It was completely subconscious and a very natural reaction. Lu Hao actually took the initiative to cooperate with her actions.

A long wet kiss!
Gongsun Meng's face turned red with embarrassment, but he was bold and impulsive and raped Lu Hao directly.

When Lu Hao realized that the beauty was gone, he opened his eyes and saw that the beauty had already hidden herself in bed, with her face buried in it.

Lu Hao licked his tongue, as if he still had something to say.

"Mengmeng, is this how you treat me?"

Lu Hao said, pulling back the quilt.

"Your Majesty, you...what are you going to do?"

Gongsun Meng held on to the quilt tightly to prevent Lu Hao from seeing her embarrassment.

"What did you say you were doing? If you raped me, wouldn't you be responsible?"

Lu Hao said angrily.

"Your Majesty, I've already sacrificed my life, what else do you want from me?"

Gongsun Meng pressed tightly against the quilt and refused to come out.

"I gave it to Hatsumi, and now I give it to Hatsune and Yo!"

Lu Hao deliberately scared her.

"Your Majesty, please wait until I feel better."

Gongsun Meng was so ashamed that he felt ashamed.

Fortunately, at this time, Situ Tianyin's voice came from outside.

"Your Majesty, the ginseng soup is ready."

"Bring it in when it's ready."

Lu Hao replied.

Situ Tianyin came in with ginseng soup and glanced at Gongsun Meng on the bed.

I saw that the beauty's face was rosy and her energy seemed to have recovered, so she quickly brought the ginseng soup over.

However, she handed it to Lu Hao's hand.

Lu Hao's face was calm now. After taking it, he said, "I'll feed her. You go down."

"Yes." Situ Tianyin responded and retreated.

"Your Majesty, I'll drink it myself."

Gongsun Meng pursed his lips, feeling shy.

"No! You are a patient and I want to feed you."

Lu Hao gently scooped up a spoonful of soup and handed it to her mouth.

"What are you looking at me for? Open your mouth!"

Lu Hao ordered.

Gongsun Meng had no choice but to open her mouth, and the ginseng soup went into her mouth, like a candied fruit, sweetening her heart. "You can drink it yourself!"

Gongsun Meng said again.

"Just say it, I've never fed a person like this, are you still not happy?"

Lu Hao pretended to be angry.

"without me……"

Before Gongsun Meng finished speaking, Lu Hao interrupted her.

"What am I, be good and open your mouth!"

Gongsun Meng blushed with embarrassment and continued to take a sip.

"You! You are so courageous! You raped the emperor of the Chinese Empire and now you want to escape. There is no chance anymore."

"I know that you are brave and kind, I know that you endure humiliation and take responsibility, I know that you have deep love for me, and I know that you are in love with me, but you can't kill me by force!"

"If this matter spreads out, where will my reputation go? Do you think so?"

Lu Hao was feeding and scolding the beauty.

Gongsun Meng was extremely shy, her pretty face turned red, but she was amused by his words.

However, being able to gain the favor of the emperor and feed her soup in person was an honor that no other woman had ever enjoyed, and it was enough for her to be embarrassed.

It sounded many years later, and that was also the starting point of a love story.

After feeding the ginseng soup, Lu Hao looked at the cute little princess and asked with a smile: "How do you feel now?"

"Your Majesty, I feel better physically and mentally."

Gongsun Meng's face turned red and he responded loudly.

Suddenly, Lu Hao hugged her, held her face, and kissed her.


Gongsun Meng struggled.

Unfortunately, she was too weak and could only passively cater to Lu Hao's demands.

This time, Lu Hao tried his best and almost killed the girl.

The most important thing is that he put his hand into the clothes and felt the plump and straight peaks as well as the two protruding beans.

Gongsun Meng resisted Lu Hao's attack and prevented him from succeeding, and finally allowed him to get his wish.

Lu Hao felt the amazing elasticity, soft skin, and the bumpy expansion, and he felt much happier.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied now?"

Lu Hao felt like he still had something to say.

At this time, Gongsun Meng was lying in his arms, as limp as a shrimp with soft legs, unable to resist at all.

"Your Majesty, you really can't suffer any loss, people..."

Gongsun Meng was so ashamed that she got into his arms.

Lu Hao hugged her quietly, smelling the faint body fragrance on her body, and his mood seemed to be much better.

"Okay, have a good sleep. I'll come see you later."

Lu Hao wanted to get up and leave.

However, Gongsun Meng hugged him and didn't let go, seeming a little reluctant to let go.

"What's wrong? Still want it?"

Lu Hao said with a evil smile.

"Your Majesty, you... you have to tell others about our relationship, okay?"

Gongsun Meng begged.

"I know you are doing it for my own good, so I promise you not to talk about this matter for the time being, okay?"

Lu Hao comforted softly.


Gongsun Meng hummed and reluctantly let him go.

"Be good! Close your eyes and have a good sleep."

Lu Hao pushed her down, pulled the quilt over her, and kissed her forehead before going out.

"Your Majesty, how is Lord Gongsun?"

Wu Ling asked.

"I have cured her and let her have a good sleep. Don't disturb her."

Lu Hao explained.

He looked at Wu Ling who didn't look very good, and Brick looked at Situ Tianyin who was coming.

"General Situ, didn't I give you a lot of thousand-year-old ginseng?"

Lu Hao asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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